Dark Side

Dark Side

"Hey, who's there?!!"

A tall guy steps into a dark alley between two buildings.

"Stop!" the guys shouts. He sees another guy stands not really far from him.

"Hey...." Chanyeol, the tall guy, approaches the guy in front of him.

Chanyeol taps the guy's shoulder. He can feels the shorter guy is trembling hard.

"My name is Chanyeol. I'm a police, and I just saw you ran to this dark alley. What are you doing here?" he asks the man.


Suddenly, the shorter man cries. Chanyeol confuses by his action. Why he suddenly cries like this?

"I.. I'm sorry..." the man says between his cries.


"I'm sorry...."

Chanyeol furrows his eyebrows, "Hey, can y-"

Out of expectation, the shorter man suddenly drops. Luckily, Chanyeol catches him in his arm.

"What the... I was just asking. What's wrong with this guy?" he says.

Because he has no choice, he decides to take the man to his apartment. It's already late night when he arrives at his house. He piggybacks the sleeping guy and lays him on the couch.

"Oh my God... I hope he's okay. Uh..."

Chanyeol then takes a bath. Well, he actually doesn't want to do this thing in night because, you know, it will bring terrible ills for him. But yeah, who cares? He feels himself so tired after his all-day (seems like will never stop) work. As a police, sure he has many tasks to do. And the most tiring task is... to catch robbers or burglars out there.

Few minutes later, he already sat on the couch in his living room. The strange guy still sleeps peacefully beside him. He takes a look at the smaller guy. He wonders why this guy ran into the alley this morning. He looked in hurry. What makes him like that?

He observes the man's face. The guy has nice features. His eyes, his nose, even his ears....

And his lips.

Chanyeol back to realization when suddenly he sees the brunet eyes opened.

"Where am-"

"In my apartment," Chanyeol says quickly. He knows the guy must be looking at him like he's a crazy man.


He positioned himself to sit beside Chanyeol. He still looks at Chanyeol whose eyes are looking at the television.

"Weren't you the police I met this morning?" he asks. Oh great, finally this strange guy can talk.

"Yeah..." Chanyeol answers simply.

There's a sudden silence between them. Then all of sudden, the short guy stands up in front of him and bows.

"Hi, I'm Byun Baekhyun. You can call me Baekhyun. Thank you for taking me to your place. And..." he pauses and looks deeply into Chanyeol's eyes, "forgive me for making you, well, worried about me..."

Chanyeol laughs. The man flinches. He doesn't know he'll receive this kind of reaction.

"You.. So funny," Chanyeol keeps laughing.

"What's so funny about me?" the man asks.

Chanyeol stops laughing. He stands up.

"Well..." he steps nearer to this Baekhyun guy, "I just met you this morning, ran from I don't know what. You looked so in hurry, and then you collapsed. I took you few hours ago to here, and when you finally woke up and can talk like this, all you say is introductions. That's so funny about you,"

Baekhyun gulps.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"There you go. You always say, 'I'm sorry. Forgive me...' even though I feel like you didn't do anything bad to me," Chanyeol says.

He takes Baekhyun's hands, "Now, can you tell me who are you? And what happened to you until you ran away in the street this morning?"

"I... I can't tell you,"

"Why you can't?"

"Because.. I just, can't tell you..."


Baekhyun feels weird when the police calls his name. He sighs.

"I will tell you, umm, tomorrow. But now, I'm really tired. I'm restless for these three days. Can I sleep?"

Chanyeol frowns.

"Umm, sor-"

"Yeah yeah, sure you can. Come on, let's go to the bedroom," Chanyeol walks. He enters his one and only bedroom inside his apartment. Baekhyun follows behind him.

Chanyeol lays on top of the bed. He's about to close his eyes when he realize that the other guy isn't laying beside him.

"Hey, you said you want to sleep..."

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun. He just stands still before the bed.

"You.. you mean in here? You mean, I must sleep in the same room with you? On the same bed?"

"Yes, of course. But I can sleep on the sofa if you want," Chanyeol sits up, but his shoulder is grabbed by Baekhyun.

"No, you don't need to. A-Alright, I will sleep then..."

Baekhyun silently climbs up the bed.

"Good night, Mr. Policeman..."

"Yes, good night for you too,"

Chanyeol thinks his days will be so different after this day...


Chanyeol wakes up the next day with dizzy head. He already knew what caused it. He swears he will never take another late night's bath.

He stands and walks to the kitchen, apparently because he smells something from the kitchen. No, not something burnt. It smells like coffee and waffle.

