Reality Hits

Just One Day

Days passed. Jimin and I got closer everyday as we talked to each other like the best of friends. Soon, the day of the results of my X-ray came.

"Baek Jisoo." The doctor entered the room. He then made me and umma follow him into a room.

What if it was about my X-ray results?

" you understand, we spotted a mistake in the X-ray. I nodded. I was willing to take the blow as I have already mentally prepared myself.

"You apparently have cancer, in your brain. And it's in the later stage. I'm so sorry Jisoo... " The doctor said.

I nodded and took a deep breath. So this was what reality was like. Umma squeezed my hand, sort of like telling me it was alright and that she was there for me. I stayed still.

"Since this sickness is not easily detected among patients, many also are like you. They discovered it a little to late. But don't worry, brain cancer is one of the few cancers which are curable. If the tumour in your brain gets too serious, you may need to go for an operation, but chances of surviving the operation are little." The doctor added.

I nodded, without saying a word. I controlled myself. The doctor passed umma the X-ray sheets and I walked out of the room quietly.

Umma knew at that instant that I didn't want to talk.

"Go and have a talk with the bangtan boys. They're coming soon." Umma said before she gave an understanding nod and left.

I hung my head low as I walked back into my room.

As expected, they weren't there yet.

Maybe dance practice ended a little later today.

I wasn't aware of my surroundings at all.

I felt like my whole world just crashed down onto me. Yes, I tried to hold back my feelings, I tried my best. But I couldn't. I lay down on my bed, on the verge of tears.

So this is how reality tasted like.



And not to my liking at all.

Tears flowed down my cheeks and I tried my best to not make out any sound as I thought that maybe Jimin was asleep.

However, my thoughts were proved wrong.

"Jisoo?" A reassuring voice was heard.

"Don' to me..." I said in between my silent sobs. My voice sounded nasally and I mentally slapped myself for giving myself away.

Jimin walked over and kneeled at the side of the bed I was facing. I covered my face with my hands and closed my eyes. I shook my head repeatedly.

"What happened? Tell me...." I shook my head once more. I removed my hands from my face but my vision was directed to the window.

He slowly reached to my head and removed the strands of hair covering my face.

"I'm not going to leave unless you tell me." He said, his hand my hair.

"Guess." I mumbled.

I didn't feel like saying it.

"The results of the x-ray came out?" He said in a worried tone.

I nodded, staring into his black orbs. Tears welled up in my eyes again.

"Don't cry..." Jimin looked like he was about to cry too. I shook my head and sat up.

"But Jisoo." Jimin hd my shoulders. "It's going to be alright. You know why? Because I'm here for you." Jimin gave me the cutest eyesmile.

I nodded, my heart racing. I felt better at that instant.

"Jisoooooooooooooo!!!!" The boys came in with an angry Namjoon again.

"How are you feeling? Are you alright? Your mum asked us to come over? Dance practice was great!" Everyone said different stuff at a time.

However, I stayed silent as I didn't feel like talking.

"Guys I don't think she feels like talking..." Jungkook spoke up. The boys softened at that.

"Jisoo, are you alright?" Taehyung walked over.

I shook my head.

"I think you guys should give Jisoo some space...." Jimin finally spoke up.

"Okay... you're right. Maybe... Taehyung, you stay here." Seokjin said shortly and the boys trailed after him out of the room.

There was an awkward silence.

"So...hey," Taehyung started. I can't believe we used to be the best of friends.

"Hey? What's your name?" Jimin asked and flashed an eyesmile.

You're still the very same Jimin... Taehyung thought.

"Taehyung or V. Do you have any slight idea about me and about who I am?" He said, with a little hope.

"Oh." Jimin's voice fell.

"No....I'm sorry...." Jimin hung his head.

"Don't worry, it's alright!" Taehyung smiled.

Unknowingly, I smiled at the two boys in front of me. They seemed so friendly towards each other even at their first meeting.

But why does it seem like Taehyung met Jimin before? Why does it seem so familiar?

"Jisoo, do you want to go for a walk?" Taehyung asked.

I nodded, as I wanted to take my mind off some things.


The three of us walked to the hospital park with Jimin's breathing machine rolling along.

"So do you feel better after getting some fresh air?" Taehyung asked and smiled sweetly, my hair.

I was a head shorter than him so it always seemed like he was my oppa but in reality I was older. I nodded and smiled.

"I miss times like this.... " Taehyung sighed.

"What do you mean?" Me and Jimin said in unison.

"Nevermind. You guys don't remember." Taehyung smiled to himself.

I gave him a confused look.

"I- no the bangtan boys have something to tell you guys, so wanna go back?"


"Jisoo! Guess what????" The boys said excitedly together. I chuckled.


"The auditions to enter BigHit Entertainment are coming up soon!!!!"

They put their hands up in the air and cheered.

"Wow. When is it?"

"Next month!" Jungkook replied happily.

I smiled.

Dancing was my hobby- but I didn't had the dreams of becoming an idol- but the bangtan boys did.

"Hwaiting!" I cheered happily.

I was glad that they decided to follow their dreams...

"Oww.... my head...!" I clutched my head suddenly.

"What's wrong Jisoo?"

" hurts so much..." The boys' eyes widened, as they were helpless.

They pressed the button to call the doctor.








((ok I should stop))

its 12am here goodnight everyone in the same timezone as me!!!!

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Chapter 7: so cute~
I feel bad for Jisoo, but I wonder why she can't remember Jimin anymore...I mean, I know the reason why Jimin doesn't know her, but Jisoo?
Anyway, interesting story :) I like it
luhanluhan123 #2
Chapter 6: luv it~ pls continue
this is really daebak
love the story line. pls updates soon.
melindanhucao #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY JIMIN I hope jimin is going to be alright
Chapter 4: Same feeling here. Finally they tweeted after 987642163 years xD I miss them so much tho ~
dyotokki #6
Chapter 4: Lol!! I'm so freakin happy when they tweeted a while ago
Chapter 3: Jisoo and jimin dont even remember each other? Hmmm. So sad ㅠㅠ btw, update soon :D ★
blueandgrey_ #8
Chapter 2: O.O
dying to know what happens next ♡