Catch Me


JAEBUM's Point of View:         

    I went to the bathroom because Jenny was bothering me too much. I washed my hands and took a deep breath. 

    Why does my mom have to like this girl so much?! 

    I started to walk slowly out of the restroom. I saw YoungMi coming from the kitchen with a tray of small bowls. I started to walk even slower. She placed the last soup bowl on my plate. Then I saw Jenny's leg stick out of nowhere. I ran towards YoungMi without thinking. She fell on top of me but stood back up.

    "Sorry," she said.

     I didn't answer. I quickly got up and went to my chair. I saw her running into the kitchen.    

YOUNGMI's Point of View:

    I thought I was falling but the next thing I knew, I was on top of JaeBum. 

    I was shocked so I stood up, apologized, and ran into the kitchen. 

    Why would JaeBum catch me from falling? I thought he hated me. He doesn't even say hi to me. 

    As I was thinking these thoughts, mother entered the kitchen with the door right open. She came to me and hugged me really tight.

"You could go to your room, YoungMi. You must have been so scared." 

    She then whispered in my ear, "Just play along and go to your little house. Don't think about coming back. And take your friend with you. I'll have the maid, do the rest of your job." 

    She hugged me tighter and laughed. She exited the kitchen and went back to the dining room. I signaled SooBin to get out. We walked out of the house to "my house." I went through my desk and found the research paper.

    "Here SooBin. This is the research paper."

    "Thanks but are you okay? Was your step-mom mean to you again? I hate Jenny and your stupid step-mom!"

    "Yeah, I'm fine."

    "I can't believe JaeBum caught you. I thought he didn't like you."

    SooBin was the only person besides my dad that knew everything. I thought about why JaeBum caught me. We used to be really close when we were little but after dad died he changed. I think that mother told him that I'm only dad's child. 

    "I don't know. Maybe he didn't want to look bad in front of the guests."

    I jumped onto my bed and looked at my ceiling. I started smiling.

SOOBIN's Point of View:

    YoungMi jumped onto her bed, looked at her ceiling, and started to smile. The poster she had was of Sam. He's this solo kpop singer that's she is in love with. YoungMi had a skill in writing music so her dad introduced her to Sam two years ago, when he first debuted. She's been writing all his music for him, since. After JaeBum started ignoring her, she didn't have an older brother to rely on. Sam became that older brother and that's when she started to like him. 

    Her dad discovered her skill when she was eight. She was born talented, so he took her to a small shop and bought her a small piano and a recorder. He told her to record all the songs that popped out of her head. Then he handed her a journal and told her to try to write down her music. She didn't know how to, so he immediately gave her a teacher to teach her after school. By the time she was 13, she told her father that he didn't have to spend so much money for her piano lessons. That was when she started to write her own music and record it. Her dad saw a lot in her, so he introduced her to Sam the next year.

    I stared at her still looking at the poster.

    "Hey can I stay over for tonight?"

    She looked at me and said, "Yes, I have an extra bed for a reason you know."

    "Okay well I'll go get my stuff and tell my parents. Be right back!"

....... a few minutes later....... 

    "Hey I'm back! My parents said I could stay until Monday so I brought my uniform!" ^^

    "Yay! Then we could finish the project together. By the way, I'm meeting Sam tonight."

    "You're already finished with the mini album?"

    "Uhuh. I told him that I'll see him at the coffee shop tonight. Can you come along?"

    "Me? You want me to tag along? I'm just going to be that girl who ruins her best friend's date. That's okay."

    "No your not! And it's also not a date! I'm just giving him the songs and the recordings. Can you please come along? It's scary in the night..."

    "You go there all the time."


    "Fine, I'll go with you."

YOUNGMI's Point of View:

    We finished our project and I looked at my clock. It was almost midnight. I grabbed my recorder and journal. 

    "Come on SooBin, let's go."

    I put on my hoodie and we headed out the door. We grabbed our bikes and went out quietly.

    We went to the coffee shop next to his entertainment building. I couldn't see him with so many people having a late drink. I went to the corner where we usually met but he wasn't there. I looked across the room and he was sitting there with a hat and sunglasses. 

    "Why are you wearing sunglasses during the middle of the night?" SooBin asked.

    I looked at her and she mouthed What?

    Sam realized it was us and stood up. He smiled and gave me a hug. I was motionless. My heart started beating really fast so I slightly pushed him away. I didn't want him to know that I liked him. 

SAM's Point of View:

    I waited for YoungMi until it was midnight. Where is she?! I felt like people were staring at the corner where we usually met, so I moved to the other corner and ducked my head.

    I waited for ten minutes. I suddenly herd someone coming my way so I looked away.

    Someone said, "Why are you wearing sunglasses during the middle of the night?"

    I wanted to know who said this, so I looked and I noticed that it was YoungMi and her friend. I was glad that she came and I hugged her, but she slightly pushed me away for some reason.

     It felt awkward all of a sudden, so I said, "I'm so glad your here! I thought that you forgot."

    "Why would I forget? We were working on a project so we ran late. Sorry."

    "No that's fine. Did you bring the song?"

    "Yup! And the mini album is fully complete?"

    "Already?! I thought you were only going to bring one song."

    "Well you have to have a comeback soon or your fans are going to be upset. Listen to the songs and if you don't like some of them tell me. I'll edit it or change some of it."

    "I don't think you'll have to do that. Your songs are always perfect."

    "Thanks. Well we have to go now. Can't wait for your comeback!" ^^

    As we were going down the hill, I tried to press my brake slightly so I could slow down a little. But then I realized that the brake was broken. I felt like I was going faster but I couldn't scream because I didn't want to get caught.
    I could hear SooBin panicking behind me saying, "YoungMi! You're going to fast! YoungMi!"

    I was scared and I tried to put my feet down but it didn't reach the ground I looked at the street and ten houses down was mine. I put both my legs on one side of the bike and I was ready to jump out. I closed my eyes and I was counting to five.




    I suddenly felt someone grab me and hold on to me. We rolled towards the side of the sidewalk and I fell right on top of him. I could here his heavy breathing. I lay there shocked and as I did, I heard his heart beat. It sounded like my heart beat when I was around Sam. I slowly stood up and I saw his face.

    It was JaeBum.











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Sorry we didn't update in such a long time! 

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This story is amazing! I really like it! ^^ Please update soon! I'll be waiting!