Tick Tock, Watch The Clock
"No! Neither of you are getting ranked higher." Kyungsoo pointed out, glancing back and forth between these two. They both released a disappointed sigh at his response.
"Myka," the girl introduced herself but didn't reach her hand out to be shaken. "I'm the other one." 
"Hi, I'm Mia," I bent my head towards them two, earning a chuckle out of both. I glanced to witness what had made them slightly giggle but to notice there was nothing amusing surrounding us. 
"We're younger than you are, you don't have to bow," Shi commented. "But that doesn't mean I can't do better than him. Wanna try?" He gestured to Kyungsoo who immediately sat behind me and closed the passage of my ears with his palms, blocking out all of the inappropriate references he was intending. 
"You'll find someone great some day," I added, while removing his hands and lowering them down; bearing through the pain of such minimal movement. "Someone you'll love for eternity." 
"It's all overrated," Myka rolled her eyes. She positioned her elbows on her knees with her arms drooping out in front of her, then continued to radiate a bored feeling. 
"You'll see." Kyungsoo's placed his chin on my better shoulder, wrapping his arms around me to encase me deeper in his scent, leaving tiny pecks upon my skin.
"Anyways, what subject is he tutoring on?" I asked them, not really expecting an answer from the girl, as I slightly peeled away from his touch. Shi did mention something along the lines of a trainee or whatever he was blabbing about. 
"How to activate our wings, throw daggers, aerodynamics, you know all the fun stuff." 
"So, you're not kidding?" I stated more as a rhetorical question, nodding my head in reassurance. Angels were real, so that meant demons and spirits were too. The spiritual world was something we all messed around with when we were kids, beckoning the ghosts as if they would respond but soon become disappointed when nothing happened; Ouija boards were to our delights for a source of entertainment. 
"What do you guys do, I mean, once you're done?" I turned to the man behind me, gazing lovingly into my eyes.
"Once they become trained, they are either assigned to protect the gates of heaven or protect people down here." 
"What's so bad that's down here? I mean, we have laws for people and punishment for criminals-" 
"Demons," Myka interrupted. "I always wanted to hunt demons." 
"Wait, they can't hurt us right? I mean, I'm not against them," I was completely facing Kyungsoo and his entirety, my hands inching up his arms. "I didn't do anything to provoke them, I-I.." 
"They're ruthless, they'll steal any soul when most vulnerable. They don't care about what's right, they only know what they have to do to please themselves and whatever it takes to do it." He added a small smile after it, as if to lighten the entire load he had dumped, then glancing off to the side in thought. 
Shi spoke low like those creatures he mentioned earlier were eavesdropping on this entire conversation, "That's why we have to send them back to hell, to protect people like you who know nothing of their existence. Save you before it's too late." 
"What?" My heartbeat rapidly increased in fear, those demons were definitely something to be afraid of. 
"I think that's enough, we weren't even suppose to tell her this." He hissed, rubbing my arms to somehow relieve me of this new, foreign stress that had now taken it's tole. "Let's rest that shoulder." 
With that, Kyungsoo and I were whisked up the stairs and into the all too familiar bedroom, hand in hand as if nothing could break our bond. I was trembling in utter terror, it wasn't that I didn't believe and trust him to shelter me from them, but it's the thought of if he couldn't. They could cease the beat of his heart quicker than they could vacuum away my soul, that was what struck me the hardest. I also had to protect him. 
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Chapter 21: Finally! You updated! Thank you so much
k_nana #2
Chapter 20: This is beautiful :') keep up the good work! I expect a lot from u :)
Chapter 16: What a lovely story! Can't wait for the future chapters, man.
Chapter 16: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
squishysoo #5
Your writing is amazing, and you're super descriptive. I love this story so far! :)
KangAlice #6
Chapter 14: You write really well!!!! I'm so jealous!!!
beautyanddebeast #7
Its awesome... so sweet♡♥♡♥... i will wait for de next update♡♥♡♥
Oh my god you got to update....I want to know what is gonna happen next!!!! XD