
Just One Day

A few days passed.

"Jisoo?" I heard a voice. 

"Jimin???" I shot up from my bed, to see Jimin laying down on his bed but his oxygen machine gone.

"Where did you go last night?" I asked all of a sudden.

"Um Jisoo-yah, I just want to tell you, I'm fine." He said abruptly.

"Fine? What do you mean fine?"

"I'm cured." Jimin said shortly.

(T/N: If u were wondering why Jimin recovered so fast it's not that but it's because he has been in the hospital for quite long already, at the start of the story he was already in the room, remember?)

"What? How? Why didn't you tell me?" I was appalled.

"Well... sorry for not telling you Jisoo... but what's important is I'm fine now, right?" Jimin said like it was nothing much.

"No... why did you keep this from me? I...wish I knew...I mean...what if you didn't survive the operation.... " My voice croaked a bit.

"Its okay, Jisoo. You have the Bangtan Boys...." Jimin shook his head. 

"No. It isn't okay." I sighed.

"Well......'s just that I don't want to make you worry about me...." Jimin looked at the ground.



I then felt two strong arms wrap around me.

"What matters is I'm fine right?" Jimin said as he places his head on my shoulder.

"Jimin..." I sighed. "I guess...."

Jimin finally let out a smile. 

"You took such a short time to recover?" The realization suddenly hit upon me. Did I sleep for so long?

"It's three in the afternoon Jisoo!" Jimin laughed with his eyes disappearing. He then stopped.

" mean you just woke up?"

"Yeah. Today's Tuesday right?"

"Jisoo.. it's Friday...."

"I slept for so long?"

"You're such a pabo, Jisoo~" Jimin said and playfully nudged my shoulder.

I turned away from him.

"You're annoying."

"N-" Jimin was interrupted when the Bangtan Boys came in again.

"Jimin?? You're finally okay???" Taehyung said, shocked and everyone's eyes widened. Jimin nodded, smiling.

"Jisoo! You've finally woken up! How are you doing?" Seokjin and Namjoon asked.

I nodded.

"I'm feeling good. Wow did I really sleep for that long?" Maybe it was because of that dream....

"Thank goodness you're okay! We were so worried about you!"


"Yay guys~ Graduation Day is soon!" Hoseok suddenly cheered.

"I can't wait!" Yoongi smiled. Everyone nodded. I decided to put that thought aside for a while.

"By the way, I got news that the audition is pushed back guys, so we have more time to practice." Seokjin said.

"Yeah, isn't that great?" The maknae cheered.

"Actually...guys... could I join you all?" Jimin nervously blurted.

"Jimin? You want to join us? Are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm not really sure yet....."

"Well we could always check with the doctor!" Seokjin smiled.

Jimin nodded.

"Oh... okay...."

"Don't worry Jimin, I'm sure Mr Park wouldn't mind an addition to our team!"

Mr.. Park? Why did he sound so familiar?

I shook my head to wave away incoming weird thoughts.

Just then, Jimin's doctor entered the room.

"Hello, I'm here to check on Jimin. Could you all wait outside for a bit?" The doctor said to the boys.

They all nodded and walked out silently.

Minutes ticked passed.

The doctor gestured the boys to enter.

"How is he?" I could hear Taehyung ask.

"He's fine. He can go home in five to seven more days." The doctor replied.

"When can he do any physical activities like dancing then?" Namjoon said.

"Well... that'll have to wait then. Maybe three months?"

"Ahh....okay I see thank you doctor!" The boys said. The boys then came in.

"Well, looks like we have to go for the next audition....." Jungkook sighed.

"It's okay, guys! Don't lose hope! Hwaiting!" I cheered them on.

"It's alright. We don't mind, right? Everyone?" Namjoon smiled to everyone.

"But what are we gonna do now?" Jimin pouted. He secretly felt like a burden, holding the boys back.

"Meanwhile, let's prepare for prom night!" Hoseok cheered.

"Prom Night?" Jimin and I scratched our heads.

"Yeah. Since Jisoo can't physically make it to the party-"

"-we'll have our own party! How does that sound?" Taehyung and Hoseok suggested happily.

"Wow that's a great idea! What are we gonna do?" I clasped my hands together.

"'s a surprise~" Taehyung winked and I laughed.

"Come on Jimin, you have to be in too."

Jimin was dragged out of the room with a pout.



A/N: Hi guys sorry for the short chapter because this is just kind of a filler chapter and yeah ;A; sorry for not updating last week because I was extremely busy rehearsing for my performance (it was two days ago haha~) and today I'm going on a holiday! So I'll not update much again ;A; I'm sorry readers ehehehe <3 

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Chapter 7: so cute~
I feel bad for Jisoo, but I wonder why she can't remember Jimin anymore...I mean, I know the reason why Jimin doesn't know her, but Jisoo?
Anyway, interesting story :) I like it
luhanluhan123 #2
Chapter 6: luv it~ pls continue
this is really daebak
love the story line. pls updates soon.
melindanhucao #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY JIMIN I hope jimin is going to be alright
Chapter 4: Same feeling here. Finally they tweeted after 987642163 years xD I miss them so much tho ~
dyotokki #6
Chapter 4: Lol!! I'm so freakin happy when they tweeted a while ago
Chapter 3: Jisoo and jimin dont even remember each other? Hmmm. So sad ㅠㅠ btw, update soon :D ★
blueandgrey_ #8
Chapter 2: O.O
dying to know what happens next ♡