I'm Sorry

When I couldn't be Me

The two best friends were on the car. They were on the way to Jongin’s party.

The two were so excited that the driver is annoyed at how loud they were.

“Baekhyun, did you know that Jongin will be asking Kyungsoo to be his lover tonight?”

“Really? I’m happy for them. I mean, it’s quite obvious they’re into each other.”

“Yeah. I wonder how they kept it for so long.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m glad that they’ll be happy.” Baekhyun said, sighing.

“Then, I’ll make you happy! Byun Baekhyun will be happy as long as he’s with Park Chanyeol and that’s a promise!”

“Ok, whatever you say.”

Their conversation was cut by the driver.

“Sir, we’re almost there.”

“Ok. Baek, you better get ready then.”

As they arrived at the party, the loud booming music welcomed them. It was way too loud. Louder than them, you may say.

“Wow! Where does Jongin gets these kind of speakers? It’s so loud that I can’t even hear myself.”

“Yeah, right? It’s so cool!”

Jongin saw them and welcomed them with a hug.

“Hey, guys! I’m glad you two came. I feel awkward.”

“But you invited them.”

“Yeah, but no one can be close to me like you guys are.” Jongin said putting an arm on their shoulder.

“So, I heard you’re going to confess today?” Baekhyun asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

“Chanyeol! Why did you said that?!”

“Baek’s my best friend. We promised not to keep secret from each other.” Chanyeol said, shrugging.

“And since we’re talking about Kyungsoo, here he comes.”

Soon, Kyungsoo was seen in the big door of Jongin’s house.

“Ooh. Looks like someone is drooling.” Chanyeol said, snickering.

“I wasn’t drooling!” Jongin said, feeling offended.

“You go, guy! Go and entertain the boy!” Baekhyun said, pushing Jongin to Kyungsoo but to no avail, failed.

“I can’t! We had a fight last night.”

“Already having a lovers’ quarrel?”

“I don’t know. I was hanging out with Sehun yesterday and he completely went insane and yeah, we fought.” Jongin said, sighing.

“Then go and fix it.”

“But what if he’s mad?”

“Are you seriously dumb? If he’s mad then he shouldn’t be here.”

“Yeah. And I thought you were smarter than me.”

“Hey! I am smarter than you, Byun Baekhyun!”

They continued partying. But after several hours, the two best friends were tired and decided to go home.

“Jongin, we’re leaving, ok? Just go confess without us.”

“What?! Why?!”

“We’re freaking tired, Kim Jongin! You’re too much of a coward to put that into action after 3 hours already!”



The three friends looked at the owner of the voice. The two best friends smirked but Jongin sweated and swallowed real hard.


“Jongin, we need to talk.”

“Umm, o-ok.”

So the two left and the two best friends snickered.

“Let’s go home, Chan. I’m too tired to know what’s going to happen.”

“Yeah, me too.”

So they went to the car. The ride was quite quiet so Chanyeol thought of something.

“Baek, we’re still far from home so why don’t you sing for me?”

“I’m tired, Chan. Maybe next time.”

“Come on, Baek. I love your voice.”

“Ok, then.”

Baekhyun started singing Just Once.

The driver was slowly falling asleep at the music and didn’t saw the truck coming their way so before they knew it, they’ve got hit by the truck and both of them doesn’t know the outcome of this.

At the hospital, Baekhyun woke up. He was feeling dizzy and his throat hurts.

He saw Chanyeol sleeping soundly while holding his hand. The other was also wearing a hospital gown.

He tried to wake Chanyeol up but he couldn’t hear his voice! He shook Chanyeol up.

“Huh? Baek! You’re awake!” Chanyeol said, hugging Baekhyun tightly.

Baekhyun took a note pad and wrote:

What happened to my voice?

Chanyeol froze at the question. Of course! The doctor told him Baekhyun lost his voice.

“Umm, how can I explain this?”

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with an impatient look.

“Baek, you lost your voice. It will come back after 5 months.”

Baekhyun froze. He lost his voice. His voice is so important to him. Chanyeol loves his voice and so does himself. He can’t take this.

Baekhyun then again wrote something that broke Chanyeol’s heart.

It’s your fault, Park Chanyeol. If only you didn’t make me sing that time, I would have had my voice back. It’s all your fault. I hate you. GET OUT.

“Baek, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Chanyeol said, crying.

Baekhyun doesn’t know why he wrote it but he felt so desperate.

Baekhyun pointed the door, making Chanyeol leave.

