Chapter 10- Alone

Perfect Life? psh, yeah right


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You walked towards the bus stop and sits at the back of the bus, watching cars speeding away as the bus drove you back to the center of Seoul. Am i really that bad, you asked yourself. Not once you have hurt your servants or people below you. you never even belittled them and it bothers you when Myungsoo suddenly blurted out his hatred towards people like you.

'people like me?' you smile bitterly.

'he doesn't know anything.' you thought as a drop of your tear fell down.

"Agassi!" the driver called you as he skidded to a stop.

"thank you ajushi! drive home safely and good night!" you bowed.

You entered the apartment building and press the highest floor button. And in no time, you found yourself plopped on the couch, looking at the huge glass window.

The view is pretty , you couldn't disagree. But when you have no one to share it with, what's the point in having such beautiful view in front of you?

That time with Myungsoo, you wonder, if you had the courage to tell him your ridiculous answer, will he let you stay? You shook your head and sigh. The penthouse is just as empty as this morning and it was so quiet.

You took a shower and lie down on your bed. 

"everything's too big..." you whispered as you tossed your body to the other side.

You finally drifted off after few hours of reading and watching TV.




It seems like it's not only ____ that had troubles falling asleep that night. The cold-looking guy is now sighing as he lies on his worn out bed. Six of his friends that he has lived with for most of his life already passed out on their own beds. He tried to close his eyes, counting sheep but it didn't work. He's wide awake and all he can think of his the image of the girl he just chased away that afternoon. He couldn't forget her hurtful expression, how she looked at him as is she's trying to tell him a story and he just rejects her. 

Myungsoo groaned as he sits back up and messed his hair. This is the most frustrating thing that has ever happened to him, he thought. And he was so confused, why on earth does he have to care about her feelings? She's just a nobody for him and yet in a few hour they were together, she's glued into his mind.

He was glad that his roommate is Dongwoo. He didn't even budge when Myungsoo groaned,or tossed his body around in frustration. He can't imagine what would Sungyeol do if he's his roommate.

What could she possibly do right now? he wonders, looking at the ceiling and sighed. why are you thinking about that girl? She's a rich snobby girl, just like those people who burned down your house and kill your parents, myungsoo, he thought again and a pang of pain came to his heart.

He smiled bitterly as he reminiscence his pathetic childhood. His parents are not like his best friends' parents. As much as he hated to admit it, he did come from a pretty wealthy family. That is, until their parents were tricked and betrayed by their so called friends. They sabotaged their business and even dare to hired people to burn down the house, while his parents are still inside. 

He was 10 at that time and not like other kid, who's parents come to school to pick them up, he had to go to school and withdraw. He had to be sent to the orphanage where he met the rest of Infinite and studied in a poor-environment school. He learned how to fight at the age of 12 and he won most of the time, which sent a proud feeling. But still, while other kids had fun in lotte world and other theme park, he had to wait at the stand, selling candies and other sweets.

Myungsoo sighed again. What about ____? his mind subconsciously wanders to the pretty girl he met today. What's her story? Why does she looks so sad? She might be smiling ear to ear but for Myungsoo who has gone through hell, he knew it's all fake. And yet he wonders, why is she sad when she could have everything in the world in a snap of a finger....


2011/08/30 Tuesday

By Seoulchae

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 1: Great to read this story again xD
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 33: Aww this story is really cute ^^
jayrunner #3
Luv it~ :)
UnsungKiller #4
/still glad tho
cries cause jealous myungsoo is so kuhwaii dakgjlhaslkd .
Chapter 33: Great story
Reya_K #6
cute ^^
joanmayg #7
wow..nice i like it
shelovesdino #8
daebak ! wonderful story (:
Gosh I lovee this storyyy!!! Even though I wanted her to be with Zicoooo~ xDD I read this story today and at your author's note: Happy birthday Zico I screamed Happy birthday Zico out loud!!! Even thoug his birthday is already over xDD My friends looked at me like: O.O xDD i''m gonna read you other storys now ;D
OH MY GAH I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIES. ALL OF THEM. expect me to be reading and commenting on all of them for a week or so~~
i was so scared there'd be some huge twist like zico becomes a poopoo but HE DIDN'T AND IUFSDJND THANK YOU SO MUCH