Early Autumn (1/3)

Raking Leaves
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The autumn wind blows, making yellowed leaves fall from the tree that gave it life. 

Their edges are curled, and Sungmin always believed it was so they could dance easier in the wind. 

They fall to the ground, and eventually become one with the dirt. The soil becomes fertile, henceforth giving life to others...


It's like they always say, the end of something always brings something new.



"Right, let's settle this once and for all by drawing straws."

Leeteuk was greeted by a chorus of groans and dissatisfaction from his co-workers.

"Well, it's not going to just magically become air or rake itself, so unless you want to be hit in the face with leaves, I suggest you stop complaining." Leeteuk rolled his eyes. He honestly felt like he was dealing with kids sometimes, not adult accountants.

The dimpled man got some straws from the dispenser by the coffee machine and cut them into various lengths.

"Okay. Since there's six of us, whoever draws the shortest straw will have to come on Sunday so we don't have to trample through a forest on Monday. Yes, I know you don't have work on Sunday but it up, at least I'm not making another one of you do Saturday. Then the second shortest straw will be Monday's raker, the third shortest Tuesday's, and so on. Understand?"

Silent nods.

"Good." Leeteuk breathed in relief before shuffling the straws behind his back.

"Now, since I'm the eldest here, you guys can draw first and I'll just get whatever's left." 

Grunts of acknowledgement.

After each person had drawn a straw, they began comparing lengths.

"Ah, Sungmin. Sorry, but you'll have to come on Sundays."

"It's okay, Teuk. I need to walk around, anyway. Fresh air and all that."

"I'm Monday!" Donghae exclaimed. Where the enthusiasm came from, Leeteuk didn't know, but their newest recruit seemed to have an endless supply of it.

"Tuesday." Eunhyuk cried.

"Wednesday right here." Heechul rolled his eyes and started fanning himself with their half-finished auditor's report for SM.

"I'm Thursday." A quiet voice mumbled. Kyuhyun, a fresh graduate from two years ago who had been immediately accepted by Leeteuk due to his outstanding grades and impeccable references. Sungmin always took it into his own hands to make sure Kyuhyun learnt the ropes, felt comfortable enough to approach him with any questions. The kid's always kept to himself until recently, and the elder knew how initimidating starting out in the workforce can be, but Sungmin had to admit that Kyuhyun learns fast; he's almost at pace with Sungmin himself despite only working at the firm for just over two years.

"So, I've got Friday." Leeteuk beamed, glad this got sorted without major fuss. "Leaf raking shall start next week. Now, Heechul, how's that report coming along?"




"I could do with less paperwork," Eunhyuk whined, stretching is arms behind his head and yawning. It was late afternoon, which meant almost-home-time. "I don't know how they did it, but EH Limited's receipts are a mess." 

Donghae frowned. "Does that mean you'll be staying late?" 

"No, of course not! You know I'd never let anything get in the way of our three year anniversary. EH and their reports will just have to wait." Hyukjae reassured.

"Well, good." Donghae smiled again and got back to shuffling his own papers, ready to call it a day.

"Especially not since I'd booked that swanky restaurant in town... that took me a lot of begging for us to even get a seat." Eunhyuk muttered as he passed by Sungmin's work space.

Sungmin chuckled. Donghae and Eunhyuk have been going out for the longest time, and to see them bicker good-naturedly sometimes make him wish he had a boyfriend, too. 

Sungmin saved his almost completed auditor's report and decided to go home early, for once. He rubbed his eyes out of fatigue and started putting things into his suitcase, in case he had some brainwave and decided to work more on the report tonight. As he waited for his computer to turn off, a soft velvety voice from behind made him turn. 

"Sungmin, here are the receipts you told me to check over. I found no disrepencies in them..." 

"Ah, thank you, Kyuhyun. You should go home and take a rest. It's been a long day, right?"

Kyuhyun nodded, even though he could never tire from just looking at the elder man work. 

"Do you need a ride home?" the thought suddenly occurred to Sungmin, and he wasn't sure what made him offer. Not that he'd minded, but he's never offered the younger a ride before.

Kyuhyun's eyes widened at the proposal.

"Since we pretty much go the same way, anyway."

"Are... are you sure?"

Sungmin smiled. That smile. " 'Course. You ready to go?"

Kyuhyun could only nod and trail behind the other, stunned, as Sungmin bid goodbye to their workmates.

As the younger passed by Heechul's desk, the other smirked. "I see you're finally getting somewhere."

Kyuhyun shook his head furiously and failed to control the blush that was surely creeping up his neck. How Heechul even got a hint of what he felt for Sungmin....

"Don't worry, I know." Heechul waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Kyuhyun stopped in his tracks. "Kind of hard not to, your lovesick expression every time you gaze at Sungmin is adorable. You forget your desk faces mine and I can see everything." Heechul finished, proud at how he's got classified information from patient observation. He tried to stif

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16-July-2014 "When's the next update, I've been patiently waiting for ageessss."-- Please read blog post titled "Important" :)


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PeekyDoll #1
Chapter 2: Aw, cuuuute <3
Chapter 2: Oh a quiet, blushing kyuhyun is adorable :DDDD
elmokyu #3
Chapter 2: wow... 2 figures walked hand in hand towards the sunset, and one of them was a brunette! hmmmm...
Chapter 2: shykyu is cute XD cant wait for kyumin moment
Chapter 1: I dont understand why ppl want some amount of subs but subbing anyway~