Lee Minhyuk

Beyond Your Love

It was in early spring that day could come at a very moment of time, a little child bumped into me while I am on my way to my shift. He was hugging me tightly and crying, I asked him why he was crying but he didn’t respond. I felt worried to this kid that I couldn’t restrain a crying child so I tapped his head to calm for a bit. He looked up on me, his swallowing eyes and small tears on his eyelids it suddenly felt my heart ache staring at him. I once asked him the same question,

“Why are you crying?” I waited him to replied again, in a few minutes of silence He open his mouth with a little grumpy voice said, “I-its because- I finally found you.”

From that very moment of time, I asked myself, “How could you cry like that to me?”

My name is Kim Yukwon, A 18 years old boy who never have a lovelife since then so don’t ask.  I am already a 2nd year high school in Shinil High School, a rarely named private school. This school is fine with me although it’s not that the tuition is that high. I have an older brother who is a chef in our own restaurant that my dad owned it few years ago. My mom is the only parent I have along with my brother, and as a young member of the family, I want to help raise more funds getting along with them. I have a part time job in a small Japanese restaurant. I am working as a waiter and also a cooker, if you didn’t know I love cooking Japanese style. I am fine with myself right now. If only that I didn’t met that small kid way back from spring, my life will be more simple and peace but it didn’t happen. Just because of the very moment…


“Y-you want me to quit my job, Mr. Ahn?” That time were that kid I just met from spring, his parents decide me to be their son’s permanent caregiver. What a pain. Mr. Ahn flipped the documents and gave them to me. “Yukwon-ssi, you’ve been working here for like 2 and a half years so I think you better make new things for this year, don’t worry, that family decided to do this and I can’t guarantee the favor giving on me. It’s just a matter of time you will understand this but right now, focus to that family needs.” He said, smiling passionately on me. I bit my lips, how could they decide this without me knowing? That family is so careless deciding on their own, how could I do this?

I looked at Mr. Ahn with straight face and asked, “If I can’t do this request, should I go back working here?” Mr. Ahn gave me a weak smile, “I am afraid I can’t. That family is rich and I can’t deliberate their status. It will harder for me to make things go fine with you.” Damn it. This is really the worst. What can I do for this request? Damn.

I just want to rip that family. Seriously, this is making me go crazy. I have no personal interest in taking care of a kid and I personally hate this kind of request. It’s ridiculous. I felt my temper is going to explode later when I get home. What should I say to my mother? How can I express this to my brother? What will gonna happen? Argh!

“Hey Yukwon-ssi, are you alright?” Mr. Ahn snapped my thoughts away from me, he took a deep sighed as he continue processing for my new place to begin with. “Okay Yukwon-ssi, starting today you will call me by my name.” I raised an eyebrow towards of what he just said. “W-why?” I asked him, a bit confused. He kept that smiling face as he replied, “You know my real name, right?” I nodded, “then try calling me by my name.” I nodded again. I took a deep breathe because it’s my first time calling him by his real name after 2 and a half years.

“Jaehyo” As I said, he tapped my head twice and he continued, “good, and can you please add the ‘hyung’ at the very end.” I nodded. “Good, now run away and go to your request. Is a bit surprising if that family will comeback here in restaurant for you, I might lose my sanity of asking every details about you.” He laughed while opening the door for me. I smiled at him as shine as a sun to thank him for caring me for years. I stopped infront of him and gave him a respectful bow, “Thank you so much for taking care of me Jaehyo-hyung”. I proceed to the door and waved at him. I will miss him more. “I hope you will visit the restaurant any time” He waved back as a goodbye. It sure makes me feel happy looking at the last moment of my work in that restaurant. If weren’t Jaehyo-hyung I bet our family will be on crisis today. I want to repay of what he care for us. I am going to do it after this horror I am going to enter a new beginning of life.


Before I go to that family of the kid, I informed my mom about this. My mother agreed with this since we already have funds for everyday living but my older brother refused this, mother and my older brother starting to argue about me for taking a stupid request. I decided to end the argument and explain the details of taking this. I didn’t told them how the family making a decision without me so it’s quiet troublesome if I said that. Maybe I will be good at this request perhaps for the kid’s sake. My mother and older brother finally accepted the request and so I am, I just need to do it. But it bothers me, that child sure have guts to cry and hug me in the middle of my work. And another reason, why did he tell me that he found me. It’s making me confused and also curious of that child.