“Baek… forgive me, please?”

Don’t call me Baek anymore, Park Chanyeol. Let’s end this. I don’t want a friend like you anymore. I hate you.

It broke Chanyeol’s heart. Especially the last sentence. Baekhyun hates him now.

So, he left Baekhyun, but promised that he’ll be back.

After Baekhyun made sure that Chanyeol really left, he cried.

He lost his voice. He will have it after 5 months. He can’t even live a day without it!

But he cried more because he can’t do anything but blame it all on Chanyeol, his best friend and other half.

The next day, the doctor went to visit Baekhyun.

“Mr. Byun, you can go home now. But you should not tire yourself. Remember to take care of yourself, ok?”

Yes, doctor. Doctor, the guy I was with, did he already left?

“I’m sorry, Mr. Byun, but the patient didn’t want me to tell you at all.”

But why?

“He told me you two fought. He doesn’t want to tell you anything just yet.”

Baekhyun nodded but deep inside, he was confused as to why.

So the doctor left. After 10 minutes or so, Chanyeol came. But he was still in a hospital gown.

“I’m glad you’re leaving here, Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun won’t lie that he wanted to cry when Chanyeol called him by his real name.

“I-I’ll be o-out of here t-too.”

Baekhyun knows that Chanyeol is lying but decided not to mind.

“I’ll miss us, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol said, back hugging Baekhyun.

Baekhyun’s tears fell but he quickly wiped them and got out of the taller’s embrace.

Just leave, Chanyeol. Can’t you see I’m busy? Mind your own health.

“Ok. I’ll go to your house, ok?” Chanyeol said before leaving.

Once again, Baekhyun cried after the taller left. He broke down because he doesn’t know when this nightmare will end.

As Baekhyun passed through the rooms, he saw Chanyeol’s sister crying.

Noona, what happened?

As soon as Yura looked at Baekhyun, she quickly wiped her eyes.

“Nothing. I’m just happy that Chanyeol is going out of the hospital.”

“Noona, let’s go.” Chanyeol said, not even sparing a glance at Baekhyun.

“Bye, Baekhyun.”

At home, Baekhyun was welcomed by Jongin and Kyungsoo whose eyes were bloodshot.

Why are you crying?

“We’re just happy you’re back, Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo said, hugging Baekhyun.

Baekhyun observed how Jongin’s hand turned into a fist as he looked at his phone and went to the comfort room, forgetting the cell phone and cried messily.

Baekhyun looked at the cell phone and saw a picture of Jongin and Chanyeol.

After an hour of hugging and talking, the doorbell rang.

Jongin chose to open the door and froze as he saw Chanyeol smiling sheepishly at him. Kyungsoo too froze but quickly recovered his posture.

“C-Chanyeol, what are you doing here?! You should be resting at home!” Jongin shouted, obviously angry.

“I-I’m sorry, Jongin. I just wanted Baekhyun to forgive me.”

“W-What? You two fought?” Kyungsoo asked, completely not believing it.

Baekhyun can only nod.

“Go home, Chanyeol. I’m worried for you.” Kyungsoo said, sighing.

“I’m ok, really.”

“Don’t lie to me, Park Chanyeol! You have-“

Jongin didn’t get to finish his sentence as Chanyeol covered his mouth and whispered something at Jongin’s ear.

“W-Why?” Jongin said, trying to fight back the tears.

“I-I don’t want him to worry.” Chanyeol said, looking at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo nodded in understanding.

Chanyeol, leave now please. I want to rest. I already told you that I hate you, right? Leave me alone.

“You’re my best friend, Baekhyun. I can’t just do that.”

Just walk through that door. As simple as that.

Baekhyun knew he was being mean but he really wants to be alone.

“You’ll regret this, Byun Baekhyun.” Jongin mumbled in which Baekhyun heard it.

“Jongin, why don’t you take Chanyeol home, yes?”


Before Jongin closed the door, he said something.

“Make sure you will stick to that, Byun Baekhyun. Don’t regret what you did.”

Baekhyun didn’t know why but he got scared.

After 2 days, Chanyeol didn’t visit him but texted him.

Chanyeol’s texts would always start with, happy we’re alive again!

Baekhyun doesn’t know why but it makes him goose bumps.

Chanyeol would always text him but Baekhyun won’t reply to them.

Baekhyun would always curl into a ball and wish that his voice would be back.

One day, Chanyeol texted Baekhyun.

Hi Baekhyun, how are you?

