Jeers and Sleeping Beauty

Before It's Too Late

In the van, you sat in between heechul and kibum. You still didn't know that Kibum and donghae had bought you your ballet attire yet cuz you were still in a daze about the leotards that you had feast you eyes on just a few minutes ago. 

"Dani-ah, are you tired?" Donghae asked as he looked at you from across the van. You silently nodded and pouted to yourself.

"She had a long day today" Leetuek said from behind the wheel. 

"Yeah the flight from america must've killed her." Kangin added

"And we have an early schedule tomorrow!" Ryeowook added.

As the boys continued talking and chatting away you started to fall asleep. Kibum noticed you rocking side to side as the van moved along so he put his arms around you and placed your head on his shoulder. 

"Ya kim kibum" Heechul hissed quietly at kibum, who merely looked up and gave a sharp nod in response. "Do you like her?" Heechul asked. The rest of super junior immediately turned their heads over to kibum and jeered. "Ya! Shut up! don't wake her up!" heechul snapped. 

"So do you?" Kangin asked.

"I think it's so obvious" Donghae and Eunhyuk said playfully. Kibum merely shrugged and smiled, earning more jeers from the rest. 

"If you do you have to get approval from her parents" Hangeng said as he put his arm around heechul.

"yeah if you try anythign funny I will chase you out of the apartment with my eggbeater. ARASO!?" heechul hissed. 

"Neh hyung" kibum laughed quietly.

"We're home!!!!!!!" Leetuek yelled, hoping that you'd wake up, but you didn't budge.

"Dani-ah" Heechul sang as he gently shook you, you didn't give any response. "Are you kidding me!?" He screeched when you didn't move an inch.

"Dani-ah, we're home already... wake up" Kibum said in your ear, shaking you as well. You didn't exactly respond and only gave a slight fidget.

"She's such a heavy sleeper..." Heechul said as he got out from the van after the rest of super junior. 

"Just carry her up" Shindong said.

"I'll carry my little daughter" Hangeng said as kibum put you on hangeng's back. "Up we go!" he said as they all proceeded upstairs.

"We don't have the keys to her apartment!"  Leetuek said as he rummaged through the pockets of his pants. 

"It's late, Hyung might be sleeping already" Donghae said as he pointed towards Mr. Jung's door.

"what do we do?!" Ryeowook pouted.

"Just bring her in our apartment" Kyuhyun snapped, impatient to get home.

"where's she gonna sleep?! ON THE FLOOR!?" Heechul screeched.

"She can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the floor" Kibum offered. 

"Oh yeah she can sleep in our room" Hangeng agreed.

"Okay set she'll sleep in our room!" Heechul agreed as he clapped his hands together.

"Okay let's go then" Leetuek said as he opened the door to their apartment. Hangeng took you upstairs to the rooms, Their rooms had taken up the whole of the floor above theirs, so it wasn't considered a floor, and the lift doesn't go up there. Kibum and heechul followed hangeng into their room, while the rest placed your bags in the living room downstairs. Hangeng slowly lowered you down onto Kibum's bed with the help of heechul as kibum went to get ready for bed.

"She must be really tired" Hangeng said as he looked at you sleeping.

"Yeah, she had a long day" Heechul agreed and both of them went to get ready for bed. 

Kibum laid the mattress down on the floor next to his bed and yawned. He covered you with his blankets and smiled gently at you, brushing your hair away from your petite face. "Goodnight Dani-ah" he whispered and drifted off to sleep himself. 

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Hope you'll update soon~
Plmokn #2
Update soon
r u going to update soon? It's been awhile! you're okay right? or just busy? ahh anyways can't wait till u update!
update soon DX i m so eager to no whats gonna happen!!
update soon.. :))
xangel429x #6
=( not good! i hope everything's okay!
dragonholic #7
Oh my god, I hope she'll be okay! T____T
xangel429x #8
aww that's so sad! =( i hope she's okay!!! kibum's going to be there for her!!!! <3333 thanks for the update!
MISCharacter #9
Thanks for the double updates.
butterfly555 #10
omo another update yay so happy and omo i hope she okay cause she suffer enough in the pass no?