
My Secret Idol Life (hiatus for a while)

it's not just window shopping

"Jewel, you friend's here!"

I heard my mom shout from downstairs. I groaned a bit while tucking my white t-shirt into my jeans. through the window, I could see that Erica's car (well, it was a van, actually) has arrived and was parked outside my house's gate. I swiped my sling bag from my desk before running off downstairs.

"mom, dad, I'm going now!" I said to my parents (who were doing who-knows-what back in the kitchen) as I proceeded to run out the door.

"you'll be home by dinner time, right?" my mom asked, confirming my arrival time. I nodded as an answer before walking out and closing the door behind me.

outside, I saw Erica poking her head through the front gate. she was wearing a light blue t-shirt and some shorts.

"morning!" she greeted cheerfully. I took out my keys from my bag before saying

"move out, I'm opening the gate"

Erica did as she was told. I opened the gate, stepped out, and locked it again.

"sooo..." she started "where should we go window-shopping today?"

duuude, the girl was beaming so much I though there were actual lights coming out from her.

I shrugged. to be honest, I was still a bit sleepy. heh.

"unf, you choose. I'm lazyyy!" I whined. Erica smiled.

"fine then. your lost" she said, sticking out her tongue at me. the two of us laughed before getting inside the van.


"aaahh, there's nothing like the sight of cute clothes"

I shook my head. really, Erica can be such a dramatic and childish girl sometimes, but just for today, I'll agree with her.

"is that Strawberry's?" I squeaked. my eyes widened as much as they could get "and they're having their winter collection out like... right now?! omegosh I HAVE to check it out! Er!"

well, Strawberry's was my favorite clothing store in the whole world (hey what? don't blame me if they only have the absolute cutest lines EVER!), so stop looking at me like that for squeaking in glee at the sight of those oh-so-cute coat over there on the mannequin.

"ooh, that IS cute!" Erica commented after I pointed the coat to her.

"I know, right!" I beamed. you know, if this was a manga, my eyes would turn into those freakishly big and sparkly anime eyes by now. "let's go let's go let's go!!" overexcited. I know.

well, it doesn't look like this so-call 'window shopping' is any window shopping anymore. because, well... I've got a really cute coat inside a bag now in my hands. hahaha! and not only that, I also practically FORCED Erica to take a look around the shop for a while before she dragged me out, saying she'd come back another time because she didn't exactly bring a lot of money with her. because well... she only planned to window-shop.

but as we got out from the shop, I noticed a long line of people in a distance, obediently (and freaking patiently) lining up for something.

"Er," I said as I nudged Erica's arm "what do you think those people are lining for? a huge sale of 90% off for Gucci?" (okay that was random)

"if that's true, I definitely WOULDN'T want to miss it." she answered.

we stayed quiet for a while before realizing that we were thinking of the same thing.

"race you there!"

"I like the way you think, sister!"

and off we go.

hey sorry for turning into overexcited 5 year olds, but hey, this is a 90% sale on Gucci we're talking about!

only it wasn't.

it wasn't a sale AT ALL. in fact, it was something REALLY far different from that.

"SM Global Audition?" I read, while blinking a few times to make sure I didn't read wrong.

I didn't. it's really SM's Global Audition. right her, right now.

I gulped. oh, how much I want to enter!!! psh, only if! my parents would go nuts if they find out I'm going in there. well, not if I can cover it up from them...

wait, did I say I was going in?

"what? do you want to go in?" Erica's question broke all my thoughts up. I quickly turned to her. well, maybe a bit TOO quickly...

"h-huh? n-no, of course not! why would you think I would want to go? it's not like being an idol was my lifetime dream or anything..." I fake laughed.

deep inside, I PRAYED that it would look natural. but then, seeing the way Erica snorted? it didn't seem like it.

damnit, must've said my thoughts out loud...

Erica sighed "you know, it should be nice to see you do something you want for once, and not what your parents want. besides, it wouldn't hurt just to try out the audition. it's not like you'd pass or anything, right?" she said before finishing off with a chuckle.

haha, right. she has a point there. even if I try I wouldn't pass or anythi-...

wait what?

I gave Erica a pouty look, trying to send her the message of "it is not nice to MOCK PEOPLE! (especially me)" right to that brain of hers.

well she DID mock me by saying that 'it's not like I'd pass or anything', right?

"right, Jewel? Joo?" Erica waved her hand in front of my face. crap, my darned little mind must've wandered off everywhere again.

"huh? oh, yeah..."

Erica gave me a look "so?"

I tilted my head to the side, confused " 'so' what?"

"aren't you going in? if you are, I'll go sign you up"

my eyes widened.  "wait, what?! no!" I said, holding Erica's arms so she wouldn't go anywhere I didn't approve of. but she easily shook it off.

"you have until dinner to accompany me!" she reasoned "and I'm NOT going to any window-shopping with that 'I-want-to-buy-every-new-clothing-line-available' of yours"

I pouted. "hey! what was that all about?"

"if you're afraid of going by yourself, I'll go with you. but don't go hiding your face when I mess up"

yep, there's no stopping this girl now. once she wants something, you can't defy her orders.

"come on, Joo, if you're not doing it for yourself, do it for me, pwease? pweaaseee?"

there you go, I lost it.

"ugh, why can't I reject that?" I groaned, making a wide smile grow on Erica's lips.

"yay! that's my girl!"


author's note

this definitely need some fixing, but okay... lol
the audition would be on the next chapter

credits - contradictori


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sorry everyone, I think I would have to put this story to a while's hiatus bcus I'm stil focusing on my fic for a contest. sorry.


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