Changmin's background

top secret

Yunho's P.O.V.

"Let's do this Min." I drove the wheelchair of my bestfriend Changmin into the machine he had built years ago, and attached the wires to his body.

He was a living genious, but his intelect had come with a price. When he was fifteen, he was diagnosed with MS, and he became paralized slowly.


Being the genius he is, he didn't accept his fate, but started desining a robot into which he could transer his mind. He already finished building most of it a few years ago when his disease stopped him from contenuing.

I used his blueprints to finish it, but it took me much longer than him. By now Changmin was almost completely paralised. Even talking and breathing were extremely hard to him.

But now it was finished. The robot looked just like Changmin. Even I couldn't see the difference between the robot and the real person and I have known him since we were todlers.

After I attached the robot to the machine that would transfer Changmin's mind into his metal duplicate I walked back to my friend.

He had calculated that the technology in the robot was at least 150 years early while the machine shouldn't exist for another 300 years. He was also doubtful if the infinite energy source that powered the robot would ever be reinvented.

I looked into Changmin's eyes to read his expression. He was scared about what was going to happen, but also happy that his suffering would be over.

"Thank...You" He whispered softly and I ruffled his hair before giving him one last hug.

Changmin closed his eyes and I started the machine.

I was scared. What if something went wrong? 'This is Changmin's work. Nothing will go wrong' I told myself.

The soft rumbling of the machine died down and I watched the robot anxiously. Had it worked?

The robot opened it's eyes, but they only showed green numbers like in the matrix. Fear rushed through me. What was wrong?

The robot blinked a few times and the green numbers had been replaced by Changmin's warm puppy eyes.

"Changmin?" He looked at me and a soft smile grew on his face.

He slowly lifted one of his arms and stared at it in wonder. He tried standing up, and he did it with ease.

When he realised he could do everything he used to do and more, the biggest grin I had seen on him in years appeared on his face.

He embraced me in happiness and I returned the hug.

"You did it Min. You built a human." I congratulated him, but he didn't agree.

"No Yunho, we did it together."

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Chapter 17: I like this fic a lot..its rare for them to be non human especially half, I wish I am half ghost so I can sneak out on YunJae without them noticing...bwahahahaa..*no I am not sasaeng*
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 17: Phew! Luckily Min has backup plans. Now they know who is coming for them....and it is connecting to Su's past.
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 17: Wow this is a great story. I just found it. Can't wait yo see the next update.
Aimensi_2402 #4
Chapter 16: NOOOOOO CHANGMIN~!! Somebody save my baby!!!
Chapter 16: Poor min!!
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 16: Oh no Min!!!! Where is that evil bastard.....make sure someone fry him.
MizzPeel0007 #7
Chapter 16: Wait is Changmin saved Jaejoong but sacrificed himself instead, hope that don;t let that guy escape from them as he already tried to killthree of them already. But, what is the reason for the attack?
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 15: Why, take Jaejong, seems that they knew he was vulnerable at the moment and used it at their advantage. Ah, someone else should have stayed home. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: Wooohhhh this is so good!!! I love everything about this story author nim....please keep up the good work!!!! Fighting!! ^_^
Chapter 15: please update more......please.....