My next target

Behind The Mask

"Well done" The old woman said in an exciting tone. She's acting a little different than usual. She'd stare at me coldly while talking lot of junks with her moving wrinkled lips. Uggh..How I hate that. I walk into the kitchen and took out the bottle filled with blood and poured it into a bowl and a cup.


"Here's your dinner" I said as I kneel down with one foot contacting the floor and raised the bowl of blood. She took it and devoured the blood without even thanking me. I stood up and took my cup from the table and poured it all inside my mouth. Taste good.


"Ahhh" She breathed out after drinking the blood and dropped the bowl on the floor. What do you think I am? Your dog? Aish..I bent down and pick the bowl up while cussing at her under my breath. "Mworago?" She asked. I shot a look up at her and shook my head. "Nothing"


After picking up, I straighten my clothes and stared at her. "You sound exciting" I said as I smirked trying to make up the mood. She shot a glare at me and now my mood is ruined. She stared at me for a little while and smirked. "I've already found my greatest target" She said. fast? H-How did she find her next target that easily? The night is only filled with air and that's it. What if she saw......a ghost? Nahh..she's not that dumb enough. Or maybe she is..


She turned the big screen that is hanging on the wall on without moving away from her throne and at the screen showed a skinny guy. Him? Greatest target? Pfft you must be joking. But he kind of look familiar to me. By thinking about how she get him I realise he's the guy from just now. No wonder. She got it when I turned to him.


"Your next target is him. Jang Hyunseung. He may look skinny but he has tons of blood inside him. . More than everyone else in this earth. The more blood he has, the more tasty it is" She said while staring amazingly at the screen. I look back at the screen and studied the boy. How can he have so much blood in that body? Is she joking? Because if she is, it will be scary.


"I want it by tomorrow. If not, you'll know what happen" She said and got her lazy off the throne. She slowly walk towards he bedroom while massaging her back. "Aigoo my back" She muttered. She is already old enough now. 250 years old and she still wants to live. No life.


Hyunseung's POV:


I rushed into the house and slammed the door shut. I quickly ran to the window and peeked through the curtain making sure the vampire didn't follow me.


Wait..what am I thinking? Of course they don't exist. Aish this is driving me crazy!


"What happened?" Yoseob asked while drying off his hands with a towel. I got away from the curtain and cleared my throat. "Nothing really" I said awkwardly. Yoseob raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why did you slam the door then?" "Aish stop asking question and make me food. I'm starving" I said feeling annoyed.


He pouted and went back into the kitchen. Yoseob stayed with me ever since his parents died. I asked where he came from but he never tell me. He always changes topic whenever I asked him about his personal life. I decided to let him keep his little secret since I felt pitiful towards him.




"I'm sorry your parents died" I said. He look up at me with his teary eyes and stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and tighten his grip. "You....You can stay at my house if you want" I said as I pat his back. He released the hug and looked at me. "Are your parents okay with it?" 


I frozed a little at his question but soon got back to my senses. "I live alone" I said as I force a small smile. "I'm...I'm sorry" Yoseob apologized as he cracked his voice. "I think I should go" He said and was about to leave when I stopped him. "Living alone in the street is dangerous. Stay in my house" I said coolly and dragged him to our home.


"I promise I'll do the houseworks by myself. As a pay back" He said and smiled. "Like you promised. You'll do everything" I said and smiled back at him.


End of Flashback


Since that day onwards, Yoseob have been like a mom to me. The mom who take care of me, who protects me and make a stiff house into a lively warm house. Not like the mom who abandons her own son. I'm still curious about Yoseob. He never even tells me how old is he nor how his parents died. I don't think he wants to talk about it.


"Here's your food" Yoseob said as he place the plates on the table. Yoseob's cooking is more likely to be the best I've ever tasted. Better than cafeteria food. I settled myself down on the chair and started to dig in my rice. "Aren't you eating?" I said with my mouth full of rice.


Yoseob smiled and shook his head. "Andwae! You must eat! You rarely eats in front of me" I said while taking some food inside my mouth. "Come eat" I ordered as I push a bowl of rice to him. "Fine. If you want me to eat that bad" He said and smiled as he accepted my bowl of rice.


It was quite uncomfortable when silent occurs so I tried to break the silence a little. "Yoseob. Do you....believe in. Vampires?" I asked. Yoseob look at me and chuckled a little while. "What? Are you believing vampires exist after that hidious joke?" He teased. "A-Aniya!" I stuttered and put the spoon in my mouth.


"Arra arra" Yoseob giggled and both of us went back to eating. Stop thinking vampires exist. Definitely not a single thought about it!


"Ugh!" I groaned as I drop myself on the bed. I place my arm on top of my eyes and took a deep breath to help myself relax. Do vampires really exist? Do they really exist? I'm still thinking about that after what I saw. It must be my imagination. Yes. It must be my imagination.


I took my story book out and read through the page where things started to happen. From what I read, it says vampires are scared of lights. That's common. What else are they scared of? I flip through the page while searching for their fear. Wait..why am I looking for their fear when they never exist?


"Aaaish! What is wrong with you seungie?!" I muttered as I rustled my hair playfully. I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling trying to relax myself. Why can't they just leave my mind? I switched off the lamp and covered myself with my blanket and went to sleep, not thinking anything about.....them.



Weeeeee another update :3 This chapter may not be interesting but hope you enjoy this chapter ^^

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ps_loveU #1
I love it very much!!! TOO AMAZING XDDD
THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( I hate everyone who didnt upvote for this. Jk (dont kill me everyone)
noisygurl #3
Omona!!!. i luv this fanfic vewy MUCH *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 27: Omg. So sweet. Junseung forever
Chapter 27: Love it~~~ HEEEEE!!!!
Im not so into this kind fantasy ff but i love Junseung~~
Good job authornim~
(And yeah i read that Kiseob ff too, but why it's discontinued~~ T.T)
seungie89 #6
Chapter 27: I laugh , cry . I love your story more than junhyung love hyunseung ! Its was so amazing . Seriously , this is the best fanfic ever ! ;) i love you author ;) from : hyunseung's fan :D
Chapter 27: New reader. How sweet. They're back together. I love Junseung. Nice story. Glad to have read it
@Bapbabygirl; Omg you did? :'D I'm... touched T^T I'm glad you like it!

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D
So it's 1 am an I stayed up all night just to make sure they got Back together. Love this story!!!
@OnASnowyDay; Glad you like it ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D