Like A Star

Like A Star

The clouds scatter across the sky as you walk down the side walk to your dance hall. Practice was in five minutes and you still had ten minutes left to walk there if you didn't hurry up. You pick up your pace and pull your hood on in case it decided to rain. Your heart races as you think of your performance this weekend. You've been practicing everyday for the past month for this performance. It's your comeback and you're nervous about how your dancing and singing is going to go. The rest of your group seems fine. The teaser became a hit and a lot of people are supporting you through this. Rain begins to fall as you enter the dance hall. You know you're going to get yelled at by your leader.

"__, you're late again!" says your leader. "What happened this time? You know our performance is this weekend and we are to practice with SPEED today. We don't want to keep them waiting any longer. You have two minutes to get ready. We're in Hall Two for practice." You walk to the locker rooms and put your stuff away before hurrying to the designated area for practice.

You enter the hall to see the rest of your members conversing with the members of SPEED. You quickly go to your leader and feel your cheeks go hot. She was talking to the acrobat of SPEED, Yoohwan. "There you are, __!" your leader exclaims as you stand beside her. "I was just talking to Yoohwan-Oppa here about the dance. I explained to him that you are one of our better dancers. He wants to make a change to the routine and I suggested that you talk to him about it. I'll go converse with the other members." Your cheeks became hotter as your leader left you alone with Yoohwan.

"Hey, I'm Yoohwan, but you can call me y Kim if you want." Yoohwan said giving a sly smile with a wink. You try to suppress a smile, but you fail.

"y Kim, huh? You sure do think highly of yourself haha. I'm __." You smile looking him in the eye. His eyes sparkled allowing you to get lost in them. You shake your head. "So what did you want change?" You're curious about what you'll have to work on now.

"I've gotten permission to go to a different hall with you if that's okay with you. I want to add a cool effect to the dance routine, but it's going to take some time for us to get. I've talked to my leader and your leader about it already. We're going to be practicing with you guys again tomorrow so it's okay for us to work on the new move tonight." He says looking straight at you. Your heart begins to race at the thought of being with him alone.

"Um, sure. That's okay with me. I'm curious about this cool effect. I'm guessing it involves flips or something in that area." You say as you two walk out of the hall.

The two of you walk to the other side of the building to a hall with some padding. "This must be where you and the rest of your members practice since you guys always do a lot of back flips and stuff." You say entering the hall. You hear Yoohwan close the door and walk over to you.

"Well, we don't always do that kind of stuff. It was for Don't Tease Me which is a part of our new album. So our groups decided that in between performances at our collaborated concert that we should do a performance together. They've already picked out the song and they want it a little sensual." He lowered his head in embarrassment. Your cheeks turn bright red again and your heart feels like it's going to fly out of your chest.

"Okay. It's fine. It shouldn't be a problem for you since you call yourself 'y Kim'", you wink at him as you let out a cute laugh. His eyes light up and he smiles at you.

"Well I do call myself that for a reason." He moves his hands to indicate his looks. You both laugh and he gets closer to you. "You sure do like to blush."

You look down and move your hair in front of your face to cover your red cheeks. Your mind is racing with all kind of thoughts. You've always admired Yoohwan from a distance and even developed a small crush on him. You guys have always performed after each other, but never got the chance to talk to him and finally you get to dance close to him causing you to feel even more nervous.

Music begins to play and Yoohwan places his hands on your waist from behind guiding your hips to the beat of the song. You slowly his cheek as he places his head on your shoulder. "You are beautiful. Just like a rose in forever bloom," he whispers into your ear. You smile and allow a small laugh escape your lips. The music stopped, but the beat remained as the two of you swayed in time to the music that enveloped around you from the silence.

You come back to reality and sigh as he takes his hands off your waist. "What song are we doing and why do we need padding?"

"Well this is the SPEED dance hall so that's why there is padding and since this hall was going to be empty, the other members thought this would be the perfect place for us to practice. The song is called Like A Star by K. Will from the Korean drama, You Who Came From A Star." Yoohwan walked toward the stereo about to press play.

You let out a small squeal of delight. "I love that drama! And the song is one of my favorite ballads. I know we can slow dance to it, but how would that do for the performance?" Yoohwan looks at you from the stereo and smiles while walking towards you. You've become more comfortable with him.

He grabs your hand and pulls you close to him. This time you're facing him and his eyes melts your heart as you fall under his spell. "You just have to feel the music and trust me," he whispers as he guides you across the dance floor. The two of your bodies become one as the music takes hold. You feel like your dancing in the stars especially when looking into his eyes. The music stops leaving both you and Yoohwan breathing hard and staring into each others eyes. "Why didn't I meet you sooner?" He kisses your cheek softly before lingering in front of your lips.

"I don't know, but I'm glad to have met you now." You make a bold move and push your lips gently against his. He responds to you and pulls you close. His cologne overwhelms you and you gladly accept it as the two of you grow deeper into the kiss. He finally comes up after the passionate kiss and lays his forehead against yours. His thumbs traces your bottom lip and a smile forms from his touch.

You pull away slowly, grasping his hand. You head towards the stereo to press play again. "We need to practice some more," you say giving him a wink. Yoohwan smiles sweetly and places his arm around your waist pulling you close to him again.

"We can practice all you want, but do you realize that our members set us up? We really aren't performing this." He confesses as he plays with your hair.

You give a smile and your heart flutters. "Is this your way of asking me out?" You ask while putting your arms around his neck.

"Did it work?"Yoohwan asks giving a small peck on your lips. You nod as you nuzzle your head onto his shoulder. He looks down and smiles. "I'm glad for you are my beautiful rose that is like a star."




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Chapter 1: I love this story! It's so adorable ^^ I feel like I'm the main character in the story. If you have time, you should make another chapter!