Tick Tock, Watch The Clock

For the remainder of the night- without balling my eyes out this time- I was perched one of the chairs in the balcony outside of my room. It was an enthralling night despite the disastrous situation, the stars poking ever so often out of black cloth we called the sky. Maybe I was at fault for not sparing a chance for his explaination but at second thought, I really didn't wish to receive and understand his side. If he was prepared to inform me, then so be it, but not when I am questioning, would mean something was grasping him, shaking him into hesitation. 
"How hard is it to answer a question?" I tucked my knees closer to my chest, wrapping my arms around them due to the sudden chilly breeze. "I mean, I don't ask for much. Do I?" I picked at the fabric on my jeans. 
"Cheer up," another voice besides my own spoke into the crisp air. I whipped my head around to witness the owner striding towards me. 
"I've been shaky lately," I admitted out loud. "I've been scared lately, homesick too." 
Myka took the seat nearest of me, residing in the same position I was in with her legs folded in. I haven't really taken note on how alarmingly delicate and graceful her features were. Her eyes were a dark brown yet flamed and fused with a bit of an earthy orange pigment, her nose was small along with her lips and ears. Her hair was jet black and hung just after her ears. 
"Is it because of us?" She stated, catching me staring at her. 
"Not because of you guys individually, more of the idea of evil really existing. I'm not scared of a lot of things, but that stuff spooks me out of my skin." 
"Same here, well at least sometimes. When I'm training with Kyungsoo, I get those thoughts that I shouldn't be thinking." She touched of her bare feet, then wrapping her fingers over her toes from the coldness. 
"Like what?" I didn't want to know, the things that frighten her, that anyone feared of, it could be contagious and rub off on me. 
"If a demons kills me, even my brother, or Kyungsoo. I think about that all the time and sometimes I think to myself that I really can't be what I want to be."
"And that is?" Her eyes darted in my direction, puzzled features on her face evidence of her confusion. "What you want to be, I mean."
"Right," she smiled, only the slightest bit then it disappeared. "I wanted to be a demon hunter since I was a little girl because that was what my dad did for a living. He would spend long nights even weeks slaying evil spirits that haunted people, and he told me one time that I had the heart to do it. He didn't tell my brother that because we both knew that he couldn't kill a fly if his life depended on it." 
"What happened to him?" I was afraid to question about her past, especially with the pain evident in her eyes. "You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable." 
"Thank you," she slightly bowed as she muttered an apology after but I waved it off. I wasn't about to force her to inform me on anything, especially if it was dangerously personal, because I know I wouldn't desire to be interrogated if I felt sadden already. 
"Is Kyungsoo a bad person?" I suddenly felt abashed, shy, anything for even inquiring such a false thing. "I mean, your opinon." 
"Definitely not, it's just he had a very rough childhood that he doesn't share with us. He doesn't share with us, even if we bring up our family, he looks like he's going hurl. We both could tell only that much, he doesn't really talk to us about personal matters along those lines." 
Rough childhood. He was completely, utterly opposite from me. I was the North as he was the South, I was summer while he bore winter. 


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Chapter 21: Finally! You updated! Thank you so much
k_nana #2
Chapter 20: This is beautiful :') keep up the good work! I expect a lot from u :)
Chapter 16: What a lovely story! Can't wait for the future chapters, man.
Chapter 16: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
squishysoo #5
Your writing is amazing, and you're super descriptive. I love this story so far! :)
KangAlice #6
Chapter 14: You write really well!!!! I'm so jealous!!!
beautyanddebeast #7
Its awesome... so sweet♡♥♡♥... i will wait for de next update♡♥♡♥
Oh my god you got to update....I want to know what is gonna happen next!!!! XD