Chapter One: First Case


The buzz of the alarm clock startle me awake. My eyes shoot open in shock but then they slowly close once again. It would be useless to try and fall back asleep, seeing as how even from behind my lids I could still see the sun seeping brightly through the blinds of my window.

Finally I reach over and slam my hand down on the snooze button, silencing the annoying buzzing that had left my ears ringing. Feeling like a sloth, I rise up from the comforts of my bed and toss the duvet covers off then proceed to drag my feet over to my room's bathroom. From one glance at the mirror I knew I didn't look so well. Raven black mussed bed hair and barely opened dark brown eyes; I hate mornings...

Stripping down I immediately hop in the shower to wash up, the cool water already beginning to re-energize my senses. After that, I step out onto the mat, towel dried and got dress. Buttoning up the last buttons on my 3/4 sleeved, white dress shirt (but leaving the top two buttons) and straightening out my black slim dress pants, I check the mirror again, brushing my bangs to the right side of my face. Satisfied I placed my black pumps on and I check my silver watch; eight'o clock. I smile to myself, taking my badge, ID tag and gun holster and place them accordingly on my person.

With that, I step out of my small dorm-like room and began to walk to the main headquarters of the building. I knew I was coming close to my destination when there were more people dressed in business like attires or dress shirts with their gun holsters slinged over their shoulders walking around. Passing by the main offices filled with cubicles and work desks (and bustling people), I was greeted by my partner in crime (or against crime), Catherine or Cat as I liked to call her.

"I see you're up early this time." I smile as I approach her. Dressed similarly to me (except her sleeves were visibly rolled up to her elbows), Cat only scoffed at me.

"And I honestly don't know why." Her own smile appeared on her lips as she handed me a cup of coffee. I thanked her as we leisurely start to make our way to the canteen, making small talk as we went. I only managed to grab a bagel to eat when someone interrupted us at the table we were sitting at.

"Sorry to bother both of you but the chief wants you two in the briefing room. I think you might be on another case soon."

"Are you serious Corey? Not even a week back from Italy and he already wants us on another case." Cat moaned. "I'm still jet lagged."

The taller, twenty-five year old caucasian man chuckled, his hazel eyes flashing with amusement. "Sorry, when you're young, you tend to get picked on."

I heave a sigh, taking the last gulp of coffee before answering back. "We're not THAT young. We just turned eighteen." Corey gave me a pointed look which made my eyes wander a bit at my false answer.

" we're the youngest in the field. So what? Most of the cases we get are stake out missions; you just sit there and snipe out the perimeter while the rest of the team goes in and raids. Anyone can do that; doesn't mean we're experienced as an agent who's been working for seven-eight years." I corrected as Cat and I both got up to follow Corey.

"Can't really complain on that one Mich. It's either you get in on the action here as much as possible or you don't at all and I know how much you love getting in on a case." Cat chimed. I huffed; Cat was right.

"Anyways, that kind of work is good for you guys. You need all the experience you can get; no one here doubts your practical skills but it's entirely different when you're on the job. You gotta think two steps ahead of yourself before making a crucial decision. It could completely change the outcome of everything if you don't think things through."

"Yes, father I know." Cat and I said sarcastically as we round the corner and were less than two meters away from the briefing room. Corey just rolled his eyes but smiled at us nonetheless.

"If no one is gonna look out for you guys then who will? Tough place to be in, I still think both of you are crazy in joining."

"Yeah well we weren't exactly sane to begin with." I joke. "Thanks Corey, see ya later."

"Take care you two." He replies giving both of our hair a ruffle (both of which we cry out disapprovingly) before he walks off to attend to other businesses. Smoothing out her front bangs, Cat glanced at me with a smirk.

"Let's do this."

"Hell yeah." I smirk back and turn the silvery knob. The room was darkened with only a projector on the wall in front of me as a source of light.

