Chapter 10

Learning to Love

Yeon Ae’s POV


Today is the day of the wedding. I was up at an ungodly hour of the morning and getting my hair and make up done. I’m now at the hotel and in the dress that Jackson picked out. I’m waiting in a room with Min and a lot of guests come in to congratulate me and take a photo. 

“Noona!” before he’s even entered the room I can hear Yu Gyeom calling out for me. I look at the door and he comes running in with Bam Bam. They jump onto the chair, one on either side of me. The rest of the GOT7 members walk in laughing at them. They’re all dressed in suits and they look good. I thought they only looked good in baggy tops and skinny jeans. We take photos together, nice ones and a few silly ones. Okay, maybe a lot of silly ones. 

“Are you excited?” JB asks me, after we’ve settled down. I nod.

“I guess. More nervous than excited I think.” he nods. 

“Jae Bum-ah, we should go. Jackson is probably waiting for us.” Jr says.

“Noona fighting!” Yu Gyeom yells and the others join in, each one high-fiving me before they leave. 

“I should probably get going too. The ceremony will start soon.” I nod, waving at Min as she leaves. Just as she leaves, my Dad comes in. He’s wringing his hands together and he looks really nervous. I hold my hand out to him and pull him to sit beside me. 

I rest my head on his shoulder and he pats my hand. We sit like that for a while until the wedding planner comes in and says that it’s time. 

Dad stands up, pulling me up with him. He sniffles and I look up at him.

“Dad, are you going to be okay?” he nods, blinking rapidly. I envelope him in a hug. “I’m always going to be your little girl, right?” He hugs me back and nods on my shoulder. He pulls away and pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his tears. I do my best to hold my tears back as he holds his arm out to me and I link mine through. 


“Bride, enter.” 

Dad and I take a deep breath before stepping out into the spotlight. Cameras flash and I look around to see that there are some press here. Of course there is, Jackson’s an idol, I heard he even had an interview earlier. We walk step by step and I take a quick glance around the room. I can see Min sitting with GOT7 at the table right near the front. I see a few more familiar faces, like JYP, Miss A, Super Junior’s Zhoumi, and some other celebrities that Jackson’s close with. I glance at my Dad and he’s tearing up again. I look down the aisle as we’ve almost reached the end and my heart starts to race even more than it already was. If Jackson looked breathtaking in our wedding photos, he’s mind blowing today. He stands in his tux, waiting for me. He has a smile on his face, and looking at it I automatically smile too. 

We finally reach the end of the aisle and Jackson steps forward and bows to Dad. They share a manly hug, before Dad turns around to me, tears threatening to fall. I smile at him as he pats my cheek. He takes my hand and gives it to Jackson. A tear slips from my eyes at the action and I sniffle. Jackson looks at me and stretches his hand out to wipe my tears for me. I’m startled by the softness of his action and I can only just hear the ‘awws’ coming from the crowd. We face the officiator and the rest of the ceremony is a blur. Jackson has to tug on my hand when it’s my turn to say ‘I do’. When it’s time to exchange rings my hands are a bit shaky, but Jackson holds them steady as he slips the ring onto my finger. He holds his hand out to me as I slip his ring on. 

“You may now kiss the bride.” Those words bring me out of my daze and my eyes widen. Jackson puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to face him. My eyes are wide as he leans in and gives me a light kiss. A bit softer than the time at the wedding shoot. Everyone claps and I’m snapped back to reality again. Jackson holds his arm out for me and I link my arm through. We stand as Young Jae gets up to sing our congratulatory song. Everyone claps and Jackson leads the way back down the aisle.

Everyone is standing around outside the hotel as Jackson and I walk towards his car. The guests are throwing confetti and rice everywhere. Jackson opens the door for me and I glance at him quickly before getting in the car. Jackson runs around to the drivers seat and waves at everyone before getting in. I wave to Min, my parents and GOT7 as Jackson drives off. Once we’re out of sight I lean back into my seat.

“Where are we going?” I ask Jackson.


“No honeymoon?” I say, laughing.

“Sorry, not yet.” he says, laughing too. 

Home. It felt weird to think that home now means a different home to usual. 

Once we arrive at home Jackson kicks his shoes off and removes his suit jacket. 

“I’m going to shower first.” he says, as he removes his bow tie. He throws the jacket on the back of the couch and goes upstairs. 

I sigh before picking up Jackson’s shoes that he kicked off. I also pick up the jacket from the couch. I go upstairs to the bedroom and open the closet. I place his shoes beside his other ones and take out a coat hanger for his jacket. After hanging up the jacket I take off my heels and move over to my side of the closet to put them away. I go through the clothes on my side and pick out something comfortable. I take the clothes to the bedroom and place them on my side of the bed. I can still hear the shower running so I walk out to the kitchen, still in my dress. I pour myself a glass of water and gulp it down. 

“Someone’s thirsty.” I almost drop the glass. I turn around to see Jackson in a bathrobe. He has a towel in one hand and is drying his hair with it. My heart has raced one too many times because of this guy’s appearance.

“Do you want a glass?” He looks at me before nodding. I take out a new glass and pour some water into it. I take it to him and head upstairs. I’m about to go into the bathroom when I stop. Jackson comes into the room at that time and is headed towards the closet. 

“Oppa.” he stops and turns around. “Can you help me out for a second? Could you my dress for me, please?” 



Jackson’s POV


“Could you my dress for me, please?” 

I almost freeze, but then I think that would look so uncool. So I casually walk over to her as she faces her back to me. She flips her hair so that it falls over one shoulder and out of the way of the zip. I hold my breath as I pull the zipper down, exposing her back. I swallow the growing amount of saliva in my throat. 

“Done.” I say and turn around to go to the closet, so that she can’t tell how much that affected me. I hear her mumble thanks and the sound of the bathroom door shutting. I let out a breath and start to fan myself with my hand. 

I calm myself down and get dressed.


A/N: Okay, maybe the wedding wasn't as exciting as expected but it's what happens after the wedding that's important.. right? 

I would say look forward to their first night as a married couple but.. 

I will probably update later today so wait for me!

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Love reading all your comments so keep them coming, they make me want to update faster :)


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Chapter 31: I can't even point out who are mature enough in here
Chapter 20: When mouth acts faster than mind
Chapter 8: Tooo cuuteee
YunaJi #4
Chapter 2: i love this story sooo much idek how many times i’ve read this
Chapter 35: this story got me mad till the end. I hate their character, are they even an adult? and how jaebum messed yoonae jackson married life, I understand he care for yoonae but he is too much, he didn't give jackson chance. Wow I never been so riled up like this, you make me really into the story and even angry at my phone. I'm going to read the sequel bye~
AriNJQ #6
Chapter 15: kyaaaa I have no idea why but I find jealousy cute in stories hehe ^^
AriNJQ #7
Chapter 1: yesssss both povs would be great
Chapter 9: Love the story so far! And holy cow you are one talented writer btw :D
purpleapple01 #9
Chapter 22: iaccifentallh lslla Lls000
aChoco #10
Chapter 34: Wowow ! Jelly Jackson aish!