three ;

The Last Time


It wasn’t a matter that just got worst overnight. The strain had long been caused, the cracks always there but ignorantly blinded and the fights which started with small bickering gradually erupted into smashing of glasses.


They were two young adults, too immersed in their naïve first love, to even pause for a second and think about the consequences they’d have to bear during later days when they first made the decision to live in together.


Things started off good initially – they had Seokjin’s parents blessings (and also their financial back-up) so they didn’t quite feel the urgency then. But days turned into weeks, and weeks changed to months. Months eventually rolled into years and seasons came and went; yet Seokjin still couldn’t realise the dire straits they were in.


Even when Ahyoung reminded him countless times that his parents had decided to stop supporting them because they wanted the kids to stand on their own feet. Even when she made a fuss about the shortage of groceries every month. Even when she whined about her aches and cramps after a hard day of work – he still couldn’t seem to grasp the situation (or he plainly chose to close one eye).


“I can’t be the only one paying our bills,” she had said one evening after coming home to a pile of letters containing their monthly expenses. She nearly screamed at the top of her lungs that day, but miraculously, she managed to hold everything in and remain the calm one.


“I’ve just sent another letter,” came his reply from in front of the television. It was a repeat telecast of Saturday’s night game and she resisted the urge to stamp over to shut off the box. They had more pressing issues at hand and he prioritised a game which he had watched before. It just wasn’t fair. “I should be getting back a reply by end of this week.”


That’s what you said last week, she wanted to remind him. And the one before. But she held it in, simply because she hated arguing with him. She’d start but she would also be the one ending up with tears. And she really, really hated letting him see her weak side.


So she bit back her tongue, stormed inside their room and locked the door behind her. On nights like this, Seokjin would know where he was supposed to sleep.





“Can I come in?” he asked weakly, as though he had spent every last bit of his energy searching for her high and low. He looked like he could collapse any second in her arms if she were to offer him her comfort. But she wasn’t.


“I’m not sure…that’s a good idea,” she said hesitantly. “It’s late, Seokjin.” His name tasted sour in . “You should go home.” She wanted to ask how he managed to find her address, but decided that it would be better if she didn’t know.


Ahyoung started to close the door again, but he was quick to press his palm against the door, stopping her from doing so. Slowly, she took in a deep breath.


“Please…” he begged. “I just…I promise I won’t be long. I-I miss you.”


Those three words sent shivers down the spine. They used to make her tingle with excitement, but not anymore. Now, she only felt uncomfortable. And remembering back their last argument before she left, she shuddered and touched her stomach tentatively.


“Seokjin…I think it’s best you leave – “


But he didn’t give her the chance to finish. Knowing that she wasn’t about to let him in, he pushed open the door wide and shoved her inside roughly. She started to scream for help, but was silenced by his hand.


“I told you…” he began in a dangerously low voice. “I just want to talk.”





Hongbin sat at the bus stop alone, checking his phone for the nth time. There was still no message or any calls from Ahyoung and he was starting to feel uneasy. She said she’d call and she usually keeps her word. He’s been waiting since the last twenty minutes, just in case she needed him when he already boarded the bus. He wanted to make sure she was safely tucked in bed before he actually goes home.


Unable to stand it any longer, he stood up and started to head back towards her apartment building. Even if she were to nag at him for being such a worrywart, he wouldn’t mind as long as he knew she was safe and alright.





“You’re hurting me,” she whimpered, looking down at his hand which was gripping hers tightly. Realising what he had done, he quickly released her and scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he paced back and forth across the room restlessly.


Ahyoung sat at the edge of the sofa, trying to create as much distance as possible between the two of them. After barging his way in, Seokjin hadn’t say a word of his intention and instead, he bit on his nails, messed up his hair and kept rubbing his unshaved face.


She braved herself to speak. “J-just tell me what you want. You said you missed me but you’ve seen me now, haven’t you? It’s late – you should go back. We can talk tomorrow.”


