
Wedding Crasher for hire

"How come you aren't tying me up or anything?" Fei asked curiously while looking around at the hide-out of the wedding crashers.

"Why would we?" Amber said, placing a cup of tea in front of Fei, she was currently sitting on a black leather couch with a coffee table and another couch in front of her.

“It’s not like we are going to kill you, although we don’t mind." Gikwang said with a smirk

Fei opened her eyes widely "Kill me?" ‘certainly they are not serious right?’ She thought.

"Gikwang is just kidding, don't mind him." Amber said. She said as she punched Gikwang's arm.

“Oww…” He said before going a distance away from Amber.

"So what are u gonna do to me?" Fei asked curiously.

"Just leave you here for a few days or till when Jaejoong finally gives up on finding you. Whichever one comes first.” Yunho smirked

"Do you hate Jaejoong?" Fei asked, Yunho looked away.

"It’s not something you should know anyway" Yunho said as he walked off.


The atmosphere was silent until that is, Taemin broke it.


"Noona, noona! I met the goddess of my life at the wedding!" Taemin said happily as he shook Amber. She was the only one he could go to when it comes to these things.


Yunho would probably roll his eyes and leave him and Gikwang would smack his head and scold him if they heard this, how could he be in love?


"Aish we are wedding crashers, how could you fall in love with someone?" Amber asked looking at him.


"But she was so pretty! I bet her heart is pretty too!" He pouted before continuing to go on about his goddess.


Amber just laughed at him; well he was just too cute like a small boy, whoever can resist him.


"So what am I going to do here?" Fei suddenly interrupted Taemin’s moment.


"Live here, we'll give you a fair share of food, shelter and everything else." Amber replied simply


Fei looked around; the house was pretty big like a mansion not some run down building like on TV when people get kidnapped.


"Whose house is this?" Fei asked as she looks around the living room.


"Our house! We all paid for it~" Taemin exclaimed happily.


"How did you pay for this house?" Fei asked as she was shocked, the furniture was high class and very clean. The whole house was high class and clean to be exact. How did 4 people pay for this with a job like that?


"Easy, we charge our customers with a very high price. Wedding crashing isn't as easy as you think it is." Gikwang smirked while looking at Fei. Fei really wanted to get rid of Yunho and Gikwang's smirks; it was as if that was the only expression they ever had. Their smirks is also creeping her out, like they are really going to kill her.


"Wedding crasher? So that’s your jobs?" Fei asked curiously


"Yeah…" It was odd that they revealed their secret job so quickly to just a stranger like Fei.


"Well can’t you guess it? If not why would we stop your wedding?" Yunho asked leaning against the wall


"Why would you want to stop our wedding? None of you guys are related to us in any way possible." Fei started to get suspicious despite the fact that the strangers was treating her so kindly.


*Well it’s for us to know and u to never find out" Gikwang said with a small chuckle


"...So where do I sleep?" She knew she wouldn't get an answer from any of them so all she could do was try and get used to living there till Jaejoong had given up on her.



Before in the van Yunho had explained if she escaped they would track her down and make her stay at the base again. Also they had high security so if she opened the front door or any other escaping places from both outside and inside an alarm would ring loudly. Until a secret code was inserted.


"You can stay in the room upstairs" Taemin pointed up.


“Thanks…….” Fei muttered.


"You and Taemin go buy some clothes for her." Yunho commanded the two younger ones before walking off.


"Okay…" Taemin and Amber stood up and dusted their clothes.


"What size is she though?" Taemin asked.


"Just buy some over-sized t-shirts; she can borrow my shorts that I don't wear much." Amber said.


" Amber lets go" Taemin said walking out the door


They saluted the older ones before leaving the door, of course silencing the alarm with the code.


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cherishyberry #1
GOSH! I know jae likes fei still LOL
Cookie great story like ussuallll !!!!! The best!!!!!! Nice my friend cookie !!!!
And Yunho gets hit by Tiffany's heels XD (Great self defense)
Taemin is in love and he and amber to buy clothes for fei than they met taemin's goddess, fei thinks gikwang may be her long lost bro and yunho went to confront Tiffany for the money for the job
cherishyberry #5
I love how this fits everyone xD hahaha, keep up the good work!!
cherishyberry #7
0_0<br />
now! gosh! update soon!
I'm like #1 fan here. Imma comment for every chapter :3 lmao for Taemin. His "goddes" keke, and Gikwang such a smirking guy *appa* xD this was awesome~~~
hahahas i know right abt jjong rofl
You guys~ I love this. It's so funny xD and like him. Lol. And Bom....OMGosh~ good job!!!