I took a deep breathe and letting out the nerves of getting angry about this family but speaking of this family, they are sure rich and wealthy, it made me jealous to them. The house is big, they have a main gate but not that big, they have a Honda car, a dog that I don’t know the kind of creature, and also the expenses of the inside door. I am going to kill myself staring at them with my sparkling eye-

Huh? There is someone hugging me from the back. He snuggled my cloth as he was now satisfy to my smell. “You smell so good, hyung” A child, the kid, this small guy. I pulled him up to see his face as I didn’t notice that I carry him above the surface. I widen my eyes of what action I did. But based of what I am viewing, he is so light and skinny. He has a dark chocolate hair and his eyes are big. He is wearing a simple band cloth and a fit jean. He looks so cute. I realized that I carry him a couple of minutes and staring at him with no sense. I put him down slowly but then he hugged me again. I want to stop him because it’s too much for me to handle his embrace but why it’s so comfortable. “Glad you really came.”

It bothers me, it is strange having this different feelings to this kid, it so suspicious why I want to hug him back. “So Mr. Kim is already here” A female voice from the main door is opening. A woman that looks like in 30-ish age, she is wearing an office uniform and a pair of glasses in the edge of her garment to her jacket suit. I have intentional to bow at her this time but she stopped me and continue her sentence, “my my, its pleasure to meet you here the son of a thousand words” she smiled mischieviously, a face that she knows about my life. Her words ‘the son of a thousand words’ she indirect towards me and my father. This words always phrases me whenever a rich people or some other industry that my father well known his name and it is really uncomfortable to call like that even thought that person who is running the company for long time is no longer living. I tapped the kid on his chocolate hair and smiled at him widely. “Your mommy and I need to discuss something if I can be your loyal take care for you, no need to worry, ok?” I said to him, this kid always felt my spine shivers whenever I looked at his eyes. I felt I don’t like to let him go. The kid gave me a peck of kiss to my chin that I ever got surprised of that. “I hope mom will accept you, I do wanted you so badly hyung. Please do your best.” That even surprised me, this kid however, how badly he wants me?

I heared the tap of the pen of Mrs. Lee, she wants to discuss it right now. I looked to the kid again and rub his messy hair. “What is your name by the way?” I almost forgot to ask him since I met him. I felt bad if I didn’t ask him sooner, but I want to know him very soon as I start working to this place. “Oh hyung, my name is Lee Minhyuk” He hugged me again and gave me another kiss to the other side of my chin. Again. “See you hyung” Oh…

I was speechless the whole time while Mrs. Lee is talking about how his son has a behavior of hyperactive and so cheerful anytime. He has a stubborn personality, can be rude for someone who is important to him but some other times he is kind and easy-going kid. “Minhyuk loves to peck or hug someone who looks special for him, I don’t know how did he met you but he told me he found a person to take care of him and also a person who is more important than him. That kid always found important people around him but this is the first time he got a special person and I didn’t expect a teenage boy like you. How troublesome.” I would rather choked to death when she giggled after finishing her sentence about how important me to Minhyuk. I felt disgusting to everyone whenever they said they are special when I am with them, it’s really disgusting. “Very well Mr. Kim I think we already finish the discussion about this. The little fella is watching us for an hour and he looks like he is waiting to the final decision. For the sake of my beloved son, welcome to our family.” It’s always weird welcoming me to a new family. But why do I felt revived and happy to enter? It’s not like I am entering new era in a new adventure of my life. When we are done, I saw Minhyuk dashing towards me and gave me another embrace, I think a welcome embrace. He tightly hugged me and snuggled my scents like always. “What a lucky day, starting tomorrow you’re going to live with us.” He said, smiling widely that looks like a puppy finally saw his mother. “Yeah, but I think starting tonight I will start living here” I corrected him.It’s really obvious that the kid sparkled his eyes and smiled widely when I said that. Based of Mrs. Lee said, I have a small dorm to live, they will handle all the things of what I needed and my tuition fee in school as long for their child. I don’t mind if they wanted to do this as long I can study and work. I will also have a monthly salary based of what the kid describe my work and I was wonder why they want the kid to decide on his owns? It’s unnecessary for me to be curious but why?

