Games that Children Play


Children can't wait to grow up and become adults.

Adults wish to go back to being children.


birthday fic??? 

Yes, I know we're supposed to celebrate Hyukjae's birthday and believe me I tried but after listening to Sam Smith's Stay with Me, I knew I was a goner.





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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 1: Argh! I haven't read your other fics so I didn't understand the references. But this was a really nice fic and I'm just gonna assume that hyuk keeps travelling back and forth in his memories about his relationship with donghae.well I loved it!! o∩_∩o
Chapter 1: Kinda lost but that's just me. But I love the reference to pinata. Ouch <\3

Non-related, but seriously how do you eat a dangling apple with science applied HEHEHEHE ok bye ilu unnie ha!
Chapter 1: Bittersweet but Loved it:)
Chapter 1: got it in a hot second bc duh. also bc i think i have narnia memorized. tying in the temptation of the apple in Eden was a great start. Hyukjae's pov revealing what we've all suspected was a good choice after all the mistake and hitting that breaking point. Oh hyukjae...
i like how you used both pretty wordplay and intentionally stark/crude ones, like the child's volcano experiment. brilliant maffy is brilliant, as always.
Chapter 1: I cheated and read the comments so I knew the context before reading :P I liked it! Angsty~ hahaha but I love it. I liked seeing from Hyukjae's perspective.
michelleee_x #6
Chapter 1: all the child references make me so sad omg making me reminisce primary B( but idk this was an interesting style and i think i get it but also idk what i'm meant to be getting but i legit just woke up can i be excused bUT THE POINT IS I LOVE IT AND THE SUBTLE ISH ANGST AND I LOVE YOU FLUFFY <3 ((will read again when more awake))
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 1: Kind confuse but i read 2-3 times to understand it.. Heheh...

Love it...
orz i was so confused i read it 3 times but i think i got it now! this is the same universe as Narnia right (or you just like Davis as a name xDD) but now all makes sense! this was so bittersweet but i loved it anyways <3