The Notebook


I saw them in my dream again...


Those people who I played with. Laughed with. Smiled with. And trusted.


We were outside in a park I didn't recognize. And they were laughing and playing on the playground.


I reached my hand out and tried to call out to them, but the words didn't come out of my mouth. And helplessly, I watched them pass me. As if I were invisible.


Then the dream happened again. And every time the same repeated actions took place, there were always more people who appeared and the park soon turned into a city.


The people continued walking past me. They didn't notice me. They couldn't see me. They couldn't hear my words. And I couldn't reach them.


It was a continuous dream that repeated in my sleep over and over.


The people who I wanted to talk to most and the people I didn't know at all were always in my dreams.


I tried to find ways to reach them and talk to them, but I couldn't.


For some reason, my voice never reached them.


Maybe they didn't like me.


Maybe there was something about me that they found ugly and strange.


But I didn't want them to ignore me forever. I wanted to reach them.


I didn't want to be invisible.



But no matter how much I tried...


Why couldn't they see me?






It was another rainy day...and another day of mopping and cleaning the muddy floors.



The floors were covered with spots of mud and were wet from outside. Everywhere you stepped you couldn't help but find yourself stepping on something wet or disgusting.






About to close his locker, Yunho spotted Changmin running up to him with a mop and a pail. His curly brown hair flounced up and down as he ran. Sometimes, Yunho would tease Changmin telling him that he looked like a freaking flower boy.



“Mop duty! It's all yours!” Changmin announced, setting the pail in front of Yunho and holding up the mop in front of him.



The mop was an inch away from Yunho's face and he frowned with irritation. Recently, Yunho had been getting into trouble lately thanks to the guy standing next to him. He took the mop from Changmin hastily and smirked. “Thanks for shoving it right in front of my face.” 



“No problem hyung~” Changmin hummed as he twirled a piece of his hair with his finger. An upbeat and radiant smile was worn on his face as he continued humming as if Yunho wasn't even there.



Yunho watched Changmin as he drifted off to a different world. “What's wrong with you?” Yunho poked Changmin in the stomach with a sarcastic repulsed face. “It's almost as if you...” Yunho paused and stared at Changmin one more time. Changmin wasn't even paying attention to Yunho and was busy looking at Yunho's mirror hanging on his locker, fixing his tie and shirt.



Immediately, Yunho closed his locker and gaped at Changmin closer.



“Yah...” Yunho said to Changmin, squinting with his eyes. “So you finally got with her?”



Smiling as if he had won the lottery, Changmin grinned proudly. “I'm taking her out to dinner. Proud of me huh?”



Smirking, Yunho patted his friend on the shoulder and reached down to pick up the pail. “Just don't get yourself screwed over. I can't bail you out of trouble!" With that said, Yunho walked away and towards the classroom.



It had been already about two weeks since he had moved to his new school. His dad had died leaving him and his mom with Yunho's aunt and uncle, who allowed them to live in their rented apartment. Luckily for Yunho, it was the school where one of his best friends Jaejoong lived and Yunho quickly became close friends with Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin in a week.



As Yunho walked into the empty classroom, he suddenly spotted a girl getting ready to leave. He moved to the side to allow her to leave, watching her as she moved. Yunho cocked his head and suddenly he snapped his fingers in his head, recognizing her as the girl who sat next to him in class. She was ordinary looking and Yunho never really talked to her. Actually, he never really noticed her too much.



Once she noticed Yunho with the mop and pail, the girl quickly stuffed a few books and notebooks into her bag and rushed out the classroom as quick as she could. Then, Yunho spotted a black notebook fall out of her bag as she left the classroom.



“Hey you dropped your--!” Yunho started, but she had already left. He stared at the black notebook on the ground then at the door. Sighing, he put down his mop and took the notebook off the floor.



As he picked up the notebook, he stared at the cover with curiosity. On the notebook, there was a small word that he could barely make out, written in a white pencil. 



D........E..........DEATH? Yunho read to himself. 



“Who writes death on their notebook...?” Yunho pondered, scratching the back of his neck. “Death as in...death note?”



Curious, Yunho began to open the notebook. This girl must have some serious issues if she writes death on her book. And on a black book too. Who the hell writes such a word unless they have problems? Maybe she was pretending to have a death note where she could write the names of people she hated. Chuckling, Yunho grinned at his idea. This girl sounded crazy. 