"Oh, hi..." Someone greets him when finally approaches the kitchen.

"Hi," he walks closer to Baekhyun. He looks at the table, there are so many foods!

"You cooked these all?" he asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I confused you would like to have waffles or pancakes for your breakfast, so I made both instead," Baekhyun answers.

Chanyeol sits down. He takes a bite of the pancakes, "Whoa...."

"Why? Is it bad?"

"No, actually.. This is the best pancakes I've ever eaten. And the waffles too!"

Baekhyun smiles. At least he could do something useful for the kind-hearted policeman.

"Why don't you eat too?"

"Oh, should I?"

"Yes, you should. These are your own cooks, you should eat them too," Chanyeol says.

Baekhyun takes a seat beside Chanyeol. He feels so nervous when he feels the taller man's gaze on him.

"Open your mouth.."


Baekhyun's mouth stuffed with sweet waffles by Chanyeol.

"How's it?"

"Umm.. good," Baekhyun mumbles with his mouth keeps munching the waffles.

"So..." Chanyeol clears his throat, "do you want to explain all now?"

Baekhyun gulps. He looks at Chanyeol with weird expression.

"You've promised me..." Chanyeol says.

"Well, alright. But promise me, do not say this to anyone else, okay?"


Baekhyun starts telling Chanyeol every single thing of himself. Chanyeol hears his explanation with a surprised expression.

"So... Y-You are actually the son of Byun Taekwoon, t-the terrorist?"


"So practically, I'm hiding son of a terrorist inside my apartment?!"


Chanyeol runs, searching his gun. He goes back to the kitchen, and points his gun to Baekhyun.

"You, I will jail you!"


"I can't believe I'm hiding the son of Byun Taekwoon, the number one terrorist inside my apartment. I will become so famous after this," he laughs madly.


"What?! I finally can catch the son of that damned terrorist. Me and all of my partners always searched for him, for your father, but we always failed..."

"Chanyeol I-"

"Do not talk anymore! I will arrest you now,"

Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun's hands tightly.

"Chanyeol I must t-"

"Must what? Take your phone and call your father and all of your family to come here? Oh no, I won't let that happen..."

He reaches Baekhyun's jeans and searches for his cellphone. He feels something weird under his hand. He takes the thing from Baekhyun's pocket and shocked to see the actual thing.

"T-This is..."

"Chanyeol, I can't breathe..."

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun. His hand is no longer grabbing Baekhyun's hand as he holds Baekhyun's head from behind and puts the oxygen tube to Baekhyun's face.

"Here, breathe.."

Baekhyun does what Chanyeol said. He inhales deeply.

"Uh... ah," he feels something heavy in his chest is gone now.

"W-Why you didn't tell me you have an asthma?"

"You d-didn't let me to t-tell you..."

"I'm so sorry Baekhyun, oh please forgive me," Chanyeol hugs Baekhyun.

"Uh, it's too tight. Chanyeol, you make me... hardly breathe again,"

"Ah! I'm sorry," Chanyeol pulls back.

"Ah.... Chanyeol, please don't talk about this to anyone else, okay?"

Chanyeol automatically nods.

"Good," Baekhyun smiles.

"But Baekhyun... Why did you run? Is there anyone who chased you?" Chanyeol asks.

"Yeah, they're my father's assistants..."


"Well, my father wants me to marry someone. A daughter of his old friend. I don't want to marry her. I don't want to have a continuation of terrorist family... I want to be with someone I love and not from terrorist world," he explains.

Chanyeol makes an 'O' mouth. Baekhyun laughs a bit. He sees Chanyeol's expression and thinks that he's pretty cute with th-

Wait, what? Did he just think that Chanyeol is cute? Seriously, cute.....?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Baekhyun smiles, "No, I'm just thinking that you're cute.."

"Thank yo- What?!"

"Oh, no. Forget that!" Baekhyun runs from the kitchen.

"Baekhyun, come back here you little brat!"


"Did you find him?"

"No, Sir. I'm sorry..."

"You are really lame! I paid you for find my son and bring him back to me, why you can't do that?!!!"

A woman behind the angry man rubs the man's shoulder.

"Calm, honey. We'll find him soon. Do not make everyone afraid because of your attitude,"

"But sweetheart.."

"Sssh. I believe he'll come back soon even without these guys. This is his house, we are his family, he is our son. Just wait for a little bit longer,"

"Hmmm... Alright,"

The man looks at the terrified man in front of him.

"Back to your work,"

"T-Thank you, Sir."

The trembling man walks away. Byun Taekwoon leans to his beloved wife, Lee Woori.

