My Guardian Prince

My Guardian Prince?

you worked at the all famous Disney Land as a princess.

who were you? none other than the classical Sleeping Beauty

you lived in the apartment that Disney offered and basically lived in a castle

you woke up from your "deep sleep" and you sprung out of your bed

you were always a morning person and nobody understood why mornings were so easy for you

probably cuz you used Pandora radio as your alarm and you woke up to kpop everyday #justsayin


you jumped into the bathroom and cleaned your face

another thing about you: you never wore makeup in highschool because of your RIDICULOUSLY sensitive face

plus you had naturally long bold eyelashes and rosy cheeks and bold eyebrows

you left the house dressed in a light tee and shorts and went to the building where you would get dolled up

after you came out you felt like a different person

"lets do this thing" you said to your self

after the gates are open you are standing next to the well with Snow White

"oh my look at the gorgeous flowers Snow" you said in your princess voice

when the parades are going on you relax a bit because everyone is paying attention to the floats

one of the cleaners, Nina your closest friend, walk up to you and whispers in your ear

"hey i heard exo is supposed to come today"

"exo? i have heard about them"

yea although you listen to a kpop radio you only listen to vixx or bts 

you listen for the upbeat music (weird)

"well their coming today so boss is telling everyone to be on their best!"

"arreaso, thanks for the warning Nina"

"no prob"

Nina winked at you then walked away leaving you to remember who exo was

during that time the parade finished and people were starting to walk by and you put on your best princess smile and waved blowing kisses once in a while

you then saw a girl infront of you with big doe eyes and beautiful brown hair


"yes my dear?"

"would you mind t-taking a p-picture of me?" she looked like she was gonna cry

"why, i would be the happiest to take a picture with you sweetheart" you flashed her a smile and she immediatly jumped on you

when the 8 year old jumped on you her  boots hit your knee causing you to walk back and hit a curb and twist your ankle

you tried your best not to show the pain but you also could not walk very well


"yes sweety?" you were gritting your teeth your ankle hurt so bad

she smiled and you took a picture with her then her mother thanked you and you sat on the nearest bench princess style until the next parade, where you will make your excape and go back to get your ankle checked out

when the next parade came you limped your way to the building (which was on the other side of magic kingdom) and tried to smile your best

as you were walking a strong stinging sensation took your whole leg and you whimpered

you suddenly saw a group of boys waiting for something, one of the boys noticed you and ran over towards you and you tried to hide the pain that was rising up to your thigh

"what can i do for you my prince?"

"are you okay princess?" you looked at him with wide eyes and you saw an angel in him

"y-yes, i most certainly am" you started walking but he saw the limp, even if it was the slightest

then he swooped down and carried you bridal style to the building you pointed him to and he set you down in the doctors office.

"thank you" you said in your normal voice and you gave him a genuine eye smile which you never did to guests

he saw this and the butterflies took flight in his tummy

in the meantime...


you were later notified that you fractured your ankle and had to get a cast

"jinjjya??? ugh well fine"

you came out of the doctors office with a tee and shorts and a brand new cast

"my prince will never recognize me like this" you sighed

you then felt a pair of warm hands on your shoulders and looked around

"i found my princess" he smiled and you hugged him by nature

"i didnt think you would recognize me"

"with that beautiful hair? and that eye smile, really?"

you shrugged and gave him that eye smile

"thats the one" you both laughed

"you know personally i like your normal voice better, and your natural face"

you just realized you had not makeup on 'aish!!! how embarrassing' you thought

"dont be embarrased, your beautiful, my princess" he bowed and you tried but almost fell before he caught you

you turned beat red and covered your face, as he lifted you up he slowly took your hands and kissed them

"your more beautiful than a princess."

you guys then went on a date in Disney Land and had the best date EVER

lets say that wasnt the last time you met him either 


hey lovelies~~~

made a one shot i basically had this dream the other day and lemme tel you

i refused to wake up 

until i heard m.i.d play as my alarm

then i was like crying


hope you guys had a great day

i lub you~~~~



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