Chapter 8

Learning to Love

Yeon Ae’s POV


I wake up and remember I’m not at home. I look around me, and I’m no longer on the couch either. I look around me and realise I’m in Jackson and Mark’s room. How did I get here?

I rub my eyes and sit up. I stretch my arms out before standing up. I walk over to the door and open it. I can just hear the TV. The lights are out and the volume isn’t loud so I quietly peek around the corner to see they’re watching a horror movie. JB is sitting on the couch closest to where I am, so I decide to scare him. I crouch on the floor and silently make my way behind him. 

“BOO!” I yell, grabbing his shoulders. He jumps and the other guys scream. I swear I hear Yu Gyeom squeal and I crack up laughing at all of them. Mark gets up and turns on the light. 

“What the hell Yeon Ae?” JB says, clutching at his chest.

“I didn’t expect all of you to jump” I say, still laughing.

“When did you wake up?” Jackson asks me. 

“Just now. How did I get in the room?” I ask. 

“Jackson hyung carried you.” Bam Bam says wiggling his eye brows at me. I feel my cheeks start to heat up. 

“Sorry. I’m a bit heavy.” I say, rubbing my neck.

“Yeah. You are.” he says, before turning his attention back to the movie. I scowl at him and JB makes space between him and Jackson for me to sit down. 

“You woke up at the right time. We just ordered pizza.” JB says to me.

We all get immersed in the movie. I lean towards Jackson when I can feel that something is going to pop out of somewhere thanks to the damn suspenseful music all horror movies use, when the doorbell rings. We all jump and I swear Yu Gyeom squeals again. 

I look up to see Jackson’s face near mine. 

“You comfortable?” he asks. I quickly sit up, moving away from him.

“Sorry.” JB comes in with the pizza and we start paying more attention to the food than the movie. 

When we’re done eating I try to help clean up but JB and Jr stop me. Making me stay seated on the couch. I look at the time and it’s getting late.

“I should probably get home.” I say, standing up. 

“You’re right. Come on, I’ll take you.” Jackson says going to get his keys.

“No. It’s okay. I can get home okay. You have work tomorrow don’t you?” 

“You’re not going home alone. Especially dressed like that.” He leads the way to the door and I say a quick goodbye to the other guys. 

“See you at the wedding Noona!” Yu Gyeom calls after me. I follow Jackson out and get in the car. 

Jackson has the radio on as he drives and I stare out of the window. 

He pulls up to my house and I undo the safety belt. 

“Thank you for today.” I say. “I guess I’ll see you at the wedding then?” 

He nods and I open the door and go to get out but he grabs my wrist.

“Wait.” I sit back down, with the door open. “Pass me your phone.” 

I take out my phone and hand it to him. He dials a number and his phone vibrates in it’s holder. I see my number appear on the screen and he hangs up. 

“It’s not fair that Jaebum hyung has your number and I don’t.” I nod as he hands me back my phone. 

“Message me when you get home. You have my number now.” I say, smiling. “Good night.”

I get out before he can say anything else. I wait on the side for him to drive away, waving as he does. 

I think we made some good progress today. Some very good progress. 

I go inside and my Mum wants to know all about my ‘date’ with Jackson. I tell her it wasn’t a date because 6 other men were there and head upstairs. I change out of this darned dress and get ready for bed. It’s been a long day. I take out my phone and look at the last dialled number. I save it to my contacts.

I lay down under the covers and am about to close my eyes when my phone vibrates. 

From: Husband

I’m home. 

I didn’t think he would actually message me but I smile at the fact he did. I send a reply before I pull the covers up to my chin and turn onto my side. I smile as I close my eyes and fall asleep. 



Jackson’s POV


From: Yeon Ae 

Okay. Good night. :)

I stare at the smiley face for a few seconds before breaking out into a smile myself. 

“What are you smiling about?” Mark asks, from the bed next to me. 

“Nothing.” I say. I think about replying but she must be in bed by now. I settle into my bed, still staring at my phone. I think back to when I got her number. I was so nervous. But I couldn’t just send her home like that. I smile to myself thinking about the way she smiled at me when she told me to message her. 

“Jackson. I think you need some sleep, you’re going crazy.”

“Shut up hyung.” 

“You really like her, huh?” I look at Mark, rolling over so that we’re facing each other. 

“She’s my fiancee. Aren’t I suppose to like her?”

“Yeah, but you didn’t meet until you were arranged. I didn’t think you would start to like her until later on in your marriage.” I shrug. 

“I don’t know, hyung.” 

“Well, I think you do. Good night Jackson.” he rolls over to face the other side.

“Good night, hyung.” 

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Chapter 31: I can't even point out who are mature enough in here
Chapter 20: When mouth acts faster than mind
Chapter 8: Tooo cuuteee
YunaJi #4
Chapter 2: i love this story sooo much idek how many times i’ve read this
Chapter 35: this story got me mad till the end. I hate their character, are they even an adult? and how jaebum messed yoonae jackson married life, I understand he care for yoonae but he is too much, he didn't give jackson chance. Wow I never been so riled up like this, you make me really into the story and even angry at my phone. I'm going to read the sequel bye~
AriNJQ #6
Chapter 15: kyaaaa I have no idea why but I find jealousy cute in stories hehe ^^
AriNJQ #7
Chapter 1: yesssss both povs would be great
Chapter 9: Love the story so far! And holy cow you are one talented writer btw :D
purpleapple01 #9
Chapter 22: iaccifentallh lslla Lls000
aChoco #10
Chapter 34: Wowow ! Jelly Jackson aish!