Painful Rain

The Doll Maker

"It'll be okay as time passes, that's what I tell myself as if I am memorizing a charm." ~ Davichi~ Turtle

"What do you guys think of this note?" I asked as I threw the note down on the counter Leo was wiping, Hongbin leaned over the counter to read it.

"Do not come to work tomorrow?" Hongbin read aloud from the paper, "Sounds like this person doesn't like your doll shop if he doesn't want you to keep it open, did you get anyone angry at you recently?"

"But that other sentance," Leo mummered as he stared at the note, " ' Run before they come to get you, it sounds like something dangerous."

"Or something that would come out of a horror movie!" Hongbin said brightly and I smacked Hongbin on the forehead.

"Why do you mention horror movies right now?" I growled at him, "It's already bad enough that someone snuck in to my shop when I wasn't there."

"Techinically it wasn't sneaking in, you left the door unlocked." Hongbin muttered, I gave him a glare and he shut his mouth quickly and looked out the window as if something was intresting outside.

"But Inhyeong," Leo asked me with big, concerned eyes, "Didn't you notice if someone was walking on the sidewalk, wouldn't you hear the bells to your shop ring when the person who left this note entered?"

I thought back to when that happened, I didn't remeber any bells ringing, but at the same time to be fair, I also had a small panic attack outside that distracted me from being able to function properly, so somebody could have snuck past without my notice.

"I was distracted at the time." I lied not looking in to Leo's eyes, I didn't want them to know that the panic attacks still come and go as they pleased, and I hated it when they worried about me.

"What is so distracting about tossing away a empty cup of coffee?" Hongbin muttered, I looked up at Leo to see his eyes with b sympathy, I looked away feeling weak.

I shouldn't let something that happened a year ago affect me.

Yet it did, making me feel weak and pitiful.

Before Leo could tell me in his understanding, soft voice of how he understands the pain of losing someone and the hurt that comes with it, that he knows that I am going through pain and that just less than a year will not make the pain go away , I stood up abruptly and looked away quickly.

"I am going back to my shop." I said as I tried to avoid Leo's warm eyes, "I can't stay away for too long." 

I looked at Leo and Hongbin faces that showed pity and sadness to me, they both knew I still haven't healed from the incident that occured, I couldn't hide it when I looked at them, it was like my face was a open book for them, they could see every emotion on my face.

"Be safe." Leo said quietly, he turned away to wipe the tables and Hongbin looked at me with sad eyes.

"I can walk you back if you want me to." Hongbin offered, I looked outside at the dark sky and back at Hongbin, I doubted I could keep my emotions in any longer.

"No thanks," I said giving a small smile, "You need to get home and study."

Hongbin made a face at the word study and nodded his head, bidding my two best friends a wave I walked out of the coffee shop and on to the cold streets with the gray sky looming above me with the threat of rain at any minute. 

I turned around after a couple minutes of walking to make sure that the coffee shop was far behind my back, and that Leo or Hongbin were not behind me somewhere following me to make sure I was safe.

When I was almost near my shop, the clouds finally let the rain out, falling in heavy drops that pelted me and the sidewalk, making pitter patter noises as the water splashed on the walk way.

I stopped walking and stood there in the cold sheets of rain, letting the rain soak me in bone chilling coldness as it contuined to keep raining drenching me as I shivered from the cold as I whispered out the words I rarely ever say out loud, words that displayed every sign of weakness and vunerability I could ever show, but the words that described my heart.

"It hurts." I whsipered as I looked up to the sky fighting tears, "And I miss you guys so much."


Two pairs of eyes watched Inhyeong intently as the rain contuined to shower upon her, one pair of eyes with kindness and concern, with the yearning to reach out to her, to protect her, yet unable to knowing that he would have to wait a little while more till he can finally reach out to her.

The other pair of eyes sinisterly looked at her with a dark smile enjoying the display of pain and weakness she was showing, knowing that the pain she feels now will be nothing to the pain he will cause for her later.



Hey guys, its author nim here! I am super sorry I haven't been updating, I promise to update consistenly from now on. 

I have been having some diffculties being able to acsess a computer to update, I have also been having a lot of problems to deal with that made me unable and have a really hard time to write. These problems caused me a lot of stress, pain, and sadness, so I felt unable to write till now. 

Everything has gotten a little bit better, allowing myself to be able to write a little bit more, I am very sorry it is a pretty short update, I promise to update more consistently now.

Thank you so much for understanding and staying with be beign faithful subbies although I was a horrible author who didn't update. D: 


Please stay tuned for the next chapter which I swear on my love for K-Pop will be out as soon as I can write it!~^^


~ Sujukanda13

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Chapter 3: Woah! This is getting interesting! Please pretty please update soooooooooooooooon!!!! ^ ^
Chapter 1: your story is amazing
Chapter 1: otl ; A ; what does that note even mean- screams cries i like your storyyyyyy
Chapter 1: Sounds awesome so far! Keep it up!
please update soon!
hey i can't wait for the story!!!