

please read all of the tips that i put for the layout of your choice!

- please, please do not go over the 'short title' in the top
- the 'welcome spring' title is in calibri. if your device doesn't support that, i recommend you make the font size larger
- feel free to change the picture, but make sure it has a width of 300px and a height of 200px
- when tweaking any of the words, don't just delete all of it. rather, highlight the pre-existing text and then type in your own text
- the update / quote section is expandable, so write as much or as little as you please!
- the 'dahong' title is in arial narrow; and you can only write so much in that little box. so please, if your title is very long, don't use this layout OR make the font size smaller! same thing applies to the 'spring collection' subtitle.
- feel free to change the picture, but make sure it has a width of 431px and a height of 300px
- when tweaking any of the words, don't just delete all of it. rather, highlight the pre-existing text and then type in your own text
- the update / quote section is not expandable, so don't write too much
- the 'dahong' title is in arial narrow; and you can only write so much in that little box. so please, if your title is very long, don't use this layout OR make the font size smaller! same thing applies to the 'spring collection' subtitle.
- feel free to change the pictures, but make sure it has a width of 431px and a height of 290px
- please just be a bit more careful with this layout; because the layering here is pretty complex.
- when tweaking any of the words, don't just delete all of it. rather, highlight the pre-existing text and then type in your own text
- the 'd' is a logo. so if you plan to change it, please replace it with a logo, and make sure the image is 77 by 129.
- feel free to change the three banner images, but you have to:
a. divide the image into two equal sizes with 400px width
b. makes sure all the images have the same height of 439px (with the 400px width)
- this is basically a photobook sort of layout, so unless you have a decent amount of html knowledge, please don't use this for anything but that.
- the 'quote or update' white text placed over the banner is of fixed height. don't write more than the space given
- the photos must all be a width of 250px
- the photos have two basic 'layouts':
a. the plain picture
b. the message pictures (the one with the black semitransparent screen with words on it haha)
- the message picture is a bit more complicated. if you wish to add one to one of your pictures, add this after your image in the source.
if you need help looking for that, go into source, press ctrl + f and enter in your image link. 
- when tweaking any of the words, don't just delete all of it. rather, highlight the pre-existing text and then type in your own text
- the background image is changeable, but make sure your image has 600px width and 375 height
- similarly, the circle image of the girl is also tweakable, but make sure it's a square image (equal width and height)
- DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE THE TRIVIAS INTO LINKS. the links won't work beyond the first box ( due to the layering of the entire layout )
- you have to change the trivia via the source ( sorry guys :c )
so all you do is go to source, press ctrl + f and enter the term 'trivia'. that should bring you right to each and every trivia section.
- i highly recommend not changing the flowers or the trivia section ( like the structure ). in fact, please just leave those alone.
- when tweaking any of the words, don't just delete all of it. rather, highlight the pre-existing text and then type in your own text
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SPRINGC | feedback would be much appreciated! thanks so much c: - holistic


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if you wish to use any of these layouts, please comment on SYNCRATIC, not here.

Chapter 9: Are these layouts usable? Gosh, I guess you're my first options when it comes to using layouts ;_;
wondermickey #3
the whole collection is gorgeous <3
Chapter 6: omg everything is so wonderful. ; ;
literally just found this and i've fallen in love. this is such beautiful coding + designs.
byunqrins_ #6
this whole collection is lovely.
Chapter 7: wuah great collection * ^ * <3