Love Is In The Air - Part 1

Random Ramen Kryber Shots
a/n: Some more fluff for you guys considering all that's happened in the world of Kpop in 2014. This was actually posted about a month ago but it was hidden from the public. I was still contemplating on whether I wanted to post this story since it's not one of my better random stories. Anyway, I won't say much more except that Part 2 is where most of the fluff is. Enjoy~


Love Is In The Air




Part 1


“Yo, Amber!”


Amber turned her head to see her friend in uniform walk towards where she sat inside the fast food restaurant followed by another girl wearing similar clothing.


“Hey, what brings you here?”


“Heard we’re flying together later so I thought we could have lunch together, but it seems you already finished eating.” Key looked down at the carelessly discarded greasy sandwich wrapper and crumbs from the empty bag of chips on the tray.


“I was hungry.” Amber shrugged and shifted her gaze over to the girl standing beside Key.


“Oh, I almost forgot.” Key noticed Amber’s curious glance and quickly turned towards the dark-haired girl next to him. “Amber, meet my friend and our colleague, Krystal. Krystal, this is Amber. She’s the pilot for our flight today.”


“Oh. Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” Amber bowed her head politely.


Krystal returned the gesture with a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you too, Captain – ...”


“Liu. But you can just call me Amber.”


“A-are you sure?” Krystal was rather uncertain since Amber was of higher rank and has worked in this industry longer than she has. Not to mention they weren’t even friends to begin with.


“Oh, you don’t have to worry,” Key cut in, “Amber’s from the States so she’s more relaxed and less formal.”


Krystal was still hesitant but nodded her head.


“Alright then. Let’s eat, shall we? I’m famished!” Key grabbed Krystal by the arm and pulled her away towards the front of the restaurant.


Amber tilted her head and watched in amusement as Krystal smacked Key for pulling her away like that without warning. She then chuckled as the two started bickering about which item on the menu they should get.


A while later, the two returned with their food.


“So, did you just start here recently? Or have you been here several years already?”


Key and Krystal both looked up simultaneously with their sandwiches halfway to their mouths.


Amber had to laugh at the sight, finding both quite funny and cute but Krystal even more so than Key, strangely.


Krystal, on the other hand, liked the sound of Amber’s laugh and the adorable smile that accompanied those charming eyes to the point where she momentarily forgot to answer Amber’s question.


It took Key answering for her before she snapped out of her daze.


“She just started a month ago.”


“O-oh. Y-yeah.” Krystal blushed, embarrassed to have been staring at Amber like that.


“I see.” Amber nodded and took a sip of her soda. “So how did you guys meet? Same flight?”


“No. We’ve been friends since back in high school. She graduated college a while back and I convinced her to apply for a job with our airline,” explained Key. “She likes to travel but with her degree, she would most likely be stuck with a boring office job for the rest of her working life. I told her she should give this a try and if she doesn’t like it, then she can go back to a desk job.”


“Oh, really?” Amber glanced at Krystal for confirmation and the girl nodded.


“It’s a win-win situation!” Key proudly stated.


“I guess that’s one way to look at it...” Amber didn’t really agree but moved on to a different topic. “So, are you from the States as well, Krystal?”


“Um...sort of?” Krystal placed her sandwich down and wiped her fingers with a napkin. “I was born in San Francisco but moved back to South Korea when I was around 5 years old. How did you know?”


Amber smiled. “Krystal isn’t exactly a Korean name, is it?”


“Well, no.”


“Neither is Key,” Key cut in, feeling left out. “Why didn’t you assume I was from the States too when we first met?”


“Because one, no parent from the States would name their child ‘Key’ and two, you didn’t introduce yourself as Key but Kibum. It’s obvious you weren’t.”


“Well, for you information, my English is very good,” said Key before clearing his throat and switching over to his accented English. “Berry Guud.”


Both Amber and Krystal laughed at the accent.


When the three finally left the restaurant to head over to the gate, Krystal and Amber had grown more comfortable around each other to the point where they seemed like they had been good friends since college.


During the flight that day, Krystal went about her job extra cheerfully, constantly smiling at the passengers as she handed out snacks and drinks. Sometimes, she even gave them two bags of snacks instead of one because she simply felt like it.


The same applied to Amber. She sat inside the cockpit whistling a random happy tune every once in awhile until they landed at their destination. The first officer next to her found her behavior quite unusual but said nothing of it.


Exactly nine days later, Krystal met Amber again when she was assigned to the flight Amber was scheduled to fly. Before boarding, the whole crew for the flight met and she watched with a strange sense of fondness as Amber reviewed the flight schedule and safety concerns with everyone.


The two ended up having lunch together after the flight that day. Krystal didn’t have any more schedules until the next day while Amber had a flight scheduled later that evening.


“So you met Key at flight school? Not college?”


“Yup. A few months before he decided to drop out.” Amber shook her head. “That guy...said it was too confusing for him, that his brain wasn’t built for this.”


