Arts Major Separation

STARS a.k.a School of The Arts, Radio and Sports

In Arts Major Building… 

The classrooms, or rather lecture halls, in Arts Major is visibly bigger as compared to the other Majors as majority of the students are from the Arts Major. Arts Major students are recurred to attend two core subjects. Either singing or rapping with the compulsory core subject, dancing. Nowadays, majority of the K-Pop groups require dancing hence it is important that students learn dance. 

All of the students in Year 1 were in the lecture hall were having small conversations within themselves. Sungjae, Ilhoon, Sanghyuk and Junhong sat together at the last row of the hall. Suddenly they heard the door slide open and in came six figures, three males and three females.

“Alright could all of you get to your seats? We are starting soon.” A short male with straight blonde hair said while placing his things down onto the desk. All the student scrambled back to their places. After the teachers placed their things aside, they stood in a line in front of the students. 

“Right, we will introduce ourselves to you guys. I’m Eunhyuk, please call me Mr Eunhyuk and I would be the dance teacher along side with Miss Hyoyeon here on my left.” The average height male with a gummy smile on his face said while gesturing to a shorter female with blonde straight hair that was waving at the students. 

“And me name is Yubin, call me Miss Yubin. I’m the rap teacher with Mr U-know.” A slightly tan female with dirty blonde hair said while pointing to a tallest male out of the three with dark brown hair smiled back in reply. 

“And I’m Ryeowook, call me Mr Ryeowook and I teach the vocals with Miss BoA.” The short male with blonde hair said while gesturing to a short female with slightly shorter and straight chocolate brown hair. 

“All of you would be split up into different classes, students taking vocal lessons would be separated from the ones taking rap lessons. As it is compulsory to take dance lessons, there would be mass dance lessons where everyone has lessons in the dance studio. Also when there is dance lessons, Mr U-know and Miss BoA would also join us to assist due to the huge amount of students.” Mr Eunhyuk said to the students while pointing to the screen where he put up the class list for each group of students. Many students were disappointed as they were not in the same class their friends other than dance lessons. 


Hello my subscribers~ Sorry for not updating for so long and this update is so short. I am working on the chapters but I have just started school recently and was very busy. The next chapter would be longer, I promise. Give me some suggestions on what I should write in future chapters as one of the reasons I haven't been updating was because I am having a slight writer's block. So sorry once again. 


If any of you for some reason want to know more about me, please follow me on the following social media networks~

Twitter: @UniquelyJolyn


Instagram: @UniquelyJolyn @UniquelyJolyn

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Chapter 3: I love this story! I'll be waiting for the next update~