Door To Your Heart

Sharp Gemstone

It was 10.30am of Saturday. Saturdays mark the beginning of two more relaxed days, as she would only have to go to work at night. Furthermore, she could always sleep in on Saturdays. In other words, Chorong never failed to wake up with a bright smile on Saturdays, but it was not the case today. 

Chorong woke up, not quite sure when she fell asleep in the first place. Her eyes were terribly puffy. It did not matter that she just woke up, her mind was already occupied with one worry - How was she going to break the news to Sungjae that he was not going to get the figurine? For a normal child, chances are that the child would be easily pacified by sweets or ice cream. However, she knew the autistic Sungjae would not. 

After pondering over the matter for a couple of minutes, Chorong decided to just get it over and done with. She would just face the consequences, as much as it was not her fault. Walking out of her room, she headed to Sungjae's room, only to stand outside the door. Taking in a couple of deep breaths, she pushed the door open. Approaching the boy who was playing his phone, Chorong got herself mentally prepared for whatever that was going to happen. "Sungjae-ah, could you put away your phone for a while? I've got something to tell you."

"Noona, what happened to your eye?"

"It's nothing. Anyway, Sungjae-ah, remember I told you I could finally get you the figurine? Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I'm afraid we'd have to wait another month or two. I hope you understand."

"Understand? Did you say understand? I've been waiting for so long for it and you promised me yesterday, how can you just suddenly change like that?" With that, he picked up his pillow and hit Chorong continuously with it. This kind of reaction from Sungjae was not surprising; it occurs from time to time. However, things took a 180degree turn when Sungjae said the three words Chorong never wanted to hear, especially not from him. "I hate you!!"

Hearing that, Chorong's heart broke. It was the first time Sungjae had ever said this to her. Even though he probably said that out of anger, she could not help but feel totally upset from it. After Sungjae had fallen asleep from scolding and hitting her, she put him in bed and went back to her room. At the very instant in which she was once again confined in the four walls, the tears she had been holding back fell rapidly. It felt nowhere right. Her two kins had hurt her consecutively - one insulting her while the other saying that he hated her. 

For the next hour or so, Chorong cried profusely. She felt wronged, for it was not her fault that she could not get it; she felt angry at herself, for she could have just presented him with the figurine instead of promising him beforehand; she felt depressed, for it seemed like everyone hated her. Yet, the most unfortunate thing is that she, in a way, felt like she deserved it.


All the weeping made Chorong have a headache. By now, her eyes were even more swollen. What Chorong needed most was to calm her thoughts, so she decided to take a walk before having to go to work. Going to the nearest park from her house, she took a stroll. She had wished that she would not meet anyone that she knew, but as luck would have it, she met a familiar person - her friend, Bomi.

"Annyeong Chorong-ah nice to see- OH MY GOSH what happened to your eye?" Upon seeing how swollen Chorong's eyes were, Bomi was overwhelmed with both shock as well as worry.

"It's nothing, Bomi, I'm fine. I just rubbed my eye that's all." Chorong replied with an assuring smile.

"Well I'm pretty sure rubbing your eye would not get you in this state.." Bomi retaliated.

"It's really caused from rubbing my eyes," Chorong insisted. Turning back in an attempt to walk away, she said, "Bomi-yah I need to go already." 

Bomi knew better than to trust Chorong. She knew that Chorong had lots of troubles and problems, all she wished for was for Chorong to share them with her. Grabbing onto Chorong's hand, she told the latter, "I know that's not it."

Flinched slightly from the grab as Bomi held on to her watch which perfectly covered the cuts she self-induced the previous night, a tear ran down Chorong's cheeks again. She was usually one to act and pretend - she was good at it - but this time she did not bother. "Whatever you say Bomi. Believe and think whatever you want. At the end of the day, if you ever find out everything - or anything at all - you'll just leave me anyway."

Bomi watched as she walked away. All I ever wanted was for you to open the door to your heart, so I could share your burden. It pains me to see you like that, don't you know? Regardless of what happens, I will never leave you. We made a pact before during last year's camp, friends forever, don't you remember?

A/N: Probably won't be updating for the upcoming two weeks since I have tests x: I'll try to update with something interesting! and Thank you all for subscribing! And simply reading too (: I hope yall liked the story so far, sorry if my writing and/or plot isn't good x: please comment more~ 

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Chapter 10: Omo!! I got so surprised when I saw my name hahaha, I've commented here before! Wow in 2014, it's been 6 years.. Wooah. And here I'm back to read and refresh.

Ah there's so much heartbreaking things about Chorong's life, and each part is described well. From family, to school and work, and her friendship to Bomi. It's end, though positive, has me wistful with worries for Chorong, but I too believe Bomi will always protect her :') Thank you for writing this.
blanketlove 93 streak #2
Chapter 10: awwwww the fic ended too fast :-( i feel that the ending was extremly rushed and abrupt but nevertheless, thank you for writing this ~ i hope that there could be a loveline between chomi tho here
Dr_Kizary #3
Chapter 10: Awww, is it ended???
I expected it a long story.
Anyway, congratulation for you^^
Great one!!!
Chapter 10: Aww.. I expected this to be longer. Anyways. Good ending but the way Chorong said 'I love you' seemed a bit too sudden. It made me wonder if she really really meant it or she just said it to tell Bomi that she is thankful.
Chapter 10: What? Already? Awww that was fast, I want a longer chapter/ alternative ending haha. Thanks for writing this story ;p I have enjoyed it <3
mayounooo #6
Chapter 10: awwww. it ended so fast :( i thought this will be a long story XD
Chapter 9: ohmygod this is so sad yet touching, i hope chorong will lean on bomi more and bomi is just so kind, it's hurts to read about chorong's situation. thanks so much for writing this <3
Chapter 8: thanks for updating^^
bomi so chomi..
dindaadizzy #9
Chapter 4: Really love this! Fighting!!!