“He’s always so dramatic.”


“That he is.”


Both laughed.


“So how long did flight school take you? I mean, you’re only two years older than me yet you’re already such an experienced pilot.” Krystal placed her fork down and took a sip of her drink. “I always thought flight school lasted years, especially since you went to college first.”


“No, that’s a misconception. Becoming a pilot is not like becoming a doctor. You don’t need years and years of schooling in order to do it. In fact, you don’t even need a college degree, but having one is always good since the market is competitive. I completed my training and got all the ratings from flight school in two years time while I was attending college. Then a year later, I graduated with my bachelors and officially joined this airline.”


“Really?” Krystal was once again amazed by Amber. “You finished flight school and college within three years? Why so fast?”


Amber chuckled at the cute, surprised face. “I told you, flying has been my passion since I was little. My dad was a pilot and every time he had time off, he would take me up in the air with him. Flying is basically like the air I breathe. I love the freedom of being in the air and seeing the world below. There’s nothing that compares to it.”


“So then you must’ve not had a social life during those three years at school, huh?”


“Pretty much. My life was basically devoted to school and flying. There was no time for anything else.”


“Not even dating?” Krystal couldn’t help but ask. She had become even more curious about Amber’s life after practically begging Key to tell her as much as he could about Amber. Yes, begged. Ever since she first got to know Amber, she had this strange urge to get to know this person she described as cute and adorable.


“Well, I did date briefly during my second year at school but it didn’t last long.”


“Why not?”


Amber shrugged and took a sip of her drink. “He told me I wasn’t spending enough time with him. Said it seemed like I was dating my books rather than him. Personally, I thought I gave him plenty of attention.”


He? Krystal felt slightly disappointed after hearing that.


“What about after you graduated? You should have more time to date now, right?”


“Hm, I guess. But I haven’t really given dating that much thought.”


Krystal again felt disappointed to hear that.


The two continued to talk about random things until it was time for Amber to get to the assigned gate for her flight.


“Wow, did we really talk for this long?” Amber checked her watch as she got up. “I don’t think I’ve ever chatted with someone for this long. This is definitely a new record.”


Krystal chuckled. “Me either. I’m sorry for taking up all your time, you probably wanted to rest a little before your next flight, huh?”


Amber smiled. “Don’t apologize. I liked talking with you, it was fun. Besides, I slept all day yesterday so I’m not really that tired today.”


“That’s good then. I enjoyed our talk too.” Krystal got up and started gathering her stuff.


The two exited the café and Amber walked Krystal over to the escalators heading down to baggage claim and the ground transportation area.


“So I guess I’ll see you on our next flight, whenever that may be?” Amber said with a happy smile.


Krystal nodded slowly. “Hopefully it’ll be soon though and not weeks from now.”


“Yup,” Amber agreed and waited for Krystal to leave first, but when the girl stood rooted to her spot looking at the ground with a slight pout, Amber couldn’t help but tilt her head curiously. “Is...something wrong, Krystal?”


“H-huh?” Krystal blinked and found Amber staring at her. She started to blush and quickly averted her eyes to the people walking by.


“Are you okay?” Amber asked again.


“O-oh! Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” Krystal replied a bit too enthusiastically and mentally face-palmed.


“Are you sure? It seemed like something was bothering you.”


“A-ah, no.” Krystal waved her hand. “I-I was just thinking I should treat you to lunch the next time we meet since you treated me today. I was just hoping it wouldn’t be too long from now, that’s all.”


“Oh. I see.” Amber was relieved to hear it wasn’t anything serious. “Well in that case, why don’t we grab something to eat together as soon as we’re both free? We don’t have to wait until we both have the same flight because I honestly don’t know when that’ll be. We might not even be free after the flight so this might work better for us. How ‘bout it?”


“A-are you sure?”


Amber nodded. “If you want to, that is.”


“I do!” Krystal said a little too quickly and Amber had to chuckle at the cute expression.


“Great. Then let’s exchange numbers so we can contact each other to set up a time.”


“Okay.” Krystal watched as Amber pulled out her phone before holding out her hand towards her. “W-what?” Krystal asked, looking down at the outstretched hand then back up at Amber.


“I need your phone so I can input my number.”


“O-oh. Right.” Krystal quickly searched her pockets for her phone and tried her best not to squeal or grin foolishly when Amber keyed in her number then used her phone to call her own.


“There.” Amber handed Krystal her phone back and smiled. “I’ll call you then.”


Krystal nodded excitedly, unable to hide her happy smile any longer. “I’ll be waiting.”








“Um, pardon me, Miss?”


Krystal stopped and turned around when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. “Wha— Key? What you doing here? I thought you had the day off?”


“I did, but someone needed me to fill in at the last minute. What about you? Don’t you have the day off too?”


“A-ah, I-I do, b-but I left something here yesterday so I came back to get it.”


Key narrowed his eyes and observed the girl in front of him. “No you didn’t. You’re here to meet Amber, aren’t you?”