Would you please stop texting me! Isn’t it quite obvious that I don’t want you in my life anymore?!

Can you read this one? This might be the last time I’ll be texting you.

Baekhyun doesn’t know why, but he’s suddenly scared again.

What do you mean?

Just listen, ok? Baekhyun, I miss you. I wanted to be with you. I don’t know why this happened but I promise, I blame myself everyday for what you lost. I know that your voice is so important to you. I’m sorry. I know sorry won’t be enough because you threw me, right? I don’t want you to feel bad! I just want to say what I truly feel. I’m sorry, Baekhyun. And since I don’t know when I will be texting you again, I want to say this to you. I’m in love with you, Byun Baekhyun. I know it’s too late but at least I got to say it, right?

Baekhyun didn’t reply. He was scared. His other half was in love with him.

He was in love with him too but it’s just not in the right situation.

After 3 months, Baekhyun saw Chanyeol at a Café with Jongin.

Baekhyun sat at the back, next to their table so he could eavesdrop to them.

 “Chanyeol, your fingers are getting pale. And are you wearing make up?”

“Yeah, I know. So, how’s Baekhyun? Is he doing well?”

“If doing well means locking himself at his bedroom, then yes.”

“Really? Does he eat?”

Baekhyun smiles at how caring Chanyeol is.

“Yeah, of course.”

“I’m glad that he’s doing fine.”

Chanyeol suddenly coughed. He coughed real hard.

“C-Chanyeol, i-is that-“

But it’s too late because Chanyeol quickly went to the rest room with Jongin shortly following.

Baekhyun wanted to know real badly but he was still holding unto his pride.

After what seems like forever, the two came back.

“Did you go to the doctor? It seems to get worse.”

Baekhyun’s heart started beating rapidly but not in a good way.

“Yeah, I did. Umm, Jongin, can you tell Baekhyun that I miss him, ok? Tell him too that I don’t know if we’ll ever meet again.”

“Park Chanyeol! Don’t say that as if you’re dying!”

“I slowly am, Jongin and I know that you know that too.”

Baekhyun’s heart drop. Chanyeol’s slowly dying?

“Let’s go home, Chanyeol. You’re just tired.”

“Ok, whatever you said.” Chanyeol said, laughing.

Baekhyun’s tears fall at the sound of his best friend’s laugh.

So the next day, Baekhyun went to the police office. He wasn’t able to sleep at all. Chanyeol’s words kept running into his mind.

“Yes, Sir? I am Officer Hwang and what can I help you with?”

Ma’am, I need to know the position of the two people who was involved in the car accident.

“You were involved as well?”

Baekhyun can only nod.

“Oh, ok. Let’s say that your mouth was opened but the one next to you was, um... Let’s say that his head is quite injured badly. I don’t know. It bleeds nonstop. I’m quite surprised if he didn’t have any tumor or cancer with how he looked at the accident. By the way, is he ok now?”

He told me he got out of the hospital.

“Whoa! He’s strong, then! I mean, he survived that serious illness in months?”

He never told me anything about serious illnesses.

“Oh? I’m not a doctor but I’m quite sure he’s having serious brain illness.”

After that, Baekhyun ran.

He ran away because he doesn’t want to believe.

“Chanyeol, your fingers are pale. Are you wearing make up?”

“Did you go to the doctor? It seems to get worse.”

“I slowly am, Jongin and I know that you know that too…”

Those words kept running into his mind.

He won’t believe the officer.

Chanyeol never lies to him.

His feet led him to Kyungsoo’s house. His feet were trembling as he knocked on the door.

“Baekhyun? Baekhyun, why are you crying?”

Nothing. I want to ask you something.

“Sure! Ask me as long as you can.”

What’s wrong with Chanyeol? Does he have any illness?

“W-Where did you get that from?” Kyungsoo said, voice slightly shaking.

Just answer me, Kyungsoo. Tell me the truth.


Kyungsoo’s cell phone suddenly rang.

“Hello, Jongin?”

“K-Kyungsoo! Go to Seoul National Hospital now!”

“What? Why?”

“Chanyeol kept coughing blood and he lost conscious! Go now!”

Kyungsoo’s body trembled.

“No…” Kyungsoo mumbled, ending the call.

What happened?

Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun and dragged him to the hospital with no word.

At the hospital, Baekhyun is still confused.

Why were they at the hospital?

Then, they saw Jongin who cries like a mess.

Kyungsoo ran to Jongin and hugged him.

“What happened, Jongin?”

