
The Great News

It's been seven weeks since your marriage with Seungho. You never regretted your decision of marrying Seungho. JTune Camp even approved of the marriage. News spread everywhere on the internet. Now you are a famous person too! You are Mrs. Yang _____. Seungho's wife. How great is that? Today, you felt like going out for a walk downtown. "Wow! Such a beautiful day today! What should I do? Go buy dubboki? Go shopping?" You said, with many options flowing through your mind. As you walked around and passed by many stores, many citizens, and even fans of MBLAQ recognized you because of your recent marriage news. You were touched and even offered to sign a few autographs for them. "Ah, kamsamnida unni! I hope you and Seungho oppa the best!" A fangirl said. "Ah, ne. Gomawo! And please, call me Mrs.Yang." You told her. You signed more autographs and took pictures then you continued your walk around town. During your walk, you started feeling nauseous.

"I'm sure it's just a little cold I'm catching. I'll be fine." You thought. But you started feeling dizzy and eventually fainted..right in the middle of the street. Two hours passed, you woke up in a hospital bed.

"W-what happened?" You wondered. "Ah, Yang _____-ssi, you're awake." A doctor said. "Ah, ne. What happened to me, doctor?" You asked. "Congratulations Mrs.Yang, you are pregnant. It is a healthy baby boy!" The doctor announced. "Mwoh? Ah! Jjincha? Kamsamnida doctor!" You said in excitement.

Back at JTune Camp, Seungho heard the news that you were in the hospital and rushed right over. "Omo! ___-ah! You alright? My manager told me about this and I came right over. What did the doctor say?" Seungho bombarded you with so many questions. You laughed. "Calm down, oppa! I'm fine. Doctor said i'm fine but..." You were teasing him, making him more worried. "But what? Stop scaring me! Tell me!!!" Seungho demanded.

"I AM PREGNANT! It's a baby boy!!" You told him. Seungho was in tears and was speechless. He hugged you and felt your tummy. "Does that mean I'll be an appa soon?" "Ne! Seungho appa.. I like it!" You said. "What do you think we should name him?" You asked.

"How about Yang Junsu?"

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