We're Inseperable

You and I - Minwoo's New Drama!



No Minwoo as Chae Jae Sun

Lee Ji-eun as Choi Hye Su

Cho Seh Lyung as Lee Jin Ae

Lee Jeong Min as Park Jung In


                “Jason-ah.” Hye Su said sadly, holding his hand. They were in the hospital, and Hye Su was sitting in the chair by the hospital bed, holding Jae Sun’s hand. He looked like he was sleeping soundly, if not the bare white room and cord stuck in his arm.

                The doctor cut in, holding a wooden clip board in his free hand. “Do you have the contact information to Chae Jae Sun’s guardians?” he asked Hye Su.

                “Uhm.” was dry, as she had not even met Jae Sun’s parents before.

                “I do,” Jin Ae cut in from the sidelines, pulling out her phone. “I called them earlier, they’re on their way. Would you like to know his blood type, address, anything?”

                “Actually, yes.” The doctor was bewildered at the mature and responsible girl, originally thinking Hye Su was Jae Sun’s girlfriend and the closest to him. “Would you like to be pulled into the other room?”

                “Whatever’s comfortable.” She shrugged, following the doctor out. After sitting in a comfortable chair, she silently filled out a bit of the forms that they needed to the best of her ability, and left a few blank for Jae Sun’s parents to fill out later.

                “What has Jae Sun been eating recently?” The Doctor asked his first question, and folded his hands atop his workspace.

                “The only thing I saw him intake this evening was water, despite there being a lot of food at the showcase.” She replied maturely, wanting the doctor to just say what’s wrong.

                “And how active is he?”

                “He’s a dancer. So I assume he’s exercising a lot. Probably double since the showcase performance.”

                “Well, it seems like he hasn’t been eating recently, and became extremely fatigued up to his performance.” Jin Ae bit her lip at the news. “Do you have any idea why?”

                She sighed. Wasn’t he doing fine with Hye Su? Weren’t they all happy-dolly together? “To be honest, I don’t know. Maybe the parents, I can’t read anything from him.”

                The doctor forced a smile, and stacked his papers together. “He’ll be all right. You’re doing a fine job handling the situation. Take good care of him, okay?”

                “Yes, sir.” She bowed, and exited the room to go back into Jae Sun’s.

                Jung In was glaring holes into Hye Su’s back until she got there. “Jin Ah!”

                She smiled at him, and looked back to Hye Su. “Hye Su, was Jae Sun-sunbae alright before the showcase?”

                “What are you talking about? Of course!” she lied. Hye Su didn’t want them to know that he’s been rejecting her from shot to shot, and overdoing himself.

                “He’s not.” Jung In stepped in the conversation. “He’s been feeling like , and you know it, Choi Hye Su.” The girl gasped. “Are you proud of yourself now? You break Jin Ae and Jae Sun up for your own selfish desires and you just make everything worse for Jae Sun. He’s in a hospital now! Aren’t you supposed to be happy for the one you love no matter what!?”

                “Jung In-ah!” Jin Ae hissed lowly, watching Jae Sun carefully. “There are patients in the other rooms, and here especially Jae Sun. Please be quiet.”

                Tears brimmed Hye Su’s eyes. “I hate you both.” She declared, even though it didn’t seem like much of a secret.  And she stormed out of the room, looking like she wanted to kill.

                Jin Ae sighed, and took Hye Su’s place on the chair next to Jae Sun. “Wake up.”


                Seh Lyung watched as IU and Minwoo talked in a corner, while she was stuck with the makeup artists doing her hair. She wanted as they laughed and smiled. She wasn’t jealous, but she did want to know what they were talking about. He was IU’s younger man. Everyone called him that on the internet since the day they were featured in a music video of K.Will’s.

                “Jeongmin-oppa.” She whined, calling him over, who was only a few steps away from him. “We’re better now, right? About the strictly professional kiss that I troubled?”

                “What kiss?” Jeongmin exaggeratedly put a finger to his chin in thought. “I remember nothing.”