Jongin looked at Kyungsoo and saw Baekhyun behind him.

“But Kyungsoo, Baekhyun…”

“He needs to know now.” Kyungsoo said caressing Jongin’s cheek.

“Chanyeol is in the operating room now. He kept on coughing blood and…and…and”

Jongin can’t continue due to his shakiness.

Kyungsoo faced Baekhyun and sighed deeply.

“Baekhyun, Chanyeol has brain cancer.”

Baekhyun’s tears fell as he kneeled helplessly.

“We’re sorry, Baekhyun. Chanyeol didn’t want us to tell you.” Jongin said as he kneeled next to Baekhyun and hugged him.

The doctor came.

“Mr. Park’s family?”

“We’re his best friends. How is he, doc?” Kyungsoo said, trying to sound normal but failed because of the hoarseness of his voice.

“Well, he’s not doing very well. He’s getting worse. We should really do an operation on him. We’re losing time.”

“Yes, doc.”

“Can we see him now?” Jongin said, impatiently.

“Yes, you may.”

So the three guys ran to Chanyeol’s room.

“Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo said, hugging Chanyeol.

“Guys, why bother? I’m ok!” Chanyeol said, laughing.

“Umm, Chanyeol, someone came to visit you.”

“Who? If it’s my mom, I will really be upset about-“

Baekhyun showed himself and Chanyeol’s smile fell.

“B-Baekhyun? W-What are you doing here?”

Baekhyun didn’t answer him and just hugged him. Baekhyun’s tears slowly fell as Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun’s embrace.

“Aww, why is Baekhyun crying? You know that I don’t like seeing sad people, right?” Chanyeol said as he wiped Baekhyun’s tears as his tears slowly fell too.

Baekhyun wrote on the notepad messily as Chanyeol is still caressing his cheeks.

I’m sorry, Chan. I blamed you for something you didn’t do. I wanted to say that I’m in love with you too.

Chanyeol read it and blushed as Jongin and Kyungsoo makes smooch noises.

“Aww, Jongin, I love you.” Kyungsoo said, pinching Jongin’s cheek.

“I love you too.” Jongin replied, caressing Kyungsoo’s cheek.

And they kissed and laughed at the two embarrassed guys.

“Hey, you two! Stop that, will you?”

Kyungsoo and Jongin only stick their tongue out at the new couple.

One day, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were lying at the bed of the hospital, hugging each other.

“Baek… If something bad happens, close your eyes, ok? And don’t cry.”

No, I need to see it first to know if it’s bad.

Baekhyun stick his tongue out at Chanyeol’s rolling eyes.

“Don’t cry if I ever not survive, ok? You know that a crying Baekhyun is the last thing I want to know.”

Baekhyun wrote on the notepad and slapped it on Chanyeol’s face.

You’re not going to die, Chan. You’re not going to leave me.

“I’m really not going to leave you. I’ll always be here.” Chanyeol said, pointing at Baekhyun’s chest were his heart is.

I love you!

“I love you too, Baek.” Chanyeol said, hugging Baekhyun tightly.

The next day, Chanyeol started coughing blood again.

Does it hurt? Tell me, ok?

Chanyeol laughed at Baekhyun’s overly care.

“I’m alright, Baek.” Chanyeol said, kissing Baekhyun’s forehead.

Baekhyun only pouted at the action.

“Why are you pouting?”

Baekhyun pointed his lips.

“Oh. So my Baek wants to get kissed on the lips? Why?”

Baekhyun lowered his head as he wrote on the notepad and he showed it to Chanyeol with teary eyes.

I want you to steal my first kiss because I don’t want any other person to steal yours too but me. And, what if I never get to kiss you again?

Chanyeol only sighed as he lean closer to Baekhyun.

First, he kissed Baekhyun’s forehead.

“You’ll always be in my mind, Baek.”

Second, the nose.

“I will always be with you.”

Third, the cheeks.

“You will always be the other half of me.”

Before he kissed Baekhyun’s lips…

“I love you, Byun Baekhyun.”

And finally their lips touched.

After a minute of kissing, Chanyeol pulled out and had hard time breathing.

Baekhyun pulled the doctor to the room to look at Chanyeol.

The doctor and nurses put Chanyeol in the operating room.

Baekhyun texted Jongin.

Jongin! It’s Chanyeol!

What about him?

Chanyeol isn’t breathing! Come here, please.

What?! We’re on our way!

Baekhyun looked at the window and saw how the doctor was sweating badly as they try to make Chanyeol live again.

“Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo said as he hugged Baekhyun.

“What happened?”

Baekhyun only looked at his feet.

After what seems like forever…

“No… Chanyeol! Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo screamed.

Baekhyun quickly looked up and saw that the doctor was preparing to pump the life into Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, wake up!” Jongin said, punching the window.

“Clear!” The doctor said, pumping the life into Chanyeol.

And Baekhyun closed his eyes.

“Baek… If something bad happens, close your eyes, ok? And don’t cry.” Chanyeol repeated in Baekhyun’s mind.

Baekhyun won’t cry. He promised Chanyeol.


Baekhyun opened his eyes and looked at Jongin and Kyungsoo whose eyes were wide as well.

Baekhyun quickly ran to Chanyeol and hugged the lying figure.

“What happened, doc?!”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Kim. We finished the surgery when we suddenly lost his heartbeat.”

“Make him live again, doc! Make him live again!” Jongin said, kneeling at the doctor while Kyungsoo hugged him.

“Doc, is there any other way to stop his death? It’s not even ten minutes or so!” Kyungsoo said, caressing Jongin’s strands of hair as if trying to calm him.

“It doesn’t work that way, Mr. Do.”

“Chanyeol!” Jongin screamed helplessly.

Baekhyun quietly sob while he caresses Chanyeol’s cheek.

“C-Chanyeol… don’t leave me.” Baekhyun mumbled.

Jongin and Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun.

“H-He talked. You heard that, right Jongin?”


“B-Baekhyun… You talked.”

Baekhyun ignored the voices as he was concentrated at Chanyeol’s peaceful face.

“Chanyeol, you promised me to make me happy. Why aren’t you doing your promise?! How about me?! What will I do without you?! You told me I’m your other half and you are mine too. So tell me, how will I be complete if a big part of me is gone?!” Baekhyun said as he’s completely unaware of his voice.

Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol’s eyes.

“Wake up, Chan!”

Baekhyun kept kissing Chanyeol’s lips as he shake the dead body of his other half.

“I love you, Chan! Wake up now! I love you!”

And a miracle happened…

“B-Baek… You c-can talk.” Chanyeol mumbled as he slowly opens his eyes.

“Chanyeol! Chan, you’re awake!” Baekhyun said, hugging Chanyeol.

“Yes, Baek. I won’t leave you now.” Chanyeol said, kissing Baekhyun’s forehead.

“Chanyeol… he’s alive again. How did that happen, doc?” Jongin said, still in Kyungsoo’s embrace.

“That’s quite impossible but I guess love did it.” The doctor said, quite amazed.

“Jongin, stop crying, ok?” Kyungsoo said, wiping Jongin’s tears.

“I’m sorry I made you cry.” Jongin said, hugging the now crying Kyungsoo.

“It’s ok,  just don’t cry again, ok?” Kyungsoo said, caressing Jongin’s face while still in Jongin’s embrace.

“I love you, Kyungsoo.”Jongin said, rubbing their forehead.

“I love you too, Jongin, more than you can imagine.” Kyungsoo said, rubbing their noses.

And they kissed.

“Hey you two! I’m alive here and you won’t welcome me and continue those cheesy acts?!”

And so the two, went to Chanyeol and hugged him.

After a week, Chanyeol went to Baekhyun’s house. As he went to Baekhyun’s room, he heard Baekhyun’s singing voice.

“Neorul mannamyeon nunmul chaolla. Babogateun nan amu mal motae. Malhaejwo mer meri Christmas, annyeong  jal jinaeneungeoji.~”

“My Baek’s having a singing session, huh?” Chanyeol said, back hugging Baekhyun.

“Yeah. I got used to singing again.” Baekhyun said, hugging Chanyeol back.

“If you could choose one thing, your voice or me?”

“I don’t know.”Baekhyun said, teasing Chanyeol.

“Hey! You should say me!” Chanyeol said with a sulky pout.

“Of course it would be you.” Baekhyun said, pecking Chanyeol’s lips.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

And they kissed…


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Till next time! J

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dodo2302 #1
Chapter 1: I was literally crying my eyes out. Not even joking my best friend just asked me what's wrong. Oh my god that really scared me and I was bawling when channie died
NursyafiqaAnnuar #2
Chapter 1: I'm crying like crazy! Your story is too, too sad. Good job, author-nim!
daeshi1661 #3
Chapter 1: awwwwwwww I'm crying because I thought Yeollie died but WOW love makes miracles huh ? ;) nice story author-nim :D