The Milky Way

Loving Lee Hongbin-Again

-October 2013-

I was back in school for the semester, this time taking up four classes instead of three. I was back in my first prerequisite math, seeing as I failed it the very first semester. Luckily, I kept the notes from that semester and managed to stay on task in that class, practicing each and every day. I was determined not to fail again. It's already bad enough that I'm behind in English because of that prerequisite I didn't need. These days I hardly get to see Hongbin because of his schedule. Last time I saw him was after VIXX girls won their performance and the company granted them time off. That time we discussed his next project with VIXX, which is the global showcase.

"So I guess I should mention that I'm going on a tour of sorts," he nods. "What do you mean, of sorts?" I blink, tilting my head. "Well, it's not neccessarily a tour, but a showcase. We'll be doing a concert in a few different countries, is all." Hongbin explained. "Ah, long will the showcase be?" I wondered. Hongbin thought for a moment. "I can't really say. I think there will be different dates for different shows. Plus, we're planning on having a comeback." I raised an eyebrow. "So soon?" You're barely going to have any time to rest," I frown. "Aigoo, my love, I will be fine." he nods. I sighed. I desperately wanted Hongbin to get some rest. "Well, I'd like to come to one of the shows, but I'll be busy with school." I nodded.

"I will send you lots of pictures jagiya, don't worry," Hongbin flashed his dimple smile. "Yes, but, I'd really like to be there. It would be my first concert ever," I pouted slightly. "There will be other times my love, I promise." He assured me, holding me close.

One day after school, Elena came over. We talked about plans for fall break. "So remember when we talked about going to the hotel for spring break and we didn't go?" She asked. "Oh yeah, it was a little too late." I nodded. "We can go when you have fall break," she suggested. "Yeah, sure," I nodded. "And we can do like, a spa day, get a massage, get our nails done," she thought aloud. It all sounded really good to me, and I definitely deserved it for all my hard work in math class. I searched on my laptop for different local spas and checked for prices. Meanwhile, Elena called one of our high school friends to see if she could join us. That was when the Milky Way showcase came back to me. While I waited for her to get off the phone, I searched for the dates of the showcase again.

"Okay, so we're going to have to help Lynn out with money and stuff." Elena told me. "That's no problem." I shook my head. Money for me was not an issue, as Elena and I planned to go half and half on the hotel room. "Oh, I wanted to talk to you about maybe coming with me to see Hongbin and his group in Dallas." I began about the showcase. "Oh? Are they having a concert or something?" She asked. "Yeah, it's a showcase Hongbin said. It would be better for me to go to Dallas on the 8th, but I don't want to go by myself." I nodded. "November 8th? Sure, we can go together." she agreed. I got both the concert and plane tickets, and of course we'd go half and half once again on the hotel room.

-Fall Break-

As if fall break couldn't come fast enough, I needed a getaway for the weekend. Elena would be picking me up this afternoon after she got off work and then we'd leave for the hotel. Apparently our friend Lynn couldn't come, so she invited Jake and her friend Scott so that we'd have some male protection during our stay in the hotel. While waiting for Elena to arrive, I recieved a phone call from Hongbin. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello my love, it's been a while..." He replied with a nervous laugh. "Yes, it's been way too long." I chuckle, happy to hear from him. "I miss you so much baby. You have no idea how much I want to hold you and kiss you right now." He admits. "Same here baby...I miss seing your gorgeous face," I nod. "I hope I get to see you soon...though it might be a while..." he sighs heavily. "You know I'm always waiting for you to come back." I smile softly.

The sound of his chuckle makes me smile a bit wider. "Thank you for waiting, although you're not the patient type." It was my turn to chuckle after his statement. "I know, but waiting for you gives me the opportunity to practice my patience." Soon enough, there was a knock on the door, meaning that Elena was here. "Oh, are you expecting someone?" Hongbin asks innocently. "Elena is here. Look, I have to go, but call me when you get another chance, okay?" I open the door, letting Elena inside. "Okay baby, if you're going out, have fun. I love you." Hongbin makes a kissing sound over the phone, causing me to giggle. "I will, and I love you too." I make a much bigger kissing sound, grinning like an idiot. "Bye~" I giggle and hang up. Elena smiles softly at my actions. "Hongbin?" she asks.

I can't answer her verbally since I'm too embarrassed, so I simply nod. "You two are so cute together. I wouldn't be surprised if ya'll got married." she chuckles. I bite my lip shyly. "We've discussed it...twice, actually." I nod. "What? So he plans on proposing? Why would he tell you-" I shake my head, cutting her off quickly. "No, no, I mean, we've talked about getting married, just not anytime soon." I explain. "Oh, okay, I get it now. You two were just talking about it, but you want to get married, okay." She nods. "Yes, now let me go get my bags and let's get this party started!" I grin, running to my bedroom.

A/N*: Picture credit belongs to Lovefool Lovefull.

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kpoplily #1
Chapter 15: Ahhh cute ah you are really good at coming up with the chapters, I hope you continue to create fanfics. Fighting ⌒.⌒ (~.^)
EXO1127 #2
Chapter 15: Amazing!!!
Chapter 15: Hello yeahhhhh!!!!!!!! I luv it XD
Chapter 15: Just knowing that not one but now both of these stories are complete... it's bittersweet. You get closure, but at the same time you miss the times you'd wait for updates on a story you really like. (Have the same problem with books xD)
Anyway, just wanted to congratulate you as well as thank you for thr great story/ies and hope you have a great day as well, best wishes for you ^^ (as well as the rest of the readers ㅋㅋ)
Chapter 12: NOOOOOOO SHE CANT BEEE n congrats on their first you know wat
Chapter 11: Updatee pllzzB
lightningmaknae #7
Chapter 11: awww, short chapter! but hongbin is so sweet? ok lol update soon^^
Domino #8
I like this story, keep it up and write on. c:
lightningmaknae #9
Chapter 8: Get married and juseyo hahahahha omg what is wrong with me :/ update soon^^
lightningmaknae #10
Chapter 7: Awww how sweet :3 omg in the tent at night please haahha /bricked/ update soon authornim ^^