                “That’s good. Ahh, we’re filming the last episode already, and it seemed like yesterday. What will you guys be doing after this?” Seh Lyung asked. “Mini-album?”

                He nodded. “Yep.”

                “Then I guess we won’t be seeing each other much after this.”

                He pinched her cheek lightly. “Don’t miss me too much, Princess. We’ll be sneaking in your house every now and then.”

                “And I get no warning?” she frowned, it was her house.


                “Let’s have a set of tennis before anything?” She offered jokingly.

                “NO WAY.” Jeongmin immediately said with his arms forming an X, backing away. He watched to where Seh Lyung’s eyes were diverting to now and then in-between their conversation. He smirked a bit, watching her glazed eyes at Minwoo and IU. “Is the Princess jealous?”

                “Not really.” She said plainly. “Besides, I’d deserve it for kissing another guy.”

                “Well, as far as I remember, we didn’t kiss.” He said again with a wink. “Do you want to get Minwoo’s attention? I could give him a show if you’d like.”

                Once Seh Lyung’s hair was done, she shook her head gently so she wouldn’t ruin it. “Nah, I don’t wanna be selfish.”

                Kwangmin walked forward, adjusting his barista outfit, even though all the café scenes were finished. “Hey, they said I could keep this!” He was even donning a new haircut, shorter and way more mature than his last one, personally Seh Lyung liked it, although the bangs could do a little t.

                “What could you possibly need it for?” Jeongmin asked.

                “Maybe when I work at a coffee house.”

                “You’ve already worked in one. Remember M Pick?”

                “Doesn’t mean I can’t work in one again.” He grinned, going over to Seh Lyung. “How are the two lovebirds?”

                “Seh Lyung’s jealous of IU.” Jeongmin said quickly, right before he was pulled into the dressing rooms for another touch up.

                “Am not!” She exclaimed, a little too loudly after him. She quickly covered and blushed, and IU cocked her head over to their direction, Minwoo following. “Aigo.” She put her head down, dragging Kwangmin away harshly by his arm. And because she was so short he was bending down awkwardly, and kept complaining of back pains.

                They reached an empty hallway in the building and Seh Lyung relinquished her grip. “That was so embarrassing.” She shook her head, covering her face with Minwoo’s jacket. “I can’t look at them now.”

                “They’re definitely going to ask what’s up.” Kwangmin said, rubbing his arm. “What are you going to do?”

                “I don’t know. Help me, ugh.” Seh Lyung slumped to the floor, leaning against the wall. “I never had to deal with things like this before.”

                “This is what you get for dating one of Boyfriend~” he tsked, wagging his finger.

                “Kwangmin-oppa…” she asked softly, making Kwangmin go soft like dough and sat down next to her. “In all honesty, I’m not going to last long with Minwoo-oppa, am I? I already know I got myself in a heap of trouble accepting his feelings, is it worth it?”

                “Are you kidding me?” the dark-haired twin sprang up. “Of course! You like him, don’t you?” Seh Lyung nodded slowly. “Then that’s all that matters! Geez, girls are so dramatic, no offense. C’mon Seh Lyungie, Minwoo knows what he’s doing, celebrity couples are difficult but it’s worth it, trust me.”

                “You sound like you’re talking from experience.” She teased, elbowing him.

                He blushed, turning away. “A-ani! Don’t jump to conclusions so much.”

                “Fine-fine. Okay, I feel slightly better now.” She got up and grabbed Kwangmin’s arm once again, but without dragging like last time. “If we walk really slowly, we can get back on set at the right moment so I don’t have to small talk with Minwoo-oppa and IU-unnie.”


No Minwoo as Chae Jae Sun

Cho Seh Lyung as Lee Jin Ae

Lee Jeong Min as Park Jung In


                “Jungie.” Jin Ae smiled sweetly at him as he entered Jae Sun’s room, still in his pajama top. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

                “Yeah, did you? You stayed in the hospital overnight.” He replied groggily, fighting the urge to yawn. He looked toward Jae Sun, whose eyes were still full of sleep. “And if you’re still tired Jae Sun, you should sleep, you need to regain your energy.”