He shook his head vigorously. “No! You’re lying. We are not going to talk tomorrow. You’ll just find another way to run away from me. No! I can’t let you do that again.”


Ahyoung swallowed nervously as she eyed the phone on the console table, just within her reach if she could stretch out a little further without him noticing. She had to keep talking if she wanted to distract him.


“I won’t,” she tried to assure him. “I’m just really tired right now. I had a long day and I just – “


“A long day with him?” he spat out and whirled around, just before she could yank up the phone. She flinched and sank back in her seat. “You think I don’t know what you’ve been up to? All those crap about college, about wanting to further your studies – is just an excuse for you to meet new people…other guys, am I right?” He was shouting now and it made her very, very afraid. It reminded her of that unfortunate night.


“You have no right to restrict me from seeing anyone I like!” she defended herself despite her fears. “We’re not together anymore, Seokjin! We are long over!”


“Do not say that!” he bellowed and marched over towards her, towering over like a beast about to eat its prey. Ahyoung was trembling but she refused to let it show. If he knew how afraid she was, he’d know that he has won. And she wasn’t about to let him have that satisfaction.


“You…” his voice was shaking with rage. “You will always be mine. Always.” His two fists were clenched by the sides, knuckles ashen white as he tried to keep his anger under control. He didn’t want to hurt her. He never wanted to, intentionally.


Just then, the doorbell rang for the second time. Grateful for the intervention, Ahyoung leaped up, eager to get any kind of help she could.


But he was quicker than her, and much stronger. His two arms wrapped around her slender figure easily, pulling her back with much force that it made her yell out loud in pain.


“Let me go! Help!”





Hongbin could hear her call of distress and it only made him even more restless. He tried to open the door but it was of course locked from inside. He pounded on the door again loudly.


“Ahyoung! Can you hear me? Hold on!”


Hongbin backed up a few steps. Taking in a deep breath, he charged and put all of his weight against the heavy door. It finally flew open.






I seriously started this fic to sort out my Jin/Yura feels. 

But as I began to write, I find myself falling for Hongbin's character & at this point, I'm not sure about the end game hurhurr.

Which ship are you rooting for? :3

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jessica180788 #1
Chapter 3: What happened to my adorable sweet fluffy Jinne? :'(
I hope Jin will realise he really loves Ahyoung and changes his behaviour. Anyway, Seokjin and Ahyoung are my bias so i rooted for them in the end ;)
kamatayanpopala #2
Chapter 3: I'M SHIPPING HONGBIN AND YURA!~ HONRA FTW!~ please update soon^^
I-Remember-Myself #3
Chapter 3: The story is really nice! I personally prefer hongbin and yura
yoojasuk #4
Chapter 3: really like this story! update soon please!!
Kuukuu #5
Please update !!!
Chapter 3: Rooting for hongbin ^_^ I dun believe in second chance kekeke
Chapter 3: omgg that chapter was omo !

that plottwist O.O
But totally rooting for yura and hongbin hihi
Chapter 3: seokjin oh god he's so cool in my imagination /slapped
i know he's sadistic here but seokjin always shine brightly in my eyes *___* so does hongbin lol
i dont know who to choose. well seokjin is mine and i dont like sharing :( hongbin is mine too :( and yura is mine mine mine mine~~~~~ can i ship myself with yura or seokjin or hongbin, if that even possible?
Winter_Cow #9
Chapter 3: Asgkdkdnsksl I can't imagine uri gentle prince Jin being so scary but I'm curious to find out what happened 'that night'. I can't find myself to dislike Jin either because he seems to really love her. Hongbin though, he's such a sweetie. I don't know who to root for as of now but I'm really looking forward to more of this brilliant story. < 3
rion_01 #10
Chapter 3: I'm rooting for jin as well even though he seems so scary here. Hongbin's a nice guy but I don't know why I want jin and ahyoung to be together again. Maybe it's because I believe in the power of first love? Lol xD Oh, I wonder what'll happen next... Excited for the next update. Keep it up!