Stephanie World

The boy stare up to the black sky with his both hand inside his pocket.


A sigh can be heard around the balcony.


The boy has been there for the last 2 hours.


Thinking of a lot of things that he might think.


His father and his mother.


"What should I do mom?"


"You talk with yourself. Are you crazy?"




The boy let out a chuckled and the girl stand beside him.


"Aren't you afraid Sica?"


"What should I afraid of?"






"Because I have the blood of my father who is evil?"


The girl laugh.


"Why you laughing?"


"Why should I scared? I don't care about your father. You is you. I don't care if you have the blood of your father in fact look! You

didn't act like him or even come back to him"


The boy just stay quiet. He didn't have anything to say anymore.


Because his girlfriend are right! Why should he even care if he have his father blood?


What important now is we all save.


"Come on. Let's go inside."




"I don't know what should we do but I suggest Yoong and the others go back to earth to keep them safe"


"What?!!! Are you crazy Kim Taeng?! We can't let them stay in earth! They should be under our protection!"


"I know but if they keep staying in here it will be a burden to them"


"No! I can't let them go back. What if the human know about this? They can be vanish!"




"Hey guys! What are you two talking about?"



Tiffany and Taeng stop their conversation and act like they didn't talk to each other.


"Ahh Yoong Jessie! Have you two eat? I just make a breakfasts"


"Why a sudden awkward situation?" 


The two older let out a big sigh.


Tiffany is glaring at Taeng to shut his mouth up.


She didn't want they back to earth.


It's a terrible decision.


"W- umm I mean I plan the rest of you to go back to earth to keep you save."


"What?! That's a terrible idea"


"I know this day would happen"


"If you guys didn't comeback what will your friend say?"


"But that's not a problem! What if y father go to earth and use his power infront of the human? That's what I worried about"


"Beside we need to stay here to keep this kingdom safe. Right unnie?" 


Jessica agreed with Krystal.


Her sister can appears anytime. Like now. She just came from nowhere.



"See! I told you that was a bad idea"


"I agree with Taeng's decision. I think that they would be more safe in earth. Beside if Zack come to earth we can easily find



"No you're not. Zack is smart. He will do everything just to kill his own son. And Zack will defitnetly use his power in earth and Yoong can't never do that" said Siwon as he join too.


"Unless we stay in here. We can do anything"


Yoong just stay quiet. He need something to figure this out. His girlfriend read his mind and she just chuckled.


"How about we stayed in earth and when he comes I will bring him back to Stephanie world? That's great right? You here make a trap and this"


Yoong give Taeng a diamond box.


"What is this?"


"It's a jail. Zack weakness thing is diamond"


"Did Stephanie came to your dream and give you this?"


Jessica just smile as she know everything what happen. 


While Krystal smile too as she can read her sister mind.


"Aish stop reading my mind SOOJUNG!!!"


Than the two jungsis went out to the back garden and play fetch and catch.


"Aishh that two." Siwon mumbled. 




"It's too dangerous Yoong"


"I believe I can. I won't show my powers in earth. I promise"


They bite their lips and sigh. Tiffany didn't really agreed with her brothers decision but what she can do? Orders are orders.


"Alright let's do this"




"I'm home dad!"


"Aigoo Yoong! How's Stephanie world? You like it?"


"H-how do you know?"


"It's in the legend book"


Yoong just make an o shape before going to his room.


"So how's the plan?"


"We didn't find Zack around. But I know he would come"


His father smile and leave him alone to rest.


He know his son need it.




"Don't you think Zack will find them and kill him? I know my father attitude like"


"Nehh. Why do you think like that?"


Tiffany stayed quiet.


"As long as he stay alive I believe Zack won't be able to fight him or kill him. He's immortal now"


"I don't know. Maybe because of trauma."



"Relax tiff. Your brother can do anything trust me"Tiffany nod her head and hug Taeng.


She know something. And it's bother her so much that she couldn't even tell the others.




"So~~~ are we going home now?"






"Just wait here Krys"


The younger girl rolled her eyes and put her head on her hand.


She so damn boring. 


Jessica said Zack must be here any minute but for the past 2 hours they didn't see him.


"Unnie I'm bored. Let's go home"


"Aishh alright!"


The two girl walk out from the cafe and they didn't notice that Zack is in that cafe too sitting in the corner.


"Waiting for me huh?"


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KM_3451 #1
Chapter 12: hi just finished reading the whole chapter and im looking foward for the 2 d season... just give us the link authorshii
Choon79 #2
Chapter 12: Why yoong didnt realize his power of Controling Everything??? Please! Made him got that awesome power!!!
And your story is Oh! So! Awesome!
Ill be waiting for the Part 2 Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: update soon please
komikus #4
Chapter 10: updated soon,please....
elddict #5
Chapter 10: Update soone ~
minachan #6
Chapter 10: yeaaah....yoong is still alive and now yoonsic together.....
Chapter 9: Yoon T_T

Update soon author-ssi plssss
HunterSecretive #8
Chapter 8: Sica T.T
Why u did this to yoong T.T
Chapter 8: update soon please
minachan #10
Chapter 8: poor yoong....see sica kiss yul :(