                “The nurses want to run tests, they won’t let me rest.” The boy replied shortly, watching the nurse next to him poke his IV, which was irritating the hell out of him.

                “There’s breakfast downstairs,” Jin Ae pointed at one of the arrow signs outside. “It looks like you drove straight here.”

                “I did.” Jung In finally yawned. “I’ll go get something. Anybody want anything?”

                “I’m fine, and they said Jae Sun-sunbae has to eat a prepared meal later.” Jin Ae said, waving him out.

                The nurse said that she’ll be coming back with some more papers, leaving Jin Ae and Jae Sun alone.

                “Jin-ah?” Jae Sun asked sadly. “Do you hate me?”

                She faltered, taken aback by the sudden question. She tried to relax, and gave a shaky sigh, more of a shudder. “No.”

                “… Really?” he asked, originally waiting for a heated speech from her.

                She shrugged. “Why should I be, you didn’t like things the way they were.”

                “I should’ve appreciated it more.” He admitted.

                Jin Ae almost swallowed her tongue. “What?”

                “Don’t you think it’s amazing that we still can talk like this without it being awkward?” He asked, gazing dramatically out the window.

                “No.” she said, very levelheadedly.

                “Well I do. It’s some sort of fate that we end up like this. I think we’re pretty much inseparable.”

                She furred her eyebrows together; Jin Ae couldn’t fathom where he had gotten this load of mystical words from. “No. Just an unfortunate happening that we’re here again. You have Hye Su and I have Jungie.”

                Jae Sun face immediately fell at the hearing of her name. “We’re not together. If you hadn’t noticed, she’s nothing but a selfish .”

                “We’re in a public hospital.” Jin Ae said, ignoring his comment. “Don’t curse.”

                “But we’re in a private room.” He countered, wanting to bring her closer to him, but the cords bonded him to the bed like rope. “Jin Ae, go into my pants pocket.”

                Warily, she obeyed him, going into the wooden closet and unfolding his dark black skinny jeans from the showcase. She reached in his back pocket and felt a small, but chilling piece of metal poking her finger. She quickly took it out, and her eyes widened. It was her tennis pin she gave him. He still had it? She assumed he would’ve thrown it in the Han River by now. She slowly walked back to his bed, where he was patiently waiting. "Here.” She said simply, immediately covering her shock.

                He reached over and took it from her hand, brushing her skin for longer than it should’ve been. “Thanks. I thought I lost in when the nurse folded my clothes away.” He even sounded relieved.

                “… Why do you still have that?” She managed to ask.

                “Because… it’s the closest thing I have to loving you.” His voice was sad, and at that moment Jin Ae wanted nothing but to wipe that horrible look off his face. How dare he say this all now! “I was stupid to believe Hye Su, I’m sorry. And I deserve to watch you and Jung In make each other happy.” Jin Ae was frozen like stone, not believing a word he was saying. “But because we’re inseparable, I’ll just watch from the sidelines and smile.”

                And Jae Sun stared at Jin Ae, his eyes glowing with conviction. And he smiled.


Here, I'm pretty much just tying up knots for their drama, heehe. So excited, SMTown tomorrow! Anyone going?


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oshawot1 #1
sendohime guess who it IS secret #7♂
lov4ever #2
new reader here [of this fanfic] woww i lovee this!!! im reading the anime/manga based one aswell!! it took me 3 hours to read it all, im happy, because this is amazing!!
AlladoNGBA #4
<3 So CUTE!!~ =) =D LIKE the story!!~ <3 <3 <3
itsme-miya #5
OMG is ended. I want a sequel so badly. Looking foreword to one!<br />
I'm gonna go check out Absolute Boyfriend hehehe :D
Sharpie #7
that was fast.... xDD
_mrsmjjeje #8
can i just say that was the sweetest thing ever? I'm gonna shed tears if you're going to end their drama! :p haha