

You walk into the club with your head held high and small curve of your red lips. A banner draped over the doorway with the YG logo on it and in big block letters 'AFTER PARTY'.

"Who is she?"

"She's so pretty!"

"Is she a new YG trainee?"

"She looks like a model!"

The words from fan boys and girls float around you, loud enough to tickle your ears making your smile grow just a little bit wider. You weren't ever used to so much attention, but just for tonight you were going to enjoy it. After all, this wasn't going to work if you weren't looking your best.

Your hair was pinned up in a loose bun, curled strands framing your face. Your make-up was light but stunning, bringing out your best features along with your red stained lips. You wore a simple long sleeved white top, slightly showing a midriff. But the main focus was your short black miniskirt, emphasizing on your long legs and matching with simple black pumps.

It was one of those outfits you just knew you looked amazing in. Usually, you'd always go for the comfortable option, but you had something different planned for tonight.

Because you knew it'd kill him when he sees you.

Kwon Jiyong.

Past the bouncers and into the dimly lit club, you searched the ocean of bodies and spot a few familiar faces. The girls from 2NE1, Hi-Tech, and some of the boys from BIGBANG. But not the one you wanted to find.

"Omo, who is she?"

"Is she part of YG too?"

The whispers around you grow louder as people part ways letting you through towards the VIP tables, naturally assuming that you must belong with them. Feeling confident, you smiled and even winked at some of the people there. Especially the cute ones.

Apparently your entrance had caused quite a stir, since everyone from the VIP area's eyes made their way towards you and had quite a shock.

"__________?!" You heard 2NE1's Bom screech before running towards you, pulling you into a tight hug, "Is that really you?"

You smiled, slightly overwhelmed by their obvious reactions, "It's me."

"I can't believe it!" Bom let her words fly right out of , "You're so... HOT."

You laugh and lightly tap her arm, "Thanks, Bommie. You do too."

"Who do we have here? I don't believe we've met." Taeyang appears next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. His eye smile shining through the darkness of the room. You nudge his side and laugh.

"Very funny, oppa." You eye his mischievousness but give him a side hug. "Having fun?"

"I am. Now that you're here." He winks, making you blush. He usually wasn't so friendly and forward, so it could only mean he's been drinking. "But what are you doing here? This isn't usually your scene?"

You shrug and grab a shot of some clear liquid from a waitress passing by, "Just thought I'd try something new." And down it in one go, earning more surprised gasps from everyone around you. You hated the taste, but it gave you the confidence you needed to continue through the night.

"Omo," CL came closer, draping her arm around Bom's shoulder and giving you a thumbs up, "I think I like this trying something new thing. Let's go dance!"

Both her and Bom pulled you out of Taeyang's embrace and dragged you to the dance floor, causing the crowd the get excited. None of them recognized you, but it didn't seem to matter since you were just as famous and important as Bom and CL since you were on stage with them. Some of the crowd even wanted to touch your hand and called out to you. As you moved to the beat, letting your hips do whatever they wanted with the music, you were actually having fun. It's no wonder he liked going out so much.

As you began really getting into it, you suddenly felt heavy as if someone was watching you. You turned your head slightly, just enough to scan your eyes across the VIP area and found what you were looking for.

There he was. He was wearing a white blazer, underneath a simple black button down and what looked like jeans. His hair was roughly styled and the light reflected off his dyed strands. And his eyes glued to you.

You see Taeyang resting his arm on his shoulder, pointing right in your direction. You wish you could hear what they were saying, but seeing his stunned expression was good enough for now. Your lips curve to a playful smile before you continue dancing.

Knowing that his eyes were on you now, you wanted to give him a good show. Your eyes skit over the faces of the crowd before catching a fairly good looking guy. You wink at him, causing his mouth to drop. You giggled before heading towards him, extending a hand, and pulling him onto stage with you. The crowd seemed to get even crazier as you began dancing around him, trailing your finger up and down his chest before holding on his hand. You hear both CL and Bom chanting your name and giggling at every move you made.

The guy you were dancing with seemed to have been enjoying himself as well as he became more comfortable with you, placing his hand around your waist and dancing closer to you. You could barely look over his shoulder at this angle and make out the VIP area, but when you did you got what you were hoping for. Jiyong's eyes were still focused on you, but this time burning with... anger? Jealousy? Whatever it was, you were loving it.

But what happened next almost made you loose your balance.

He smiled.

You blinked your eyes once or twice, making sure you were seeing correctly, but he was indeed smiling, teasingly... and now he was shaking his head before turning away and out of your sight.

Confused, you quickly excuse yourself from the guy and the dance floor, making your way back to the VIP area. Once there, your eyes searched desperately before landing on a familiar figure casually sitting on the couch, with his legs crossed and staring right at you with a smile.

