Breakfast is Served

A Breach Of Trust

     I feel asleep instantly, dreamless. When I awoke, the fire was out. The curtains were opened to allow light to brighten the room. Clothes lay beside my bed, on a chair. It was a navy blue dress, with black lace trim, and buttons going down the front. Black tights and matching dress shoes were there as well. A note beside the outfit said that the bathroom was right across from this room. I got dressed, and pushed open the massive black door. Outside was a large hall with many doors on both sides. In front of me was the door to the washroom. I went in and freshened up. I looked at my wound and noticed that the blood was seeping through the fabric.

When I left the bathroom, I took a right down the hall, wondering what was in each room. When I made it to the end of the hall, I noticed a sparkling, black chandelier hanging under a large flight of stairs that curved and went to the lobby. I headed down the stairs and looked to my left. It was the living room. The house was gorgeous; elegant. I could smell something delicious, so I followed my nose towards the living room, then to the dining room. His house was enormous; it would be very easy to get lost. But luckily, I managed to make it to breakfast.

The table was filled with food, meant for an entire family. Anything you could possibly imagine completely covered the tablecloth. Candles were lit; I guessed that the power was still out. Top seemed to be waiting for me, he was sitting across the table, and when he noticed me, he got up and smiled.
“Good Morning!” He said excitedly.
“Good morning,” I sat across from him, and then he sat as well.
“I hope you’ll eat breakfast, because my maid has made a lot of food! She gets excited when people are over. And when she’s excited, she cooks!”
“Oh, well, please thank her for me. Where is she? I would love to thank her for all she has done.”
“She’s probably cleaning up in the kitchen. Don’t worry about her. Let’s just enjoy all of this!”
I put a few fruits on my plate and slowly started to eat. 
“So, the phones still aren’t working?” I asked him.
“Oh, nothing is working. The power is still out. And the roads are all closed. I guess we will just have to wait.” He said, “How are you feeling? You look a little better today. Do you remember anything?” he said.
I could not. My mind was still blank. It was scary to think I could not remember very much of my life, but what my name is, and a little bit of yesterday night.
“Sorry, but no.”
He must have seen the disappointment on my face. He tried to cheer me up by filling my plate with meat.
“Don’t worry. Maybe something will trigger your memory.” He said positively.
I started to look around the dining room. His house was way too large for only one person to live in.
“Do you live alone here? This place is gigantic!” I said.
He started to laugh.
“Yes, I know! It is quite a place for only me and my maid. I used to have many guests until..." He frowned and stared at the floor.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
“I guess I'd might as well tell you.” He hestitated, then began to speak, “I am in a very popular Korean music group, called Big Bang. The members of my group are all great friends of mine, we are like a family. We cared, and still do care about each other greatly. But things got complicated, we just....needed a break. It's tough, but hopefully things will be well soon." He sighed. It was obvious that he seemed to miss them a lot.
“I’m sorry.” I replied. He kept looking at the ground.
I had a flashback. It was me, as a child. My father was screaming at me for not being fast enough to bring him his dinner. He kept repeating that he wished I was not alive, and that it was my fault for my mother’s death. My mother died in childbirth. I just kept repeating, “I’m sorry.”



Note: I may change the father relationship. (Which could possibly change the story, do you think I should change it?)

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