She wakes up at the sound of alarm clock. She threw the alarm clock away and put the pillow in her ears then covers her body with the comforter. She never wanted to wake up again. Ever since that day, the day when Sunggyu decided to leave and goes in the place she never wanted to know, her life began to be misserable in every way a person's life could be.


Everyday she kepts on reminiscing all the good times they spent together. None of her days would skip without her thinking of him. Sunggyu is the only person who taught her how to love and to be loved and the one and only person who makes her life like hell. Living like that she always wish and always wanted to just be erased in the world like a bubble.


She never ever expected that her life would turn out like this because of that person she thought would never leave her.


Her so called "LOVE" started when she decided to moved and live independently. She knew Sunggyu for 3 years when they met again at the same apartment building. they are both living alone. They are friends, yes. So it's easy for them to cope up with each other. They are just a door away.


Sunggyu always goes to JiEun's room whenever he's bored or just wanted someone to talk to and she likes it because living alone is no fun at all. 


Then one fine day when they are chatting about non sense things in his room, suddenly some words came out from Sunggyu's mouth that she never expected.


"Can I kiss you?" Sounds so serious and the look in his eyes are so good. Since when she looked at him like some diamonds are surrounding him?


"Eh?" Silence. A silence that only the sound of the wind could be heard. They just stared at each other's eyes when finally she got the urge to chatter first.


"Yes." A simple word he is waiting for. Without hesitation, Sunggyu kissed her fervently.


She felt so much butterfly in her stomach as if the time stops at that moment. It's a kiss she never get to encounter before. Only with him.


Time passed by and things are changing between them. Both of them turned out to be touchy with each other. Sleeping and waking up next to their bodies. Until that night came. That night that she would never forget until the day she'll run out of her own breathe. The night she decided to give her first blood to him, her precious ity where she even promised to herself that she'll only give it to her future husband during their first night of honeymoon. But that promise were already broken. But never once she regret that decision.


She also loves the simple ways he always do with him. Like shopping in the mall where Sunggyu always asks him.


"Does this shirt fits me?" She feels that they are a happy married couple.


Watching movies and cuddling with each other inside the cinema.


After that breath taking and fearsome night. It followed by many nights that she thought it's full of love. Little did she knew they are feeling far away from each other eventhough they are just a door away.


He rarely visits in her room. She thought and tells herself that he was just busy. But they really getting aside from each other and becomes more of a strangers. Until they didn't saw each other anymore. She's becoming insane every night thinking about where he depart.


His room is now an empty room. She doesn't get what did she do to make Sunggyu leaves her side. Where in fact she knew to herself that she did all and gave all of her to him. She just wanted to know the exact reason. Does she did something wrong or what?


Until now she always asks that to herself. She already loose the battle of winning and getting him back again. She misses his touch and kisses that always gives so much butterflies in her stomach.


She always convey to herself that someday, someday she would be able to move on and forget him, not just now, Even a year has already passed she still feel the hurt she felt during the day he leave. The day he leaves her alone and make her suffer every ing day.


She is not yet ready to be happy and bring back her life now. Someday. Maybe someday.




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