Choi Jonghun/Choi Jonghoon of FT Island


Name: Choi Jonghoon / 최종훈

Birthday: March 7, 1990

K-Pop Group: FT Island | Fandom Name: Primadonna | Color: Yellow

Position: Leader, Lead guitarist, keyboardist occational lyricist and composer

Okay. Let me tell you the thing about this guy. He is so too much handle. Why? Because he can be hot and handsome at the same. Unfair right? Sometimes I wanna hate but I can't! This guy turned me into I don't know whenever I see his picture my heart goes lub dub lub dub. Don't you just wanna smack his face? HAAAAARD! Actually I saw a picture of him being beaten up by some gangsters or whatever (but hey it's for a music video) damn with those looks! He still looks handsome. Sometimes, I wonder how the fck did he get so much good genes to have a face like that? Hate him if you dare but you can't I'll tell youuu! This maybe nonsense but whaaaat. Can't help it! By the way, he is my ultimate bias. Trust me, if looks could kill. I'm already dead. Not to mention his oh so yummy biceps. Yes you heard me biceps OuuuO he got those. I wanna rest my head on that :3 he literally work out. Gosh! He was so thin before, with long hairs, those cute cheeks that tempting you pinch then. Watch I Hope. He's too handsome there <3 but now he's bulky and yummy(?) oh geez what am I saying? -.-

There's another thing about this that makes me go nuts. He's a guitarist. A FREAKING GUITARIST MANG! I just love guys who could play instruments, specially guitars. Don't you find it romantic or charming? =))) Dang I fell inlove when he guituired the Canon Like canon is one of my favorite piece. I wanna keuraaaaaaay~ I've been stalking this guy and his band this past few weeks. Well, thanks to them I was able to think to do "this" which I find I don't know either. All I could say is that, go into this fandom and be one us Primdonnas :)))  this fandom is the most calm fandom I guess cause no fanwars. XD

FT Island is a great group, one of my fave. Listen to I hope. You'll love them just like I do <3

From left to right:

[ Seunghyun, Minhwan, Hongki, Jaejin, Jonghoon ]



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Haha its kind of rare to see a hardcore fan of a member from ftisland, which is not hongki..I see you have got an unique taste lol