STARS a.k.a School of The Arts, Radio and Sports

I guess you all would have known about the horrible incident that has happened today in South Korea. All my hopes and wishes goes out to the families of the ones who are still missing and those who have lost their loved ones. Hence due to this incident, many broadcasting stations have decided to prospone their shows in respect to this incident. Also, EXO's comeback is pushed back (EXO fan here...). I also saw the news about Samsung sending a crane thingy to retrieve the ship. The latest news I've seen is 10 dead, 100+ saved but 200+ still missing. 

I hope you all out there understand their actions as this is a huge and unfaithful incident. I really hate it to see people complaining about the delay. We have to understand that it is not nice to act this way as it is very disrespectful for the families. I'm really impressed at the actions of Samsung as this may cause them to actually lost money to get the crane but they did it in the hopes of saving lives. 

Hence I hope everyone would pray for the best to happen. Even the sky is mourning for South Korea in Singpore. There were multiple heavy downpours in Singapore today. 

Thusday, 17 April 2014, 9.25PM 

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Chapter 3: I love this story! I'll be waiting for the next update~