But then, as he touched the pages, Yunho stopped himself. It would be rude to open someone else's book. With a long sigh, he looked at the notebook once more and put it in his bag. He would give the girl her notebook tomorrow.



“Oh...wait tomorrow is a weekend...” Yunho sighed and went back to mopping. “Damn.”








“Bo Ah!! What's wrong?!”



A young woman quickly ran up the stairs with a basket of laundry, following the screeching and pulled open her daughter's door. Inside, her daughter sat on the floor in the middle of a chaotic and messy room. She watched her daughter as her items were thrown across the room.



Frantically looking through her stuff, Bo Ah turned to her mother with urgency. “I left something really important!! We need to go now!!”



Bo Ah's mother seemed surprised by Bo Ah's outburst and set her basket of laundry down. “What could be so important? Why don't you wait--?”



--NO I CANT!” Bo Ah exclaimed with anger, throwing her stuff out of her bag across the room. “I NEED TO FIND IT!!” Bo Ah kept digging through her bag, cursing herself for forgetting something so important to her. She could of sworn that she brought it with her.



“Don't use that tone with me missy,” Bo Ah's mother snapped, folding her arms. “I don't know what you forgot but that's your fault, isn't it?”



Bo Ah looked at her mother with disgust, knowing that her mother was right, but wasn't helping the situation at all. “If you won't take me I'll just walk,” Bo Ah snarled, getting on her feet and grabbing her jacket on the way out.



“Bo Ah! BO AH! You get back here this minute!!”



Bo Ah ignored her mother's calls and ran out of the house, slamming the door behind her. It was pointless to argue with her mother. If her mother was going to be difficult, she as going to be difficult. She wasn't going to listen to her mother if her mother wasn't going to understand Bo Ah's situation.



All Bo Ah was concentrating on was finding her notebook. She had to find her notebook. She just needed to.



“Why do you lock yourself out so many times?” Bo Ah's mother would ask her sometimes whenever she came home. “You can't live like this forever you know. When you are eighteen I'm kicking you out whether you like it or not. You better be in college when you are out."



As she ran, Bo Ah felt tears streaming from her face. She felt guilty of screaming at her mother, but she couldn't help it. She hadn't been sleeping well lately and was rarely eating her lunch and dinner. Her appetite was little and she had been feeling bipolar everyday. Sometimes she was happy over the smallest thing and other times she would feel anger and hate over nothing.



One thing Bo Ah hated about herself was that she was always crying. She was always weak. She couldn't do anything for herself and she couldn't prove herself strong to others.



It had been like this since Bo Ah could ever remember. She didn't want to get closer to anyone. She was going to keep herself inside forever.



Bo Ah ran on the sidewalk, hoping she would reach her school and find her notebook. As she ran, the tears just kept falling. If anything happened to her notebook, she didn't know what she would do to herself. How she would murder herself if anyone found her notebook and read it. Her notebook was her life. It was her secret.



Please oh please nobody find that notebook pleasee.....In Bo Ah's mind the words kept repeating endlessly and she was hoping so hard that nobody would find it.



Once she reached the school, she ran up the stairs and rushed towards her classroom. Her anxiety and urgency to find her notebook was so dire.



When she finally arrived before her classroom and opened the door, she hoped that nobody was inside. Bo Ah rushed to her desk and looked through it, but couldn't find it. Her heart pounded as she looked around the floors but still she could not find it. When she had checked every place she could think of in the classroom, she was about to walk out of the classroom to retrace her steps when—



“Oh you came.”



To her shock, Bo Ah looked up and saw the same boy with the mop. She had just met two hours ago and he was standing before her. She was shocked to still see him. And at what he was holding. Her eyes widened as he walked over to her, holding onto a black notebook in his hand. She wiped her tears quickly with her sleeve and bit her lip from crying. 



The boy looked at her like he didn't even notice her crying. Bo Ah immediately felt a rush of relief when he held up the notebook and waved it gently towards her. 



“Is this yours?” 









Blaajsdkfjweifa;jwiefjaiw fajeioafj finallyyyyy chapter onee..........I really hate editting and writing cheesy openings but this is just too ugh cheesy for me.....waaeeeeee whats wrong with my lifeeee....eafj;skjf;oiwej 

I sort of ship these guys for some reason. ehehehe my ship....<3 (sorry Yunjae shipping lol) 

This pic is so cute <33 af;jofij;awjfiea;fj





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Chapter 1: This is rlly interesting!!! Haha I like this!!!