Who are you

my mom is trying to make me fall in love

Yoona:"Yes but who are you" 

Taecyeon:"Im Taecyeon"

Yoona:"So you are Taecyeon"

Taecyeon:"So what are you doing"

Yoona:"Listening to music"

While there were talking about stuff there mother was eavsdroping

Taecyeon mother:"This is way to boring what should we do"

Yoona mother :"Umm What about we act sick and make them make food for us"

Taecyeon mother:"No"

Yoona mother: "Fine how about locking them in the house"

Taecyeon mother:" WHAT that worse than the other one"

Yoona Mother:"Let go to the Water park then

Taecyeon Mother: Ok


To be continue

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Update plz friend :)