"I hope he'll be back here..."

"Me too, hubbie. I'm sure he will be back to us. Just wait for the time, maybe he just wants to think and relax himself," Woori smiles.

Taekwoon smiles too,

"Yeah, I hope so..."


"Baekhyun, where are we going?"

"The park!"

"But we have visited this park since weeks ago. Why you can't find another interesting place?"

"For me, the park is the only interesting place. Do you want to go or not?"

Chanyeol sighs, "Okay... I will go with you,"

One hour later, they're arrive at the park.

"Look! Chanyeol, the clouds!" Baekhyun points at the blue sky. Chanyeol looks up.

"It's a rabbit," Baekhyun says in a sudden.

"No, I think it's a cat..."

"No way it's a cat. It's clearly a rabbit. Why can't you see?"

"Up to yourself Baek..."

Chanyeol has been with Baekhyun in three weeks, including now. He had sacrified his time to accompany Baekhyun wherever he wants to go. And mostly, the place he always wants to visit is only this park.


Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol, "Yes?"

"I-I want to say something to you..."

"What is that?"


Chanyeol looks deeply into Baekhyun's eyes. He thinks he see something in his orbs. Baekhyun's two adorable orbs...

"I like you,'

Baekhyun gasps.


"I like y-you..."

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun feels his breath is no longer in his lungs. He feels the time stops right at the moment.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... You know, we've spent our time together in few weeks since I first met you in that street. I wasn't sure at first if this is love for you or just a weird feeling, but back when we almost," Chanyeol gulps, "kissed two days ago, I became sure that this feeling is love. Not just an admiration or whatever, I do really think I'm in love with you. I love you, Baekhyun..."

Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol with emotionless face. Chanyeol afraids he must be thinking that he's really weird right now. He closes his eyes, ready for a punch or a slap....

But instead of those, he feels a small pair of lip captures his own lips.

Baekhyun is kissing him.

Chanyeol feels the world suddenly become only for them both. He feels like the time is stopping right now, with only him and Baekhyun and their sweet moment...

"Baek... Baekhyun," he mumbles.

Baekhyun smiles, "Yes?"

"I love you, I-"

"Shut up, me love you too..."


Next morning, Chanyeol wakes up with Baekhyun sleeps peacefully beside him. He remembered the moment that happened the night before. He smiles.


Baekhyun opens his eyes, only to have Chanyeol closes them again.

"Sssh, just sleep. I know you are still tired, just sleep..." Chanyeol kisses his eyelids.

"Thank you. I love you Chan..."

"Me too, Baek.."

Chanyeol then takes a bath. He must goes to work in his office. He kisses Baekhyun's cheek.

"I'm leaving, wait for me okay? Love you," he says. He can hears Baekhyun mutters something in his sleep. He chuckles.

"You know, you're so cute when you're sleeping like this,"

Then, he goes out from his apartment. He leaves the second keys inside his apartment, knowing that Baekhyun may wants to go somewhere. Maybe for buys something to fill the fridge or just walks to the park again.

He arrives at his office with his friend, Jongdae, greets him.

"Hey hey hey, here's the happy man..."

"How are you Chan? Still in love with your new boyfriend?"

Chanyeol smiles, "Of course, I am and will always in love with him,"

"Ahaha, you happy old man... Hey, by the way we got something to do today,"

Jongdae's expression turns more serious now.

"What's that?" Chanyeol asks.

"You know Byun Taekwoon?"

"Yeah?" Chanyeol gulps. Of course he knows, Byun Taekwoon is his boyfriend's father.

"Well, news said his son is kidnapped by someone. They're reporting live from that terrorist's house,"

Oh my God, Chanyeol thinks he sense dangerous thing will come...

"And he said, whoever find his son, he wanted him back. I never knew he could be that panicked..."

"Did he said another thing?"

"What? Oh, yeah. He also said that, if he's not going to see his son in front of him alive in the next two days, he will bomb Seoul,"

"What the..."

"That's why I'm talking this to you. The boss want us to find Byun Taekwoon's son to prevent him bomb this big city,"

"But we're not even detectives..."

"Ah, I guess you didn't hear it yet. The boss lifted our position yesterday, we are officially detectives now. Congrats to you and me," Jongdae smiles widely.

Chanyeol sighs. He knew since first that Baekhyun's father will ask his son to come back to the family. He wants to regret all the things, but he can't. Everything is just too beautiful for him to be regretted...

"I think we should start our search now," Jongdae says, making Chanyeol snaps back from his thought.

