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You had became a ghost to everyone in the school. No one talks to you, looks at you, nothing. Not even the seven boys that everyone falls for. You wish life would change and people would notice you, but nothing ever goes your way.

Life works in mysterious ways,

Maybe your luck could change,

You never know the outcome,

But what would happen if something unexpected cross your path,

What you do in that situation,

Would you change your future,

The cards are delt and now you hold them,

Play the rigth ones to see the outcome.

Make the wrong move, and your life will stay in the dark


This is one of my first fanfics ever. So i just wanted to start out with this and see what people think of. I'm not the best writer but i just wanted to see if i had improved.

 If it get great reviews then i will contiue writing more. I was thinking of making it rated m and make a few chapters for it, but it only depends on how many reviews i get. Wish me luck and i hope you all like it. :)

(PS: As these chapters start to come out i might start to edit them as I type more, just to give more details.)


Also do not copy my idea. I came up with this myself and I own the rights to it. Do not take my ideas. 


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Get Well soon
Nice story :D
lilmisssherwin16 #2
Chapter 3: Get well soon
EXO_20 #3
Chapter 2: Authornim ... Please update .. *pout*
Jin2000 #4
Chapter 2: Hey can u update ur story is so cool please can u update again
RentasticNuest #5
Chapter 2: Oh my god! I love this story so much <3 you're a great writer :D
Chapter 3: Get well soon author-nim. I'll be waiting for ur update. And good luck for ur test ~! ^^★
Chapter 1: I love this book already
1430eveline #8
Chapter 3: Get well authornim, fighting!!!
Chapter 3: Get well soon ^_^ I have an illness, too :'(
EXO_20 #10
Chapter 3: Update .. Please unnie :'))