Childhood!AU; Friendship Bracelets

A Wontaek Collection

Taekwoon sits on a painted picnic table. He kicks his fairly long legs, as he wraps string around other pieces. He bites his tongue, weaving light blue, orange and red together. Another one lays finished. Red, black and off white tied together. He smiles, feeling the sun beat against his back. He wraps a final sting, before grabbing them both. He stands bouncing on his feet. He starts running off.
“I'll be right back N! I promise,” Taekwoon yells at his counselor. N deflates, shakes his head.
“Hurry then! Jaehwan and Sanghyuk stop eating the glue. It goes on the paper!”
Taekwoon laughs as he runs to the soccer field. He stands near the side. “Wonshik!”
A shorter kid pauses, kicking the ball to a teammate. Wonshik runs over, smiling wide. His front two teeth are missing, as he reaches Taekwoon.
“Hi! I've made—” Wonshik pauses to think, pouting slightly. “—like fifteen goals.” Taekwoon laughs, holding out a bracelet.
“I made you something,” he whispers, blushing slightly. Wonshik takes it, pouting after.
“Tie it?” He asks, holding it back out. Taekwoon smiles, grabbing it, and tying it around his wrist. He holds out the other, expecting the same. Wonshik takes it, making a big knot for Taekwoon's.
“I hope you like it,” Taekwoon whispers. Wonshik’s flashes his gums at him again.
“I love it,” he decides, leaning over. He places a big wet kiss on Taekwoon's cheek, before running off to the soccer field again. Taekwoon blushes, taking off back to the crafting table.








A/N: What I said last chapter still applies. This was just quick and easy to me to write. Camp kids!AU. I started another collection too. Hyuken~ I hope you can love them as much as Wontaek. Until the next~ (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 3: This was so cuuttee!!
Chapter 11: angel Leo n incubus Ravi!!! ?
Chapter 52: Oh yes he did!!! And I'm so happy! He's so pretty!!♡\♡
Chapter 51: Omg. That lyric is so perfect.
Chapter 51: OMG!!!!! I love this!!!!
This is so cute!! WonTaek is life!! They're so cute and fluffy!!
Chapter 51: BEST CHAPTER!!! Please make a part two for this :3
Haroromaurer #7
Chapter 51: OH MAI GAD!! I loved it!! *screaming* LR a.k.a wontaek soooooo sweeettt and a little bit fool ><
Dober_Man #9
Amazing fanfiction, could not put it down. I want to ask permission to transfer. If that write in PM