Happy Daayyyy oneshot

Happy Day

"Aahhh~~" Jonghyun sat upright in bed, stretching in the warm sunlight. He felt the rays of sun on his back and neck, comfortable and warm. After a yawn, Jonghyun came out of his haze of being half-asleep. And suddenly, he jumped out of bed, thinking, "OHMYGOSH. WHERE IS KIBUM???"

2 hours agoooo

Key quietly slid out of the covers, trying not to wake up the sleepy dinosaur puppy Jonghyun. He tiptoed quietly to the other side of the bed, Jonghyun's, and softly kissed Jjong's forehead. The cute puppy dinosaur man only inhaled deeply and loudly in his sleep. "Jonghyun," Key whispered, brushing the singer's thick, brown hair. "I love you. And I will make sure that today will be the best day of our lives."

Kibum wasn't really that romantic type. But when it came to his boyfriend, Jonghyun, he would do anything and everything to make him happy. And he knew exactly what could make him happy. That's why he woke up a few hours early to prepare their lovely day together.

Back to normal time~~

Jonghyun hurriedly shuffled out of the bedroom to the kitchen where he could smell something... The fragrance was a mixture of... "BACON EGGS POTATOES. OHMYGOSH KIBUM~" he excitedly shouted. Jonghyun raced across the room to nearly tackle Key in his little apron and everything. The two lovers embraced each other with hug.

Key pecked Jonghyun's lips with a small kiss. "Babe," he smiled. "I love you so much. Happy anniversary~"

Jonghyun smacked his lips onto Key's, and held it for a long time to make sure Key knew he loved him. "Oh Key~ You know I love you too. This has been a great year with you."

After a breakfast of laughs and smiles, Jonghyun and Key walked to the park nearby, holding hands and walking so close you'd think they were glued together.

Key gave a slight squeeze to Jjong's fingers as he pulled away to have a distance of about 12 inches between them. Kibum faced Jonghyun and held both of his hands. While looking at the shorter man, his heart still fluttered like it did a year ago. Everything about Jonghyun was perfect for Kibum. And Jonghyun felt the same about Key.

They stood silently, gazing into each other's eyes. Jonghyun broke the silence with a chuckle as he faced the floor. "I know why we stopped here," he laughed, bringing his eyes back up to meet Key's. "This is where I confessed to you, and when you asked me to date you. Kibum, I--"

Key quickly cut him off by pulling him close in a swift movement and landing his lips on Jonghyun's. The kiss enveloped Jonghyun's heart in a sea of passion and love. He melted into Kibum's lips, feeling every crease and bump in them. Jjong felt that their lips fit perfectly for each other.

While Jonghyun felt that way, Key's feelings did not differ at all. His heart soared to Heaven and back with every feeling of love in their kiss. His eyes were sealed, only seeing love between them.

When his eyes reopened, Jonghyun had pulled away first. "Thanks for interrupting me," he teased.

"What! You know you like kissing me more than talking," Kibum gave Jonghyun a tongue face followed by a cute pout.

Jonghyun snickered and grinned, "Yes. I like kissing you a LOT more than talking."

Kibum's pout didn't lessen when he said, "So why do you keep talking?"

"Well," Jonghyun explained. "I don't want to use our day standing here and kissing. Can't we go on our date?"

With less of a pout and more of a smile, Key acted annoyed and rolled his eyes. "Fine."


At the end of the day, when it was all said and done, JongKey snuggled on the bed. Key was entangled in Jonghyun's arms, his head near Jjong's heart.

"Kibum-ah," Jonghyun said softly. "Do you know why we lay like this?"

Key thought it was a dumb question, but wasn't exactly sure how to answer it. So he just asked why.

Jjong sighed and played with Kibum's soft, blonde hair. "It's because I want you near my heart. Always. I'll never let you go if you promise never to stray from me."

Key lifted his head to look at Jonghyun. "Jjongie~~ I can't believe it took you so long to say that. I mean, you've been in my heart for forever. I could never stray from you. I already told you... I love you."

Jonghyun blinked slowly and grinned at the younger man. He pressed his lips against Key's forehead. "And I love you."

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: awww so sweet!!! now I'm throwin' up rainbows and ____ ^_^ love ya!!