Unfated Love


You know, losing a love is worse than death. With death there is finality. No possible going back. Irrevocable. We come to accept the death even though it is terribly painful and sad.
But when we lose the person we deeply love, they are still alive. We can contact them, speak to them, even touch them. But we cannot have them. They are gone from our lives. So the pain lives on and even worse, it is refreshed every time we have contact or some hope springs to life in our hearts.
So while death is finite and understandable, losing the love of the person who fills your life with love is incomprehensible because they still exist.

This is how Chanyeol felt when the only person he'd ever loved, ever really cared about in such a deep way, left him in a heartbeat because of his family troubles. Most of his friends just told him to forget about her since she was money hunger anyway and was even worse for leaving him after the first sign of trouble, but he couldn't forget. He couldn't stop thinking and dreaming about her, so to get their friend out of this less then pitiful state they took him to a party to cheer him up. Thinking it would be good to try anything to get out of this state he went and he was surprised to see who it was. The most beautiful girl in the whole world. Seeing her beauty made him fall instantly in love, but what if his love wasn't really wait she says she is, and even worse. What if she's a member of his family's Rival's and one of the reasons his girlfriend left him.


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