“W-what? N-no I’m not. I told you, I’m just getting something I forgot in my locker.” Krystal swallowed nervously when she noticed Key’s mischievous smirk. “Seriously, Key, I just came to get my stuff. That’s all.”


“I’m sorry, Krystal, but your pink cheeks and nervous expression betray you. You’re here to pick Amber up and hoping to spend the rest of your day with her.”


“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Krystal averted her gaze and crossed her arms.


“Oh yes you do.” Key grinned smugly. “Did you forget I’m friends with Amber too? Last night before her flight, I called her and she casually mentioned how strange it was that you offered to pick her up from the airport so early in the morning when it’s your day off considering how you like to sleep in every chance you get.”


“She did? What did you tell her then?”


“Nothing much. I just said that your recent flight overseas messed up your sleep cycle so you’re waking up way earlier than usual. See? Aren’t I nice? Now kindly reconsider lying to me the next time you see me. Friends shouldn’t do that to each other.”


“Fine fine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late,” Krystal says and hurries away towards the arrival area.


Thanks to the talk with Key, Krystal got there to see Amber already leaning against one of the giant polls waiting for her. Her head was down and she was playing with her phone.


“Hey, sorry I’m late!” Krystal blurted out the moment she went up to the girl.


Amber lifted her head and smiled. “Hi. Don’t worry about it. I just got here a few minutes ago.”


Krystal nodded, partially relieved. She then waited for Amber to grab her luggage before the two headed for the exit.


During the past couple of months, Krystal and Amber had been meeting up regularly for meals, movie nights, and other activities that friends usually do together. But as time went on, both felt that there was something special about the other person – something that went beyond ordinary friendship. However, neither of them really wanted to name the relationship they have as friendship out of fear that it would indirectly friend zone the other.


“Thanks for the meal and ride.” Amber unbuckled her seatbelt and stretched her arms out in front of her. “Uuwahhhh,” Amber groaned as the cramps in her arms loosened. She then relaxed back into her seat with a satisfied sigh. “Man I’m tired.”


Krystal chuckled at the cute display she just witnessed and had to exert every ounce of self-control to not reach over and pinch those adorable cheeks.


“You’re so cute.”


Amber thought she had heard wrong and turned her head to look at Krystal. “What?”


Krystal realized she had accidentally spoken her thoughts out loud and quickly looked away, pretending to be checking out her nails.


“Um...okay. Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Amber slowly got out of the car and closed the car door behind her. She waited for Krystal to roll down the passenger side window and waved at her briefly before stepping back. “Drive safely.”


Krystal nodded and waved back before driving away, silently thankful her burning cheeks were partially concealed by her hair. She couldn’t believe she had let that slip even though she was only speaking the truth.


When she had arrived home, Krystal dropped her bag and phone carelessly on the couch on her way to her bedroom and went straight to the bathroom to wash up, hoping to wash her embarrassment away.


A nice hot shower proved to help a little and Krystal went to sit on the couch to watch some TV when she noticed her phone blinking, signaling an incoming message.


Thinking it must be her boss from work, she didn’t bother to check the message until she had switched off the lights and slipped under the covers of her bed, ready to sleep.


It was a message from Amber.


“You’re cute too.”


Krystal immediately bolted upright in her bed as she read and reread the message several more times while holding her breath to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating.


That night, she slept with the happiest smile on her face and her hands clutching her phone.






Part 2 coming soon.


p.s. I'm currently working on a new short story. I already have several chapters written but whether I end up posting the story will depend on after I read it over. I got the urge to write it after Krystal's fainting incident at the recent SMTown concert so you can probably guess the theme of the story. But it won't be angst. I'm aiming to keep it light and fluffy. 




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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 14: Been waiting 6 years for part 2🫠
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 14: Hello~~~ where are youuu authornim T T
hotcoco #3
Chapter 13: Hmm I understand why Krystal did what she did but I feel it wasn’t fair to amber. What happens if years from now she remembers but is already married to Henry? I say Krystal should have told amber and see where their relationship went from there. But then again maybe I’m just saying this cause I’m upset Kryber didn’t happen lol
bluesky2275 #4
Chapter 14: Ahem wondering when part 2 will here. Authornim , you left us hanging here more than 2 years ago . Next chapter please.
2072 streak #5
Chapter 1: This is so cute I need Kryber interaction
2072 streak #6
Chapter 14: Aww I'm looking for part 2
jpigtom #7
Chapter 14: OMG?! What's next??? ?lol
Can't wait for the update,authornim :)
Chapter 9: If theres valentines day when will Krystal reciprocate her fewlings for Amber, I mean give her the answer.
ramulover #9
Chapter 14: You don't have to feel bad for the angst lol, any update is appreciated!
Thanks! It's super nice to have you back and updating hehe :D
11 streak #10
Chapter 14: Wooooohhhh... A very confident liu... And flustered baby Jung... I wonder what will happen on their next encounter.. Hahaha thanks author!!!