"Ah, agent Tran, agent Zhen please come in and have a seat. We were just about to start." called Dean or as everyone knew him as chief. He was also a caucasian man, except much older (in his mid-fifties) with a head of greying hair and visible wrinkle lines on his visage. He spoke with a fairly deep but obviously very wise voice; it almost reminded me of Gandalf from LOTR. Maybe if he grew a beard out he'll certainly look like him too. I surpress a smile as Cat and I took the empty seats near the end of the long, oval table that was situated in the middle of the room in front of the projector screen. There were only a few other people gathered in the room, two sitting at the table like us while three other chose to lean against the wall.

"Now, recently we've been tracking down a series of timed events that are notoriously happening across the East Asian countries. Such countries as China, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand so far. These timed events are what most believe to be terriorist attacks." The projector started to show a slideshow of distinguished buildings or places in each country; all of which were in a disastrous and chaotic scenario. "We, however, believe that these terriorist attacks are conducted not by your typical bandits making a statement." The projector changed to captured photos of questionably suspicious people; something that looked like it came straight out of a spy movie (they always seem to be on the phone when the pictures are taken for some reason).

"The man on the right here," The picture is focused and zoomed, taking up the entire screen. "Is Marcus King; the mastermind behind these attacks. Also a very influential gang leader, having connections with many triad gangs, yakuzas and the like. Theory is this whole set up across the East Asian countries is part of some monopoly for control and spheres of influence if you'd like to think."

"World domination....?" I mutter to myself as I flip through the profile everyone was given for the briefing; stopping at Marcus King's picture. Scanning his personal information, I gathered he was approaching his forties now but he looked much older than that. Olive skinned and what seemed to be a permanent scowl expression on his face as he was turning towards the direction of the camera when the photo was taken.

"Not exactly agent Zhen." I jump slightly when the chief's voice was directed at me. Glancing up, I was only greeted with an indifferent face as he continues to speak. "So far, the countries that have been attacked are only East Asian. We don't know if he's planning on a full scale assault on the world or simply creating some sort of empire. Either way, he's a major threat. We are to capture him alive or dead and see to it that his opperative bases are removed completely. Anyone in relation to him or involved in his operations are also to be removed."

"So what's his next target?" Someone spoke from within the room.

The chief turned to the projector which changed to a map of the world. A flicker of images and the map was soon zoomed in on one country. "South Korea. From the pattern of attacks it's only safe to assume that it would be next." The lights turn on and the chief scans the room, hands in his pockets. "You all will be departing tomorrow morning at one for South Korea. I want you to pin point the location of the next attack and when he strikes...we will be ready. Dismissed."

Cat and I rose from our seats, turning to exit like everyone else until the chief called us back.Obediently we stay behind as everyone emptied out. We face him at attention, almost as if greeting a military officer but Dean simply heaved an almost tired sigh at us.

"This will probably be your first undercover mission girls. South Korea is a big country to cover; there are many possible target points that Marcus King could choose from. Most likely this team will be splitting up to cover those points."

"Chief..." I begin, feeling as if I was the teenage daughter rolling her eyes at a worried father. "We'll be fine. We can take out men twice our size and if we need to we won't hesitate to call for back up from the South Korean base over there. I'm pretty sure you've notified them of this case and our arrivals."

"Yes, I have but please girls try not to make a mess; I feel as if I'm letting my teenage daughter go to a house party for the first time."

"Likewise chief." Cat laughs. "We'll be responsible and we'll try not to cause any trouble."

He smiles at us, placing a hand on one of our shoulders and gave it a pat. "Be careful; the both of you."

"We will chief." We reply. With that, he nodded and we took it as a sign to head out to start making preparations.

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Wouldnt they check the hotel room for bugs or whatever? Lol. Update soon :3
aaa please update it soon~ im curious ;A;
TheEpikBabo #3
Oh really? XD Okay thanks for the tip X)
Pretty good :D<br />
But uh, if you want more readers, I suggest adding SHINee, f(x), SNSD, and UKISS to your tags for this story just giving you a heads up (: