That's Okay, Jongin


All Kai wants is for Kyungsoo to respond.


To: Kyungsoo

Today 8:54 am 

I miss you and I'm sorry


From: Kyungsoo

Today 10:03 am

That's okay, Jongin




Heyyy c: Kleptes here :D 

This story will be up tomorrow ! <3 

Enjoy ~


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minellaparkim #1
Chapter 1: ohmygod... i.. im at loss for words.. damn this is so mindblowing
SeHunHanLu #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god, I'm crying. I understood it all in the end! I love it, Thank you!
god! oh my god!

this is... just... okay... /silent tears /clenching heart
flurries #4
Chapter 1: This deserves a film. I swear to God. I love it!
RogueStrudel #5
Chapter 1: That was complete genius! Oh my goodness that was so awesome I'm like fangirling to death right now. Holy hell. Brilliant
Chapter 1: How did Kai keep receiving text from Kyungsoo?
ooistarchng #7
Chapter 1: I need to read this again. Like carefully hahahah. MINDBLOWING
Hi! I placed your story in my recommendation shop ^^ I hope you don't mind.

If you want to check it out --
Chapter 1: holy . this is a masterpiece bruh
Chapter 1: WOW IS ALL I CAN SAY :))