Two Years Ago


...... two years ago.....
YOUNGMI's Point of View:

    I looked at my dad in the hospital bed. We told each other everything, but this time he didn't tell me. I didn't know how sick he was until his last few days to live. I was holding his hand, crying because I couldn't help it. Mother didn't know that he was in the hospital. He glanced at me and smiled. That night, we shared our last secret, and  I lost my best friend and my loving father. I called mother that day and she came into the hospital room crying. My sister, JaeHee, was holding on to her hand staring blankly at the hospital bed. I stared at the back of the room and I saw JaeBum, my older brother.    

JAEBUM's Point of View:

    I was walking down the stairs when I heard my mom pick up the phone.

    "Yoboseyo? YoungMi? Where are you and why are you calling so late?"

    The next thing I knew, my mom fell on her knees and started crying. I quickly ran up to her when she said, "Hurry up and get your dongsaeng. We have to go somewhere."

    We arrived at a hospital when my sister asked, "Oppa, why are we here?"

    I stared at the hospital building, grabbed my sister, and followed my mom. 

    My mom quickly ran to the front desk and asked, "Do you know where........"

    I couldn't here the rest because my sister ran off to my mom. I followed behind them slowly because I didn't have a good feeling. I saw the room my mom entered and I slowly looked through the door. I saw YoungMi turn her head and look at me. I looked at the hospital bed and there was a white sheet over a body.

YOUNGMI's Point of View: 
    I entered the dark room with people in black and white clothing mourning and falling onto the ground. I saw mother hitting the ground, screaming at dad's picture. 

    "How could you do this to me? You can't leave me with your kids? How can you just die like this?"

    I tried to hold it in, but tears were falling down my face. I stared at the picture for a while and I noticed that JaeBum was the only one helping with the food. So while mother was mourning, I went up to JaeBum and grabbed the plate of food. 

    He grabbed it back and said, "I got the food, you play with the kids. Entertain them somehow."

    I grabbed my little brother and sister and went outside. I tried to make them laugh and I pretended like nothing happened. Thirty minutes later, I saw mother angrily walking towards me. 

    "How dare you laugh right now."

    I looked at her and tried to explain but she pushed me onto the ground and yelled at me. I never saw this side of mother before. She was always that kind nurturing person I loved to be beside. Her eyes frightened me. I didn't want to see her make those eyes at me again. I helped clean up silently. 

.... one week later....

    After dad's death, mother started to act differently. Exactly a week after, mother ran into my room and began to grab my clothes from the closet.

    As she was throwing them down on the floor she yelled, "Get out of my house right now!" 
    I just stood there doing nothing. I wanted to scream back at her. I wanted to make her stop. But I couldn't do that to mother. 

    I just kept apologizing saying, "I'm sorry mother. I'll be better. We're family. We have to stick together at times like this."

    She made those eyes again and screamed, "Family?! Family?! You're not my child. Remember?! You're only your father's child!"

    She said it. The words I didn't want to hear.... You're only your father's child. Father's child. At that moment, I knew that I was going to be kicked out. But what I was afraid of the most was that she was treating my younger brother, YoungJae, the same way. 

    "I know I'm not your child but can YoungJae at least live here?"

    "Fine, but with the conditions of you doing all the housework. You have to cook all meals and clean the house. You also have to buy all the groceries and do any errands I ask you to. Will you take this deal?"

    "Yes, I will. Under two conditions. You have to treat my brother the same way you treat your daughter and you have to give me a decent place to live."

    "Okay, but I can't treat you the same."


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This story is amazing! I really like it! ^^ Please update soon! I'll be waiting!