Chapter 001

it is worth waiting...
It's already autumn,the weather is getting colder, leafs are starting to change the colour and falling of the trees, it rains more often, it's cloudy - the sun doesn't shine that bright anymore. 
Breathing shakily as the wind blows through his hair, Jungkook waits at the park for his Boyfriend. Of course he forgets to bring his jacket, like usual and now he stands here, feeling totally numb due to the cold winter.
Looking down at his phone and pressing on the home-button, he checks the time. 5:32 pm. His Boyfriend is already half an hour to late. Jungkook's already used to that. It's not the first time that Taehyung is late for a meeting.
Jungkook knows that he is overly busy with his work, that's why Jungkook is really happy about the fact that both of them can meet up every now and then.
But today... wasn't just a normal day. They met a year ago to the day and finally after 10 whole months they started to date each other even if the start wasn't that good.
Jungkook wears exactly the same outfit he wore at their first date, cause Taehyung told Jungkook that they will go to a special location. 
Once again Jungkook looks at the screen of his mobile phone to check the time and gets more and more nervous by every second. Jungkook even called Taehyung but he unfortunately didn't pick up the phone.
If he can't come because of his schedules then he should at least write Jungkook a message. The poor boy shivers to death by the cold weather. He clasps his arms around himself and rubs his arms to get some friction and heat. 
But because of the stupid breeze, Jungkooks not getting better he will probably start to chatter with his teeth soon. Jungkook  is about to turn around and just leave to get home when he hears a soft voice calling out for him.
He turns around to the voice and his face lights up instantly. Taehyung pulls him into a warm hug, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I'm so sorry..the schedule 
lengthen out and I couldn't write you earlier", he whispers in an apologetic way into jungkooks ear and kisses his forehead gently before moving downwards to his lips, Jungkook forgives him at ones and responds to his kiss earnestly. Slipping out of his jacket, Taehyung places it around Jungkooks shoulders and rubs his arms to heat him up. What he doesn't realize is that Jungkook is watching his movements intensely, he leans closer and plants a soft kiss onto Taehyung plumb lips, aspirating a sweet "thank you" against them. The jacket and the near of Taehyung gives him so much warmth and Kookie could juststay like this with him for an eternity. 
Taehyung leans closer to his ear and pecks his ear shell softly as he whispers a "no, thank you" against it. 
"Mh? For what?"furrowing his brows as jungkook leans a bit back to look Taehyung in the eyes.
"Cause you waited patiently for me even though the weather is so cold" with a slight grin Taehyung leans in closer and kisses Jungkook more intimitate. Jungkook quickly catches up and responds to the kiss, feeling way warmer than before. 
After the kiss, Taehyung pulls a little box out of the pocket of the jacket Jungkook is wearing and holds it in front of his nose. "This is for it up".
With a big grin on his face, Jungkook takes the box and opens it up, inside of it being two identical rings. Jungkook takes one out of it and inspects it a bit more. 
It's a simple silver ring, the word "Yours" being engrave on the outside of the ring. Turning the ring in his fingers, Jungkook notices that something is engraved at the inside of the ring. A date to specific. Looking up at Taehyung he instantly jumps onto him with tears of joy at the corner of his eyes. He swiftly catches Jungook  and turns around with him, giggling the whole time by the cute behavior of his. He slowly lets him down and takes the box with both rings and places one of it on Jungkooks ring finger, repeating the same process by himself before he takes Jungkooks hand and gives it a light squeeze. Leaning closer, Taehyung once again gives him a heartfelt kiss and pulls him then into the direction of the nearest restaurant, Jungkooks most favorite restaurant where the two of them are passing the evening. 
And thus the first year of the following ends.
It's so short ;A; /bows I'm sorry ㅠㅠ
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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Such a sweet story, thank you!
Chapter 1: So beautiful! I love it! please write more TaeKook ;;
Chapter 1: this is so cute i want more ahhh please i love taekook (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
_jeonchi #4
Chapter 1: Wahhh...make mpregsss its my addiction!
Yay TaeKook <33