. He got me. You cursed to yourself as you showed him how flustered you were by his reaction. But you quickly recovered yourself and gave him a small knowing smile before turning around, making sure your skirt flared a bit with the spin.

"Oppa!" You call out to Taeyang and hook onto his arm, "What are you drinking?"

"Hmmm?" He turns to you and tilts his drink towards you, "Wanna taste?"

You nod and leaned forward to take a sip from his straw. But before your lips could even touch it, it suddenly disappeared and was in the hands of someone else.

"Yah, Ji. What are you doing? ________ wanted some." Taeyang scolded his best friend who was now gulping down his drink.

"Oh really? Sorry ________-sshi." He says while his lips, "I was just really thirsty."

You glared at him although inside you knew you had successfully pressed a button, making you giddy. "It's okay, Jiyong-sshi."

"What's with you two? Why are you guys still so formal with each other? Just be friendly!" Taeyang says slapping both you and Jiyong on the back and causing some of his drink to spill onto your chest.

"Oh ! I'm sorry, ________-ah." Taeyang immediately apologizes, his usual self now showing itself through all the alcohol.

"No, it's fine!" You laugh while shaking your head, "It's a cheap top anyways, I'll just go to the bathroom."

"I'll help you, since I was holding it." Jiyong chimes in before placing his hand at your back and lightly pushing you through the crowd before you could protest.

As you're slipping through the crowd, you hear him chuckle before whispering next to your ear, "Using my best friend, huh? You naughty girl."

His voice sent excited shivers up and down your spine, feeding your confidence even more that your plan had succeeded.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Jiyong-sshi." You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but a smile broke through. His sharp eyes catches it as he quickly hurries you into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.

"So how are you feeling, Jiyong?" You cross your arms over your chest, and tilt your head. "Hot? Flustered? Angry? Does your chest feel like it's going to burst yet?"

He mimics your stance with a small smirk, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Are you sure?"

He nods before you release your arms, only to let your hands slide down the length of your side, running your fingers over the fabric of the skirt. You watched as his eyes follow your ever move, the fire burning stronger and stronger within them.

"What about this skirt? Do you know where it's from?" You ask with a teasing tone.

"Yes," He answers and you see the hunger in his eyes. "The one I specifically told you to never wear in front of anyone else."

Your smile grows wider and so does your confidence at his words. You got him. "Said by someone who apparently doesn't get jealous?"

He smirks again and runs his hand through his now messy hair, "I told you. I don't get jealous."

You raise an eyebrow at him and at the same statement he made a few days ago when you had seen him hanging around some girls. You had no reason to be jealous, since you two weren't exactly dating, but he called you out on it. So of course, to challenge him, you bet he'd get jealous too in certain circumstances. And here you were. All dolled up and out to get this stubborn man to admit it.


"Really." He says cooly and slowly takes a step towards you, his eyes never leaving yours, "Even when you're dressed like this, grinding or flirting with guys in front of me... I don't get jealous..."

Your hopes were slowly diminishing, until suddenly his hand cups your cheek and held it in place as you looked into each other's eyes.

"I get ing livid."

His words ring in your ear as his lips take yours in a hungry and desperate kiss, knocking out all of your senses.

Your arms naturally wrap around him as his arms do around your waist, pulling each other closer as you two delve deeper and deeper into the kiss. His tongue roughly played with yours as if trying to claim your entirety.

You moaned into his mouth at his neediness, as you needed him just as bad. And you finally had him.

Both needing air, the kiss breaks letting you both take a minute to come back down to Earth and steady your erratically beating heart. His hot breath rolling over your abused lips, reminding you that you two had just exchanged your first kiss after weeks of flirting and , neither one of you making the first move.

"So what does this mean now?" You can't help but ask. Not wanting to imagine this all being a dream. You look at him expectantly, but he returns you with a soft smile before nudging the tip of his nose against yours.

"It means you're mine now." He whispers, "And don't forget it."

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denichka_wu #1
Chapter 1: aww .... i love itt !! :)
topwife #2
Chapter 1: thumbs up!
hmmMn one shot? such a cliffy but nice D:
*(^_^)*V *claps*
Stella112 #5
Chapter 1: Woa .. This is cool *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: Thank goodness I'm sitting down. Jealous and possessive is my weakness in a guy. Woo I'm all weak in the knees. Loved it!
XxHuntressxX #7
Chapter 1: This story is ing brilliant. I have a guilty pleasure for fics that have the female lead teasing the guy, but most of them are entirely boring or just have horrible English. Thank you for the read :) this deserves way more recognition