Hehe (:

Friends With Mark
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Chapter 15: I hope ahri and mark get together ㅠㅠ please update soon.
MyMark #2
Chapter 16: Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 16: Am i the only one who wants her to end up with jackson? Like damn, he treats her like a princess indeed
indahsrc #4
Thanks for the recommend author!
Btw its been forever i know but hope u will thinking about continuing this great story hehe xo
Chapter 15: good lord i feel bad for ari her emotions are all over the place having to pretend all the time =/
Chapter 14: story unavailable? ;n;
indahsrc #7
Chapter 15: OMGGG I've been waiting for your update like for yearssss seriously ;___; Finallyyyyyyy *cries* lol.
You did a great updates tbh!!! Hope for the next great update to be asaaap XD <3
Chapter 15: Jackson you're a goddamn sweetheart <3
indahsrc #9
Chapter 13: I just see this story of you, and I enjoyed reading your story so muchhh!!!!♥♥
Hope you will update this as soooooon as possible~!!!
I'm reading all your story btw!!!
I'm curious what will happen next~~~ hope u will make it long xD
Haeysoo #10
update soon..okey?