Part 3

Our Love Blossoms


I haven't sneezed in a week, though it hardly feels forgein. The constant sneezing is almost comforting, until I remember that it can only mean one thing. He's back again. For a second I can imagine that things are back to normal, but then I remember.
For the past while, I've been avoiding Minhyuk. Or he's been avoiding me. It's hard to tell now. Either way, I've been keeping my head low. Now that I know what he... really thinks... Nope, nope. Come on, _____, you swore you would stop thinking about that! It just makes you depressed. 
"_____?" you hear that familiar voice call out.
Crap. I've been discovered!
I was sure that my disguise was perfect! I stay crouched down beside a garbage can, covering my face with a leaf I plucked off of a nearby tree.
"_____, I know it's you. Get up. Where have you been for the past week? The pile of flowers waiting for you is growing."
"I don't need any more of your flowers!"
"I get it, okay?! I discovered the secret message!"
"...You did...? Is that was this is all about?" 
He sounded a bit sad. Sad? What?! NO. He's not allowed to be sad! He's not the one that is being hated here! "Yes. I'm doing what you want, I'm leaving you alone. I don't even know why you go looking for me. If you hated me so much, then why do I see you every day?! Why do you give me so many flowers?!"
"Hate? _____, what are you talking about?"
Now he just sounded confused. It just made me more mad, "the orange lily! Minhyuk, I know what it means! It means hatred! You hate me! I looked it up!" I hold out the book, pointing to it, "I read it all right here. An orange lily means 'hatred'!"
There was an uncomfortable pause.
Before he started laughing.
"Why are you laughing?!" I demanded.
His eyes were watering a little bit, clutching his sides as his laughing fit soon came to an end. Minhyuk wiped his eyes before he spoke, "you know, _____, from all these years, you'd think that you'd be able to tell an orange lily from an orange gardenia."
"A... A what?"
"An orange gardenia, you idiot."
Instantly I flip open the book, searching for the meaning.
The meaning of a gardenia...
My eyes shoot back up to Minhyuk. I probably have a big goofy smile on my face, so thank heavens he's looking at the ground, his face dusted over with a light blush.
Shyly, he extends his arms, pulling me into a gentle hug.
Because a gardenia, do you know what it means?
"I secretly love you."
Flower Meanings
Arbutus - "You're the only one I love"
Bellflower - Thinking of you
Chrysanthemum (Yellow) - Secret admirer
Gardenia (Orange) - "I secretly love you"
Lilac - First love
Lily (Orange) - Hatred
Mallow - Consumed by love
Moonflower - Dreaming of love
Sweetpea - Shyness
Tulip (Red) - Declaration of love
Tulip (Yellow) - Hopelessly in love
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Chapter 3: Aww~ I found this while searching for random story and I seriously love this <333 I never found anything like it ^^ Especially about flower meanings XD In my whole life, I thought flowers never have meaning XD LOL! I felt so stupid now that I know they do have meanings :) And the meanings are very sweet <333 I love the way you write and your wording :DDD Your story is very creative :DDD Minhyuk is such a romantic guy XDD Love it to bits ;)
AH SO SWEET <br />
Jaehyo_love #3
even if bbomb is throwing flower at her... the flower is actually his feeling for her<br />
[Angel] So great story. Minhyuk is really considerate, even he has teased the girl already by throwing flowers at her. But, overall, he's just fall in love with her.
i can't stop grinning ahahahaha >.<<br />
make sure you'll make more <3
starjokes85 #6
OMG!!!!!!!!this is sooo frreaaaking CUTE!
Awww~ so sweet :D minhyuk is so romantic
DorkyPrincess #8
Ahhh!!! you put it up!! :DD well this is cute! i read the description and i was already super excited! :D haha.<br />
sighh minhyuk being sucha bad boy and throwing flowers at her everyday despite her being allergic. -.-;; lol.<br />
ahhck now i'm gonna go and look up all those flower meanings. XD haha.<br />
hmm! update soon! i'll be waiting for the next chapter! i can't wait to see how this turns out. :D
They actually like each other. Update^^