It’s already late afternoon when I finally arranged my things because tonight will make me uneasy for them living with. I took my things inside the house then suddenly, an old man approached me. He is like around 50 or 60 years old, he wears a casual butler cloth and simple comb white hair. I bet he is their personal driver or something. “Uh, do you mind sir, can I know your name?” I asked, I know its really not that important to start a conversation but I seriously think that he is also working here. The old guy look at me with straight face as he replied, “My name is Soo Hyun from the province of Jeju, I am working here as their personal assistant and also their driver.” I am correct but personal assistant of whom? “My name is Yukwon sir, I am also going to work here as their son’s personal caregiver or whatever called it. My I ask whom you assist with?” The old man, Soohyun, took a sigh and relief when we arrived at the edge of the place. “Sorry for not answering your question, since you are the young master’s caregiver, you have a separation room with us.” He said, opening the other door that near to the backyard door that seen the ladies preparing their clothes. They smiled at us and bowed as welcome. “My I allow to explain everything to you, we have 3 maid here who are working sharing this room. While I am, since I am the old man here I am going home after work so, your room is near young master’s room from upper floor. Follow me to your room.” He offered as I nodded, we went to the staircase as we reach the 2nd floor and walk in distance as we reach the destination. I put down my things before I unpack them, I need to ask more questions about this. “Soohyun-ssi, if I am in the upper floor, why you all are in the ground floor? Working with you can be easy for me to handle you know” I said, Mr. Soohyun just smiled at me. “You know Yukwon-ssi, young master treats people like their real family so I guess he consider you already as his family, well, young master is a cheerful child so I guess he consider us his family also but it’s a matter of time he will say that to us it will be a worth of us working here for years.” He smiled while opening the door to show me the room. But it’s really confusing me, consider already as a family? I never met that kid before and besides, he is the one wants me.

As Mr. Soohyun opened the door, we saw Minhyuk sleeping on the white sheets that for my bed. He got piles of books and comics on the bed. I only stared at him, “I forgot that young master is waiting for you when you leave earlier. So I guess don’t mind him sleeping in your bed, ok Yukwon-ssi” Mr. Soohyun smiled at me and said goodnight to me. Well its already night here, I never thought they already done eating their dinner so early for me to arrive and its really surprising that this kid is waiting for me. I took my things near to the desk, maybe I will unpack them tomorrow because I feel so tired this day. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and gazed to my bed. I sat in the edge and brushed all the messy things then i looked at Minhyuk. He looks so innocent and adorable, I carelessly touch his face then I shut my eyes and sleep for the rest of the day. I felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist and snuggled it. I don’t know how to react but I am so deadly sleepy today so I let him hug me for this night. Maybe tomorrow will be a start a new day to what life will change to me.


Maybe not, it was horrifying and terrible because Minhyuk is starting to be a childish little kid. It’s hard to deal with this kid and I am having a problem to take this kid anymore. He is such stubborn, it’s around early in the morning and the maid is calling for me. I woke up to her voice that looks like panicking, when I asked her why and she answered that Minhyuk is no where to found. I felt horrified of course so we searched him all over the place. He missed the lunch time and after that, he still missing for the rest of the day. It was pretty exhausted and also the other people around the house are also the same as me. The parents are went out for business trip and of course, we need to take their child in a huge responsibility and it is really annoying. Mr.Soohyun finally arrived after a long day trip with the couples. We asked him where probably Minhyuk went and he said he loves to go in the backyard, and speaking of the backyard, he was in his room hidden onto the other side of the trees. It’s quiet confusing because there is no hidden room in the backyard, after that, he demonstrate where is Minhyuk and as we didn’t expect. He was sleeping with the dogs so that means the family is owning a dogs for a long time. Mr. Soohyun explained about this, he said Minhyuk loves the hidden room a.k.a the dog’s shelves with unknown reason. The kid is always like this when he is uncomfortable with the guests in their home.

As I remember, the one maid told me that there is a guest earlier and she said that the guest name is from the Woo family. One of the greatest family well known for having a huge industry in all South Korea. Its amazed me because those people are rarely to see these day and its really a bad timing not seeing him. The maid told me that man will be back soon when the Lee couple is already home. Back from Minhyuk who is sleeping deeply with the dogs, I told Mr. Soohyun and the others that they should go back to work and I will handle this kid. They all agreed and went back to their doing. The dogs don’t look dangerous so I went to Minhyuk slowly as I reached him and carry back to his room. Minhyuk is so light, its like he is weight a half kilo of rice and it worries me a lot for his health I should do something for him tomorrow then I hope he appreciate it. I think this kid reminds me of someone from the past but I shouldn’t worry about it.

