League of Legends

When BTS Meets Games

Author: loveamyx33 

"We should do something. There's nothing fun to do anymore," Suga complained, sprawled out on the floor.

"HYUNG HYUNG HYUNG!!1!" Jungkook came running out of his room, stepping on Suga's hand in the process. The poor boy grabbed his hand, bringing it up to his chest and rolling around in an attempt to relieve the pain. Curse words fell from his mouth as he glared at Jungcookie. 

"WOT. ಠ_ಠ" everyone else turned towards the maknae.

"IIIIII FOUUUUUUUND SOOOOOOOMETHIIIIIING," he said, waving his laptop around. 

"KOOKIE NO, THAT'S EXPENSIVE!" Jin scolded, snatching the laptop from his hands. Pink Jincess took once glance at the screen and his frown deepened. "Wha- What's Leeegeu ob Leejundeus?" 

"Pls. It says League of Legends." Rap Monster says in his perfect english. "It's a new game I found! It looks fun let's play, let's play!!1" The overexcited maknae says, snatching his laptop back from umma Jin. He sat on Suga's legs (Suga: /screams) and placed the device on his lap. The rest of his hyungs crowded around him, staring at the tiny screen. Jin took one look at the woman on the homescreen before screaming, "JEON JUNGKOOK THAT WOMAN IS WEARING VERY REVEALING CLOTHES. WHAT IS THIS GAME?! IS THIS A O? Goodness gracious, kids these days-" He clutched at his chest where his heart was and placed an arm over his forehead before falling to the ground.

"UMMA, NO! That's just one of the characters! Her name is... Miss Fortune? That's a funny name," the maknae snorted. He leaned against the eldest hyung's unconscious body and signed up for the game. 

Once Jin and Suga were up, Jungkook played the tutorial. "This game looks awesome! I'm going to download it on my laptop," V says, jumping up and running to his room. "Me too! Wait for me!" Jimin scrambles up and attempts to jump over the maknae's laptop but fails, kicking the screen shut on Jungkook's fingers. Cookie screamed loudly, staring at his fingers in shock. J-Hope laughed, pointing at the remaining bits of his fingers that were sticking out of the device. Suga jolted up. "I'm taking a nap. Don't bother me."

Once in his room however, Yoongi got on his laptop and downloaded the game. Jin walked in and took a glance at what his roommate was doing. He scoffed. "I'm never downloading that game. I'm not part of the o lyfe." He sauntered over to his bed and plopped down, pulling a book out from under his pillow and began to read. Suga shrugged, his eyes still on his screen. "You're missing out, hyung. This game is fun."


Meanwhile, J-Hope and Rapmon were fighting over the single computer in their room. "KIM NAMJOON, I PAID FOR THIS, SO I GET TO PLAY FIRST!" He snatched the mouse from the latter's hand and pushed him aside as he sat on the chair in front of the screen. Rap Monster huffed and stood up, brushing invisible dust off of his clothes. "Fine."

The monster was unleashed. He marched into Jungkook's room and picked up his laptop. "Jin hyung is right. You're too young for this kind of stuff." He then left the speechless Cookie in his tiny closet like room. "Did... did that just happen?" He stared at his hands.

"NAMJOON HYUNG IS TOUCHING MY LAPTOP! YAASSSSSSSS." He then proceeded to fan himself with his hands and started pacing back and forth. "This is one step closer to making him fall in love with me!" 



After an intense fangirl moment, Jungkook finally comes to the realization that he doesn't have a laptop anymore. He can't play League. What a nightmare. He went running into Jinumma's room with tears streaming down his face. "UMMA, I DON'T HAVE MY LAPTOP ANYMORE. I CAN'T PLAY LEEEAAAAAAGUEUEEEEE!!!" He fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands. 

Jin glared at the annoying maknae and set his book down. "You're too young for that game anyways. It doesn't matter. ಠ╭╮ಠ"

The sniffling Cookie looked up at his hyung with teary eyes. "Hyung, you have a laptop, don't you? You're not playing League... so I can play on it! ◕ ◡ ◕" With his newfound excitement, he pranced over to Jincess' bedside table and grabbed the laptop. "KOOKIE NO, THAT'S EXPENSIVE!" the elder shouts, scrambling up to take his precious device back. He holds it to his chest and glares until the maknae shrinks back and out of the room. The elder huffed and opened his laptop, furiously typing "League of Legends" into the search bar. "Let me download this game just to prove to everyone how innapropro it is for the maknae..." 

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Chapter 2: This is so funny XD
I was laughing like the whole time
When they were fighting for the characters I fell from my chair :D
oh my, Jin and Yoongi keep drooling xD
i love the way they fighting for character they wanted to use xD
Chapter 1: Dafuq, i love it Lol :v
Chapter 1: I laughed at kookie's fangirling
It's like me when a new bts MV just release

(sorry if my comment don't make any sense ;; English is not my first language._.)