
He's a liar

You checked the mirror for the one thousandth time that evening.

"Do I really look alright?" You fretted as you smoothed an invisible crease on your blouse.

"I must look perfect for oppa...." At the thought of him, you smiled to yourself, hiding your giggle with one hand.

The other ladies in the washroom looked at you strangely, but you didn't bother to conceal your excitement.

Today was the first date you had with Zelo since forever. He always seemed so busy lately, and sometimes even forgot to reply your messages. But you forgave him anyway, because well.... He's your oppa, the one you're head over heels in love with.

To you, he was like the sun, and in your eyes, he could do no wrong. "He's perfect!" You murmured to yourself.

Glancing around, you noticed the other ladies were whispering and pointing at you, so you cleared your throat loudly and strode out of the washroom with as much dignity as you could muster. 

Zelo was waiting for you at your table, and you hurried over, a smile already forming on your face. "Hi oppa! Sorry to keep you waiting!" You beamed at him, but he just looked up at you and said hi, then returned his attention to his phone.

You frowned, a little puzzled, as he would usually be really enthusiastic to see you, especially after having been on tour for the past two months. But you dismissed it as him probably being tired after a long day of practice.

Throghout the meal, you were the one talking and he was the one half heartedly listening to you, constantly glancing at his phone. You bit your lip, wanting to tell him off about his blatant rudeness, but you controlled yourself, reminding yourself that he was most likely just tired and in no mood for talking.

But by the end of the meal, your patience was almost completely gone. You tried one last time to involve him in the conversation, but when he just said "mmmm" and continued texting away, you lost it.

"Oppa, I don't know if you're really that busy or that disinterested, but I would have thought you would at least make the effort to have a conversation with me. We hardly ever see each other, and when we do, it's this insignificant to you?" You hissed, trying hard to keep your voice low, but even so, the couple at the neighboring table glanced over.

"Sorry, what did you say? I didn't catch that." He looked up, as if he had only just realized your existence. 

"You know what? Forget it. We're over." You grabbed your bag and stormed out of the restaurant, your blood boiling with anger. 

Outside, you kicked a random unsuspecting trash can and shouted, "Who the hell does he think he is! Wasting my time and my efforts to look pretty!" After giving the poor trash can a few more kicks, you sat down on a nearby bench and tried to calm yourself down. Slowly, your anger cooled, and you began to regret what you said. "I shouldn't have said we were over just like that...." You murmured to yourself, feeling really guilty. Finally, you decided to swallow your pride and go back to apologize.

As you walked back to the restaurant, you spotted a familiar tall figure. Looking closely, you realized with a shock that it was Zelo. And he had a girl clinging to his arm, giggling in a high pitched voice and wearing a body hugging black dress. You gasped, speechless. You just stopped in the middle of the pavement, your eyes opened wide in complete shock. The first thing you thought was "but oppa told me that he didn't like girls to wear y clothes", then you realized how ridiculous that was, and the truth of the matter suddenly hit like an oncoming train.

They were gradually walking further away, still oblivious to your presence behind them, but you could still hear Zelo saying, "she's such a joke, saying that we're over. As if we were even together to begin with!" And then he and that witch cackled together as if it was the funniest thing they had ever heard.

You clutched at your chest, trying desperately to breathe, but it was as if the wind had abruptly been knocked out of you. Tears blurred your vision, but it was not enough to block out the disappearing figures of him with his arm around her waist,  as if he had completely forgotten about you. 

Your legs gave way, and you ended up squatting in the middle of the street in your white midi dress that you had spent hours choosing just for today. Sobbing, you covered your face with your arms, but you could still hear his voice echoing in your head. "Such a joke... We were never together....." Your heart literally felt like it was about to burst with the sheer pain of it all. Around you, the passers-by seemed oblivious to your breakdown, and muttered about "that weird girl in the middle of the street". "So inconsiderate; blocking the pathway!" One person said loudly. That shook you out of your personal hell, and you looked up, murmuring an apology and trying to find a bench somewhere while wiping your tears away, 

After a good, long cry, your storage of tears had been used up and you just sat there, staring blankly at the now empty street. Your mind replayed happy memories between the two of you, but now you realized they were all lies. "He never loved me," you whispered. "I thought we were happy, but it was just me." You realized now how foolish you had been. He had merely been playing with your young and naive heart, taking advantage of how much you loved him. 

You shivered in the cold night air, your sleeveless dress not being of much use. You spent the next few hours having an internal debate, about why he would do something so heartless to you. But finally, after having spent almost the entire night on that bench, you came to a conclusion: he didn't deserve you. What a jerk like him deserved was someone who didn't truly love him, but only saw him as a toy, as a form of amusement, because that was how he treated you. 

The world is so huge, and there are so many other better people out there who deserved your love more than he did. With that realization in mind, you stood up and stretched, the began to walk home just as the sun was beginning to rise.

A new day, a new start, a new you. 



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Kpop_is_energy #1
Omg that made me cry that was sad