"J-Jongdae, I have to tell you something.. about Byun Baekhyun,"

"Byun who? Hey, isn't that the name of Byun Taekwoon's son? How could you know that?"


"Because what?"

Chanyeol isn't sure if this will be right or not, but he can't hides this thing anymore.

"Because Byun Baekhyun is my boyfriend..."



Chanyeol closes Jongdae's mouth with his large hand.

"Ssshhh... Don't be too noisy, others can hear us,"

Jongdae nods. Chanyeol brings his hand off from Jongdae's mouth.

"But Chanyeol, this is really... wrong. I mean, he is a son of the number one terrorist in South Korea and even one of the most dangerous terrorist in this world. How could you boyfriended his son?"

"I don't know, I don't even know how to tell this..."

Chanyeol tells Jongdae all things. Jongdae only shows shocked experession.

"Man, that was... cool. I got to say this man, that was cool!"

"Yeah, but now I'm in a danger,"

"No way,"

"What do you mean by no way?"

"Well, since you're his son's boyfriend, he can't hurts you. His son will probably save you from him and all of his punishments..."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, pretty sure..."

Chanyeol sighs again. He never thought it would be this serious.

"How about we're going back to your apartment and find your lovely boyfriend there?"

"For what?"

"For make sure he's still there or not. His father already sent many peoples to search for him,"

"Oh yeah, right! Come on!" Chanyeol walks fast with Jongdae follows him from behind.

They go back to Chanyeol's apartment. Chanyeol surprises to see that his apartment's door is opened. He hurriedly runs inside. He gasps.

"What happens?"

"Baekhyun... Baekhyun, he's...."

"Oh my great Lord... Chanyeol, come on! We must go to Byun's family house!"

Chanyeol and Jongdae go to the Byun's family house. They arrive at the house's gates, right when they see another car in front of them stops and some men, big muscular men, come out from the black car. They bring someone with them.

"Jongdae, that's Baekhyun!" Chanyeol gets out from his car. He runs toward those scary men.


"Uh... Chanyeol!!!!"

Chanyeol stops. Some of those men are now standing in front of him.

"What do you want?" one of them ask Chanyeol.

"I want to take my Baekhyun back!"

"Don't be silly, he's our boss' son. Who are you can claim him as yours?"

"I'm Park Chanyeol. I'm a police, and Byun Baekhyun is my boyfriend!"

Chanyeol sees Baekhyun is struggling himself to gets off from those men's grips, but he can't. He's too small for fighting his father's guardians.

"You better back to your office, Mr. Policeman. You sure don't want some bruises all over your body, right?" the other man says.

"I won't go back, not until you stupidheads give me back my Baekhyun!" he yells at those men. Chanyeol knows they're bigger than him, but he will fight them for Baekhyun. He love Baekhyun, he really loves him.

"You are getting into trouble, man..."

"Just punch him!" the men who hold Baekhyun shout at them.

"Once again, police, you better go ba-"

"Shut up!"

Chanyeol punches one of those men. He's falling to the ground. Wow, he never thought he could hit someone really hard like that.

"You!" the other man tries to hit him, but stopped by another man's hand.

"Don't ever think to beat my friend, you damned..." Jongdae punches the man's face. The man also falls to the ground.

"Chanyeol, take Baekhyun away while I'm making these men busy..."

"A-Alright Jongdae," Chanyeol walks to the spot where Baekhyun is trapped by those big men.

"Get off you small guy!"

"Shut your mouth up!"

Chanyeol punches. He hits all the men. He kicks and punches them all until they fall to the ground with bloods pooling around them.


"Sssh, don't be afraid babe. I'll take you back,"

Baekhyun nods and smiles. They both walk toward Jongdae, and all of his now laying on the ground opponents.

"So, this is Byun Baekhyun?"

The guy whose name said by him only smiles.

"Now I know why you can't loose him. He's too beautiful," Jongdae smiles widely.

"Hey, watch over man. He's mine, don't flirt..."

"Eh-hey, so there's a grumpy oldman Chanyeol now..." Jongdae laughs. They are all laughing.

Suddenly, they hear someone shouts.


Baekhyun looks behind. He sees his mother, about two feets from him. Beside her is his father, the great terrorist that eveyone always talked about.

"Mother, father!" Baekhyun run to his parents. Chanyeol can only looks at him. He always thinks that the way Baekhyun runs is funny, and also cute.

"Baekhyunnie, we miss you..." Chanyeol can see Baekhyun's mom eyes are full of tears now. She cries. He looks at Byun Taekwoon. Surprisingly, he cries too.


