Chapter 19 : The Confession

I saw you. I liked you. I loved you.

[EunHyuk POV]

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

HyoYeon confessed.

The silence filled the room for half a minute until she coughed and said "EunHyuk, did you hear what I said?"

I looked at her and said 


"What's bothering you then?"


"Well ... " I thought for a bit then spoke


"Isn't the guy suppose to confess first?"


She laughed and sighed. "Well, since you weren't going to do it first, I decided that I would do it!"


[No One POV]

HyoYeon and EunHyuk spent hours talking to each other until EunHyuk had to leave for his radio schedule.

"Hey, Hyo-Hyo. I gotta go.. I have a radio to attend. I'll be back later at night."

HyoYeon suddenly felt alone in the room. Even though TaeYeon and SeoHyun stayed back, she felt like something was missing.

Two hours later, EunHyuk returned like he promised. He found HyoYeon on her bed asleep.


[EunHyuk POV]

I opened the door and looked towards HyoYeon's bed to find her sound asleep.

Chuckling, I silently closed the door and walked towards the bed, dragging a chair with me.

"Night Kim HyoYeon." I moved her bangs and kissed her forehead.

The chair was not as comfy as the one at home, but it'd have to do. I guess I'll be staying overnight.


[No One POV]

Weeks past as EunHyuk continued to stay at the hospital until HyoYeon got better. 

HyoYeon forced EunHyuk to go back to his dorm to sleep. He was looking dead tired and was developing a serious case of dark circles.

"Just go home, HyukJae." HyoYeon scolded the half-asleep guy sitting across from her, "If you don't, you'll become more sick and maybe you'll even have to pay a visit to the doctor."

"No... I can't. I have to stay here." EunHyuk half mumbled.

"You don't have to stay anymore. Both of you." HyoYeon looked up to see TaeYeon and Lee Teuk at the door, holding hands.

"TaeYeon? Lee Teuk?" EunHyuk suddenly became more aware. He stared at their hands linked together.


[HyoYeon POV]

TaeYeon's cheeks flushed and she let go of Lee Teuks hand. He was obviously disappointed and gave EunHyuk a look of hate.

"The doctor said you guys could leave now. HyoYeon, we have crutches ready for you." Lee Teuk said, holding it by his side.

"Thanks!" I tried to get up from my bed so I could get it from him, but EunHyuk rushed over to my side to help me.

"I'm okay, Hyuk!" I said smiling at him. "Don't worry. It looks like you hardly have the strength too." 

"Ha-ha," He said in a sarcastic voice. "No, I'm going to help you."

EunHyuk put his arm around my shoulders while I slung mine across his waist.


TaeYeon started to laugh as she saw my face become more red, and I shot her a glance to shut her up.

It worked.


[EunHyuk POV]

Ughhh. I'm so tired. I could feel my eyes literally falling out of my eye sockets.

I started to walk HyoYeon across the room to get her crutches, when I started to feel dizzy.

Lee Teuk handed her the crutches and I let her go, holding my head while doing so.

"Are you okay, EunHyuk?" I looked over to see HyoYeon looking at me, with her eyes full of concern.

"Yeah," putting on a fake smile, "Never felt better. Just a bit tired, haha."
"Like I said," she responded in a matter of fact voice, "Go home and get some rest."


[No One POV]

So, everyone went home. Lee Teuk got his car ready and TaeYeon decided to tag along (Of course) while EunHyuk stayed back to help HyoYeon.

HyoYeon looked at EunHyuk and saw that he was distracted by something. She put her hand on his forehead and it burned her palm.


[HyoYeon POV]


"Hmmm?" EunHyuk responded in a tired voice.

"Your fore head is burning!" When I said that, he quickly touched his forehead.

"I'm fine, I don't feel sick."

"Sigh, HyukJae! Take care of yourself!" I felet a frown growing on my face.

Then, the car came by and he helped me get in.

"Lee Teuk," I said as I entered the back seat.


"Make sure EunHyuk gets rest, okay? He has a fever and it's getting worse."

"Haha, yes ma'am."


[No One POV]

Days later, Lee Teuk made sure EunHyuk was getting his sleep, and gave him some medicine too. HyoYeon had her cast taken off because she felt like it wasn't necessarily . And it wasn't, because HyoYeon felt better than before.

EunHyuk and HyoYeon met weeks after the accident at their practice room.


[EunHyuk POV]

I walked to the SM building, feeling excited. I haven't been out in a while, due to my fever.

The practice room was occupied by someone, and I sighed because I wanted to use it by myself.

The door was a bit open already, so I just pushed it a bit.

And sure enough, HyoYeon was there, busting out her moves. 
She looked amazing. Her hair was pulled back to a high pony tail. She was simply just wearing a black t-shirt and sweats but I'm glad she wasn't caking on the make up like all the girls I see.


"Hey EunHyuk!" she turned around and grinned. "Haven't seen you in years."

I ignored her.

"HyukJae?" HyoYeon said while looking towards me.

"Remember what I said to call me?" I responded.

HyoYeon suddenly blanked out as she was trying to remember what I said back then. She broke out to a smile as she remembered.

"Ahem, sorry. OPPA, haven't seen you in a while."

"That's better" I looked up and smiled. I saw her face deepen a color.

"You blush too much, Hyo-Hyo." I said as she turned around to fan herself.

"Yup, anyway, what are you doing here? Are you already better?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling great. How about you? Why are you out of your cast so quick?" I said while looking at her leg.

"Oh," she stared down to where I was looking, " I felt like that cast was just dragging me down. Plus, it feels better already. So I got it taken off!"


[HyoYeon POV]

EunHyuk was looking good today. His hair was back to his natural black since he hadn't gone out to dye it. He had just a white tee and jeans with a pair of converse on but he looked amazing as usual.

"Haha, really? That's good to hear that you're better." He said to me while turning up the music.

"So, I heard you're the Dancing King of KPOP. Why don't you show me?" I said after being silent for couple seconds.

He glared at me like I've said something ridiculous.

"Sure, as long as I have the Dancing Queen with me." He showed me his gummy smile and broke out to a dance.


I joined him.


*2 Hours After Dancing*


I fell to the ground, sweat all over my body.

"Tired already?" EunHyuk sat beside me.

"Y-Yes." I said whiel panting hard.

He suddenly got up to grab 2 water bottles and a box of tissues. While walking back, he a fan at full blast.

"Thanks" I said to him as he sat back down, handing me a cold water bottle. I drank it fast, feeling the coolness on my throat.

"Hey HyoYeon.." I looked over to see him looking at his hands.

He was so shy. Still the same boy I met on that night when I first came. I chuckled to myself, thinking about this.


"I never got to say this yet, but I really like you. I liked you since the first day I saw you, I liked you when you were with DooJoon, and I still like you today."


It took me a while to comprehend what he was saying.


"Will you go out with me?"

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I don't like this pairing of Hyukjae and her but this was a great story.
cutetaengoo09 #2
i realy like your story!!!
super generation fighting!!^_^
such a cute story even though my bias is HyoHae..<br />
hope you'll continue to make a wonderful story..<br />
Fighting.!!!<br />
starting to love HyoHyuk couple right now..<br />
Hyo<3Hyuk...thanks for the story..i like it..^^
Hyohyuk forever
KwangMinMara #6
This story is amazingly awesome = )
I'm glad you loved it :) Thank you for reading it :)
OMG!! i fell in love w/ this thank you for uploading this!! ^^
Thanks for reading this fanfic guys :D<br />
And for those who wanted another HyoHyuk one, you got it!<br />
penny0922 #10
I like this story ... I shipped hyohyuk too, Alots alots !!!! <3