“So how was little master doing, Yukwon-ssi?” the one maid asked while preparing the plate for the dinner. I sat to the chair and took a deep breathe. “Well he is fine, sleeping inside his room, I will prepare the breakfast tomorrow” It’s not like I will work hard for the responsibility inside this house but to take good care of the kid. The one maid furrowed her eyebrow, “Why you wanted to do that?” It’s not like I do care or anything. “I am just concern with Minhyuk’s health so maybe I will make a move for him” This thing can be improve just a little bit. “Oh Yukwon-ssi, its been your first day today and I forgot to introduce. My name is Yura and the other maid is Junhee. We are almost a year working as maid here and we don’t know much about the young master’s condition only Soohyun-ssi knows everything about young master.” Acknowledge other people can be comfortable I guess. The other maid, known as Junhee is done cooking the meal so we are now start digging our food. Then Mr. Soohyun finally came with the Lee couple who are now in their dining room to eat their dinner. Workers dining room and the owner have different places of where could they eat so it’s not troublesome to know it. Mr. Soohyun came to us and sat next to me. Yura told me he knows everything about Minhyuk maybe I should ask him after this. “So Soohyun-ssi, how’s your trip with the masters?” Junhee asked, slicing the meat using a knife. Mr. Soohyun just took a sigh and replied to her question, “It’s really tiring but its fine. Mrs. Lee recommended me to take a 1 week vacation for upcoming summer this year with my family but I refused it. It will be bother because my family is busy today. My two older sons which is a twin are college now so they can do whatever they want for their funds and the younger daughter of mine is in high school and she will graduating next year. And my wife is currently busy in house holds so it’s really risky if I disturb their works they have.” Sure Mr. Soohyun loves to talk well that is old man for sure but I seriously salute him for the greatest father ever, if only I have one. I envy Mr. Soohyun’s family to be complete and everyone are busy. It’s really aching my heart watching others that I don’t have.

We are done our dinner so I guess this is the chance for me to ask Mr. Soohyun’s relationship with Minhyuk. I said goodnight to the two maids and I went to Mr. Soohyun who is sitting in the backyard, watching the sky. I sat next to him and join along to watch the sky. “So why are you here? Young master might search you.” If that happens then maybe some other day I will ask him but I want to know more about Minhyuk’s life. “Hey, Soohyun-ssi, I want to ask about the life of Minhyuk. Well I don’t mind if you don’t want to tell me.” It’s surprised me that he smiled at me like he wants to share it. “I don’t mind sharing it to you.”


I guess its almost midnight when Mr. Soohyun and I are done talking about it. It’s really amazed me how their relationship is unique from the past years. Mr. Soohyun didn’t apply for a take-care giver for Minhyuk but he couldn’t resist that the young age of that kid will terribly abused himself because he gets bully easily so he quit attending in school this year. And felt me sad even more. Maybe I can change him or rather make adjustment to that kid, maybe just for him.

I twisted the knob of the door and I saw Minhyuk sleeping to my maitress and the 2nd time he did this. I don’t find it annoying but he looks adorable sleeping into it. I wonder why he offends coming to my room. I took a sit for awhile and watch him again. Maybe helping him can make changes for him and I hope it will happen soon. When I lay down my head, I saw Minhyuk rosed his half body and his half asleep eyes gazed to his view. “Hyung, why did you leave me alone? I waited you for an hour and I didn’t know that I fell asleep. Please don’t leave me again okay?” I widen my eyes and my jaw dropped of what he said. I can’t speak to him nor explain something but I leave myself speechless. Minhyuk moved a little bit to get closer to me, he wrapped his hands in my waist and snuggled it like always. “Can you kiss me, hyung?” he asked, I am little bit confused of what he said but then I did what he told me. I kissed his forehead but I think he is not satisfied on it. “Hyung, kiss my lips” This kid sure gives me shivers down my spine, I don’t want to do it but my action wanted it so grabbed his face and slowly touching his lips. I didn’t care around me, all I know his warm breathe and his blushing face showing to me. When I finally touched his lips, I gently kiss him passionately. His lips are soft and so cute that I want him to smooch it just a little bit longer. My mind pop something and realized that I kissed him in almost a minute so parted it. I don’t usually give a kiss to anyone but first kiss just sent to this innocent boy but I feel happy and revived. I don’t know what got into me but I feel so happy. I felt my cheeks flashing a red so heavy and the beat of my heart is getting faster that I didn’t know. I touched my lips, I can’t believe it. This kid actually…

“I hope we can do this again, Yukwon-hyung”

With a tired voice hearing him, he hugged me tightly as he sleep deeply. I can’t help but blush harder, this kid looks adorable in any way and I can’t take it anymore. I lay my body next to him and embrace him back. I think this is the good way to start the adjustment for him and for him, I think I will fell to this boy in a short period of time.



A/N: I finally completed this story well i make it short because the limit of being active here is starting to decrease and i want to make more. I am sorry if this story is really short. But if you want a sequel of it then do suggest it ^_^ i hope i can do it. Thank you so much and i hope you like this short story.

hugs and kisses to everyone <3

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sequel is finalizing for this month but first pray for my broken laptop to fix soon. DAMN IT


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_-Maimai-_ #1
Chapter 1: So cute and sweet :3
Chapter 1: OMG!!! KYAHH!!! I KENNOT!! You never fails me =D Minhyuk as a kid and Yukwon babysit him >w < I never thought of this at all. So cute.. I like the plot! I request for a sequel hehehhe *PEACE*