Baekhyun hears his father sobs. He hugs his father, "I miss you father..."

"Me too, son. I miss you... Me and your mom, we always searched for you. But we never found you. But now.. now you're here again. You are back son..."

Baekhyun pulls off from the hug.

"W-Why son?"

"Father.. I'm not going back,"


"Honey..." Baekhyun's mother calms her husband.

"Father, mother... I ran from you both because I didn't want to marry that girl. That girl whose father is your old friend, father..." he says.

"I wanted to find my own happiness. I ran from our house, in hope to find my true love.."

"At first I thought it would be so hard to find someone who will love me, even though with my status as a terrorist's son. But then," Baekhyun turns away. He's looking at Chanyeol.

"I met him. Park Chanyeol. A police. A simple man that turned everything, even my vision of love..." Baekhyun smiles.

Chanyeol walks nearer. He feels the urge to hug his beloved boyfriend now.

"I love him, father. I do really love him. And I will always love him... We've already promised to each other for always be together in anykind of situation. Through happiness or sadness.. I love him so much," Baekhyun's eyes become teary.

Chanyeol doesn't care anymore. He walks toward Baekhyun and hugs him tightly, not wanting to let him go again now. He can feels Baekhyun's body is shaking hard.

"I love you Channie.. I love you,"

"I love you too, Baekhyun-ah..."

They kiss. It's not their usual kiss which is filled with passion or desire to do something... It's truly a kiss, a lovely sweet kiss that only expresses their love for each other.

Baekhyun smiles at Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiles too, then he looks at Baekhyun's parents.

"Mr. Byun Taekwoon, Mrs. Lee Woori... I am, Park Chanyeol, is in deep love with your son. Yes, your son. Byun Baekhyun. I simply met him in the street. He collapsed in my arm, I helped him and brought him to my apartment. I was the one that always been with him all days and nights. I was the peron who you searched for, I was the one who kept your son... And kept his love too,"

"I really love him. I'm not lying. Even though he's too silly sometimes, or become so jealousy too, but I really love him. I stay in love with him. Even though he's your son, Byun Taekwoon, the great terrorist that everyone always talked about... I still love him. My love for him is too strong. Nothing can separate us apart..."

He hugs his lover's waist. Baekhyun can only blushes because of that.

"So now, Mr. Byun Taekwoon... I want to propose him, make him as mine. Even, I want to marry him as soon as possible. I want to be with your son forever and ever, until the death itself bring us both together. I will always be with him, I promise. I love him, really. Do you accept this, Sir?"

Chanyeol can clearly sees that Mrs. Lee Woori is literally crying out her happiness right now. She looks at her husband, "Come on, honey, you see that right? Finally... finally our son find his true love by himself. Aren't you proud for it?"

Baekhyun looks at his father. He makes puppy eyes.

"Please, father..." he pleads.

Finally, his father sighs. He smiles.

"Alright. I understand that. I accept you. Welcome to Byun's family," he taps Chanyeol's shoulder.

"T-Thank you, thank you so much!!!"

Baekhyun hugs Chanyeol. They share another kiss now.

Suddenly, they hear someone talking.

"Uhm, excuse me? Still remember me?" Jongdae says. Chanyeol looks at him then laughs.

"Of course, come here!"

Jongdae happily walks toward them all.

"Who is he?" Baekhyun asks.

"He's Jongdae, my bestfriend. My partner in crime too, haha..." he laughs again.

"Don't forget the 'partner in spreading trolls and jokes' part..." Jongdae laughs.

They're all laughing, even Baekhyun's parents.

Then suddenly, an unexpected thing happens.

"You know what? I'm actually already off from the terrorist world. I'm practically trolling everyone out there, including you both, Chanyeol and Jongdae..."

Chanyeol and Jongdae look at him with mouth agape.

Baekhyun looks at him too.

"I'm lying to you too, my dear son... Ahaha,"

That day become the most happiest day for Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and also Jongdae.

And also, become the most tiring day for Baekhyun.


"Channie-ah... I'm tired,"

"Not yet, babe. There's still round two," Chanyeol winks.

"No way... Chanyeol," Baekhyun chuckles.

"Yeah babe..."

"Make it rough this round," Beakhyun blushes. Chanyeol smirks playfully.

"Your wish is my command beautiful..."























Everybody got a dark side, do you love me?

Will you love mine?

Nobody's a picture perfect,

But we're worthy...

Will you love me...

Even with my dark side?

Don't walk away,


You'll stay.....




























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Chapter 1: Great story!
It had that bit of action, cute love, and suspence. It was just beautiful. thank u for writing it :)